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The Toolbar

The following icons are available in the toolbar of the main Exo Payroll interface:




Employee List

Opens a filterable list of all employee records. You can add, view and edit employees, and access other employee-related functions.

Pay List

Opens a filterable list of all pays recorded in the system. You can view individual pays, and access reports and functions relating to pays.

Single Touch Payroll

Opens a list of Single Touch Payroll submissions, where you can submit data to the ATO, check the status of submissions or view their details.

New Employee

This is used to add a new employee to the payroll.

Edit Employee

This is used to access an existing employee to perform any masterfile changes.


Will take you to the selected employee's personnel notes window. This window can also be accessed via the F12 key.

Current Pay

This is where the pay is processed each pay period, as part of the Pay Cycle.

Print Reports

Takes you to the list of available reports.

Direct Credit Transfer

Allows you to create Direct Credit files for electronic banking.

Update Pay

This is where the pay is updated each pay period, as part of the Pay Cycle.


This is a facility to archive a copy of your data files, in the case of needing to Restore/Rollback to them at some point.


This is the filterable list of all pays recorded in the system0 where you set up your Allowances, Deductions, Non Cash Benefits, Superannuations, Departments, Cost Centres, General Ledger Codes, Annual Leave Groups and Note Types. This menu can be accessed three ways: via the drop down menu, toolbar icon or by pressing F2 at any time.

The PAYG Calculator

This is filterable list of all pays recorded in the system1 that allows you to calculate PAYG and/or Student Loan on any amount at any time. While the Payroll calculates PAYG as part of the pay process, there are times when you may need to do a one-off calculation.

The Pay Cycle

This is used to access the filterable list of all pays recorded in the system2 when running a pay. The Pay Cycle can be selected from the Toolbar or the Help Menu.


Opens this Online Help.


Opens the Diary, which is a form of a daily planner, giving you a place to enter comments on any given day, for Payroll company-related tasks, appointments and reminders.

Show Items

Opens a window showing all available toolbar icons, where you can choose which icons to display and which to hide.


Takes you out of Exo Payroll and returns you to the Windows desktop. You will be asked if you want to back up the database before exiting.

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