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Available Reports

MYOB Exo Payroll has a comprehensive and ever-increasing selection of Reports, arranged into several categories. These categories appears as tabs on the Select Report window.

The following tables list all available reports by the category that they appear in.


Address LabelsEmployee names in label form.
Apprentice HoursList of Apprentices and Hours worked to-date.
BirthdaysList of employees' birthdays, start dates and ages.
Clock Card LabelsPrints out a list of labels to put on clock cards, showing the employee's code, name, department and cost centre.
Employee Hourly RatesListing of employees Hourly Rates.
Employee ServiceListing of period of service for each employee.
EmployeesFull employee details report.
NotesFull detailed Notes history.


Allowance HistoryA detailed history report on any allowances paid.
Deduction HistoryA detailed history report on any deductions paid.
Direct Credit ScheduleListing of Direct Credits by employee.
ExceptionsHighlights employees whose current pay is outside certain ranges.
Lost ProductionListing of hours lost due to non-productive time, i.e. sick or annual leave, for waged employees.
Non-Cash Benefits HistoryA detailed history report on any fringe benefits and salary sacrifice allocated.
Paid Parental Leave HistoryA detailed history report on all employees who received Paid Parental Leave during the specified period.
Pay SheetDetailed Pay Period report.
Pay SummaryA full itemisation of all payroll expenditure, in either summary or detail form, with month-to-date and year-to-date totals.
Payment AnalysisA cash breakdown showing all payments made during a specified pay period to selected employees.
Payroll Input FormForm used to collate Payroll data prior to punching.
PayslipEmployees Payslip, A4.
Payslip - PDF EmailPayslip used to generate small PDF files that can be emailed en masse to your employees.
Payslip CustomEmployee payslip that can be customised to suit your company's requirements.
Superannuation HistoryThis report shows the historical superannuation contributions transacted for each employee for a selected period.
TimesheetEmployee Timesheets.





12-month forecast of Payroll costs based on today's standard pay setup.

Costing Analysis

Detailed costing report which groups expenditure, such as wages, allowances and leave, superannuation, WorkCover, payroll tax and increases in leave accruals.

General Ledger

General Ledger Journal listing for manual punching or interfacing, which groups expenditure, such as wages, allowances and leave, superannuation, WorkCover, payroll tax and increases in leave accrual.

Hours Analysis

Listing of hours worked by an employee by rate type.

Payroll Audit

Tracks the differences in the employees' gross pay, across the standard pay, last updated pay and current pay. Also displays audit notes recorded for various system events, if dates are specified for the Audit Notes Between fields.

Superannuation Contributions

Produces a CSV file for uploading employee superannuation contributions to external superannuation services.

Superannuation Employees

Produces a CSV file for uploading employee details to external superannuation services.

Superannuation Summary

Displays a breakdown of funds going into Superannuation schemes, with Employer Contribution vs. Employee Contribution vs. funds that are Salary Sacrificed into a scheme.

Superannuation Transfer

Lists all employer super contributions that will appear in the superannuation transfer (direct credit) file.

Trial Balance

A Summary of all Pay Details for any period i.e. YTD or MTD.


Detailing earnings liable for WorkCover and the rates applicable on those earnings.




Annual LeaveThe Annual leave liability to each employee as of the either the current open pay period or if the current pay is closed, the next current pay period to follow.
Days TakenA log of the days on which leave was taken, within each pay period.
Leave BalancesShows Annual leave, Sick, Long Service and Lieu liability, by unit but not in dollar values.
Leave PaidListing of Annual leave, Sick, Long Service and Lieu leave taken.
Leave - Dates AbsentA log of the days on which leave taken, on each calendar day.
Lieu Days/HoursLieu Day/Hour liability report.
Long Service LeaveLong Service Leave liability report.
Personal LeaveAn extension of the Leave Paid report, the Personal leave report details the sick leave and carer's leave transacted for each pay period, along with number of days taken without a medical certificate, during that period.
Personal Leave EntitlementThe personal leave liability to each employee as of either the current open pay period or, if the current pay is closed, the next current pay period to follow.
Rostered Days Off BalancesShows the current balance of accrued Rostered Days Off per employee.
Rostered Days Off HistoryShows how many Rostered Days Off have been accrued and taken, per employee, over the supplied pay period date range.
Unpaid LeaveListing of Unpaid Leave taken.





Allowance masterfile listing.

Cost Centres

Listing of Cost Centres.


Deduction masterfile listing.


Department masterfile listing.

Non-Cash Benefits

Non-Cash Benefits masterfile listing.


This report shows the configuration of all your superannuation contributions.

User Security

This report lists all the users that have access to the system and the areas they can access.


PAYG for BASProvides tax information for the Business Activity Statement.
Payroll TaxThere are eight Payroll Tax reports, one for each Australian State, which outline the Payroll tax to pay. Wages paid inside your State will be taxed according to the current Payroll Tax rate and thresholds for your State. The wages you pay to workers whose place of work is outside of your State will appear in the Interstate Wages column and will be taxed accordingly. Ensure your employees are costed to the correct Cost Centre and that your Cost Centres link to the correct States.

Payment Summaries



Amended BPS

Amended ETP

Amended INB

Amended Electronic File

These reports allow you to submit amendments to Payment Summaries that have already been submitted to the ATO.

Business and Personal Services

An ATO Authorised PAYG Payment Summary for contractors, printed at year end. Can be generated to file for electronic filing.

Electronic File

The Electronic File Format for the Individual Non-Business Payment Summary, including ETP components (also called the Payment Summary Annual Report, or PSAR, file).

Employment Termination Payment

A breakdown of Eligible Termination Payments, as generated from the Termination Wizard.

Individual Non-Business

An ATO Authorised PAYG Payment Summary for Individuals - Non Business, printed at year end. Can be generated to file for electronic filing.

Voluntary Payment

An ATO Authorised PAYG Payment Summary for contractors, printed at year end for periods prior to 1 July 2009. Can be generated to file for electronic filing.

As of 1 July 2009, the Voluntary Payment summary is obsolete. This report will not generate any results if the From Date field is 01/07/2009 or later.

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