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The Menus

The following menus are available in the main Exo Payroll interface:

File Menu

Menu Item


New Employee

This is used to add a new employee to the Payroll.

Open Employee

This is used to access an existing employee to perform any masterfile changes.

Employee List

Opens a filterable list of all employee records. You can add, view and edit employees, and access other employee-related functions.

Employee Notes

This takes you to the selected employee's personnel notes window. This window can also be accessed by pressing the F12 key.

Change Payroll Company

Allows you to log out of the Payroll you are in and access another Payroll Company if you are running multiple Payrolls.

New Test Company

Create a test company based on this company. Test companies have restricted functionality, but do not count towards your licensing limits, so you can use them to test out configuration changes without affecting the original company.

Refresh Test Company

Load the latest data from the original company into the test company, overwriting any changes you have made to the test company.

Archive Company

Archive this company. Archived companies are read-only for all users, but do not count towards your licensing limits.

Unarchive Company

Restore an archived company to "Live" status (which means it will once again count towards your licensing limits.)


Takes you out of the application and returns you to the desktop.

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Edit Menu

Menu Item



Cancel the last operation and revert back to the previous status.


Reapply the last operation at the current cursor position.


Move the currently selected text into the Windows clipboard.


Copy the currently selected text into the Windows clipboard.


Copy the contents of the Windows clipboard to the cursor position.


Delete the contents of the entire field, at the cursor position.

Select All

Select the contents of the entire field, at the cursor position.

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Pay Menu

Menu Item


Current Pay

This is where the pay is processed each pay period as part of the Pay Cycle. This is an alternative path to the Pay Cycle for accessing the Payroll function.

One-Off Pay

Allows you to run 'manual' pays at any time outside the normal pay cycle. This can be used for corrections, terminations, special pays etc.

Pay List

Opens a filterable list of all pays recorded in the system. You can view individual pays, and access reports and functions relating to pays.

Direct Credit Transfer

From here you can create Direct Credit files, in order to initiate the electronic banking of your employees pay components. For example, wages, allowance, leave, and deductions.

Superannuation Transfer

Allows you to create Direct Credit files, in order to initiate the electronic banking of payments to superannuation providers. For example, Employer Contributions, and salary sacrificed into superannuation funds.

Single Touch Payroll

Sub-menu containing the following items that relate to sending pay information to the ATO via Single Touch Payroll:

  • STP Phase 2 - What's New - Shows STP information for all employees.

  • Submissions - Allows you to submit pay data to the ATO, view the details of submissions and check on their statuses.

  • Update - access an existing employee0.

  • Finalisation - Allows you to send access an existing employee1 for one or all employees.

  • Validation Check - Runs a check on the STP data and configuration settings and reports any validation errors found.

  • Update using Previous BMS/Employee ID - Allows you to access an existing employee2 where they previously used a different business management system (BMS) or had a different ID code.

  • Update Income Stream Type of Historical Pays - Allows you to access an existing employee3 after submitting to the ATO in Exo Employer Services versions 2021.09 onwards.

  • Update Cessation Reason Code of Historical Pays - Allows you to update the Cessation Reason for any employees terminated before the upgrade to 2021.09. This is required before processing the finalisation for the current year.

Pay Superannuation

Allows you to access an existing employee4.

Import Time Transactions

This menu item is only enabled if you are access an existing employee5 from an outside source or Add-on such as MYOB Exo Time and Attendance.

Rapid Load Pay

This menu item is only enabled if the Rapid Load Pay option has been access an existing employee6 in the Payroll Setup. It allows you to access an existing employee7 for quick entry.

Exo Remote

If you have the Exo Remote add-on, this will allow you to access an existing employee8 for remote data entry.


This add-on application is used to access an existing employee9 by publishing and retrieving content online.


This is where filterable list of all employee records0 each pay period as part of the Pay Cycle. This is an alternative path to the Pay Cycle for accessing the Payroll function.

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Reports Menu

Menu Item


Print Report

This opens the list of filterable list of all employee records1.

Report Runs

This is where you are able to filterable list of all employee records2 for printing in batches.

Report Views

This provides access to the filterable list of all employee records3, filterable list of all employee records4 and filterable list of all employee records5 windows.

Consolidated Reports

This is useful if you want filterable list of all employee records6.

Clarity Report Writer

This utility enables you to create your own customised reports.

Export General Ledger

This is for filterable list of all employee records7s for the current/one off pay to your accounting software.

Post to Exo Business

This function allows you to integrate with the MYOB Exo Business product by filterable list of all employee records8.

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Maintenance Menu

The Maintenance menu can be accessed in three different ways: via the menu, by clicking the filterable list of all employee records9, or by pressing F2 at any time.

Menu Item



Allows you to personnel notes0 that are not hourly or salary payments. Examples of an allowance would be Meal Money, Shift Allowance etc.


Allows you to personnel notes1. Examples of deductions would be Child Support, Union Fees etc.


Allow you to personnel notes2 thereby giving you the ability to analyse your payroll costs over those departments.


Sub-menu containing the following items:

  • Cost Centre Structure Names - Allows you to personnel notes3 for the various parts of the cost centre structure.

  • Cost Centres - Allows you to personnel notes4 to different areas of your business.

Non-Cash Benefits

Allows to you personnel notes5 such as fringe benefits, salary sacrifice and employer super contributions, without affecting the employee's gross pay


Allows you to personnel notes6 for Employer Contributions, Salary Sacrifice Contributions and Employee Contributions.

General Ledger

Allows you to personnel notes7 to either produce a Payroll general ledger listing or even interface directly to your general ledger.

Note Types

Allows you to personnel notes8 that can be categorised by codes and then printed in report format.



Sub-menu containing the following items:

Superannuation Providers

Allows you to add and edit contact details for all of the the pay is processed each pay period2 and funds that are used by your employees. For any given fund you can specify the bank to account to which all related superannuation contributions will be direct credited.

Single Touch Payroll

Sub-menu containing the following items relating to the pay is processed each pay period3:

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Utilities Menu

Menu Item


PAYG Calculator

This is a powerful utility that allows you to the pay is processed each pay period5 on any amount at any time. While the Payroll calculates PAYG as part of the pay process, there are times when you may need to do a one-off calculation.

Leave Planner

This is for the pay is processed each pay period6 and is contained within a calendar interface.

Awards and Pay Classes

This utility lets you the pay is processed each pay period7, and then apply them to employees, updating their Standard Pays.

Leave Entitlement Adjustment

This utility allows you to the pay is processed each pay period8.


Allows you to backup your data at any time to either floppy disks or your hard drive.


This is used when you need to restore a backup due to hardware failure or corruption.

File Reindex

This is a file repair utility.

Recalculate Standard Pays

Recalculates all employees' Standard Pays, which may be useful when the new financial year's tax tables come into effect on 1 July. Run this utility if incorrect PAYG amounts are appearing when reporting on Standard Pays.

Setup Exo Payroll

This contains the company's details and several control settings, such as your hourly rate structure etc. This option is also the pay is processed each pay period9.

User Security

This is where you would set up the various users who will have access to the Payroll and allocates what rights they have. MYOB Exo Payroll is a multi-user system.

Delete Old Information

This is where you can run 'manual' pays0 to conserve disk space and memory. This also has the added benefit of speeding up access times on older computers.

Backup Options

This allows you to configure settings that affect backups of your data.

Data Viewer This is a utility for viewing, and administering components of the Exo Employer Services database.

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Help Menu

Menu Item



Opens the online Help. Help can also be accessed anywhere in the program by pressing F1.

MYOB Education Centre

Opens a web browser to the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre, which contains Release Notes, User Guides, Help videos and other product information.

What's New in this Release

Opens a window showing the major features in the latest release, with a short overview video and links to PDF Release Notes.

Online Knowledgebase

Opens a web browser to the MYOB Enterprise Knowledgebase web site.

ATO Employer Essentials

Opens a web browser to the Employer essentials section of the ATO website. This portal provides useful links to assist employers in meeting their Commonwealth tax and superannuation obligations.

ATO ETP Guidelines

Opens a web browser to the ATO website, showing guidelines on calculating Employment Termination Payments.

Fair Work Website

Opens a web browser to the Fair Work Ombudsman website, which provides information and advice about your workplace rights and obligations.

Setup Cycle

This is used to access the run 'manual' pays1 when initially setting up a company.

Pay Cycle

This is used to access the run 'manual' pays2 when running a pay.

Show Reminders

Displays all run 'manual' pays3 with Reminder dates up to today's date that have not yet been marked as completed.

Upgrade Software

This is a tool with which you can run 'manual' pays4, providing you have the most recently available MYOB CD.

Upgrade Software Online

This function accesses the Internet to run 'manual' pays5.

Migration Tool

Starts a wizard that lets you run 'manual' pays6 from MYOB PowerPay or MYOB AccountRight Premier.


This window contains support information such as the current version, install location and licence holder. Press F11 at any time to view the About window independently of the menu.

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Special Menu

If any additional modules have been added to the Exo Payroll system, a Special menu becomes available. This menu has one option: Special Applications. Selecting this option opens a window that lets you open any available special modules.

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