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Superannuation Transfer

If you need to produce an electronic money transfer file containing Employer Superannuation contributions to various Superannuation Providers, select Superannuation Transfer from the Pay menu.

Bank Setup

Bank Name Select the name of the bank, which determines the format of the Superannuation Transfer File. Most major banks are supported; if your bank is not on the list and you want to use this facility, please contact MYOB for advice on how this can be achieved.

BSB Code Enter your Bank-State-Branch number here.

Account Number Enter the unique account number for your account – credit card accounts are not accepted.

Name of Remitter Enter your company name here – this is equivalent to a Remitter Name

Payer Lodgement Reference Extra information relating to the transaction, typically a reference code/number/name.

Employee Lodgement Reference Extra information for the employee relating to this transaction.

Payment Due Date Meaning the date on which the bank will be transmitting the money from the company account to the employee's accounts.

APCA Number A unique identifier supplied by your bank.

User Name The user name registered against the User ID supplied by your bank.

Prefix Accounts Specify how to prefix account numbers that are less than nine digits long. Choose from:

  • With Zeros - Employee and employer bank account numbers are prefixed with zeros to make the length nine characters long in the file.
  • With Blanks - Employee and employer bank account numbers are prefixed with blanks to make the length nine characters long in the file.
  • With Zeros up to 6-digits - Employee and employer bank account numbers are prefixed with zeros first if the length is less than six digits, then prefixed with blanks to make the length up to nine.

Self-Balancing File Some banks allow users to manually enter a self-balancing line in the ABA file before processing it. If your bank does not allow this, you will need to select this option.

Direct Credit Transfer File Name

This is the name of the file that will be created. The recommended value is DC.ABA, however the filename can be changed to suit any given bank's requirements. If you try to enter an incorrect name an error message will appear.

Select Range

Select Pays Using You may choose to date locate pays by their pay period end date (earnings method) or by their physical payment date (receipts method).

Super Provider You may choose to pay only into the funds that are within the specified range, as opposed to paying into all funds at once. By applying superannuation provider codes in the From and To range fields, you can create a direct credit for specific providers only. Alternatively, leave this selection range blank in order to pay into all superannuation funds at once.

Consolidate Employee Totals If this option is unselected, the transfer file may contain multiple lines for each employee, one for each pay period. For example, if the file is transferred quarterly, but an employee is paid weekly, there will be twelve lines for that employee. If the option is selected, the transfer file will always contain a single line with consolidated totals for each employee.

Creating the Superannuation Transfer File

Click the Create File button to proceed with creation of the Superannuation File. On each pay run, you will be asked if you want to print a Superannuation Transfer report. Click Yes to preview the report.

When the preview window closes, you may see another message, asking if you want to overwrite the Superannuation file. This refers to the last file that Exo Payroll created (providing that you have run this process before). If the last file you created was for an already processed and updated pay, respond Yes to this question.

If you want to permanently change any given setting (with the exception of the Select Ranges) click on the Save button - the system will use the same settings for the next pay period's superannuation transfer.

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