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MYOB Advanced Workforce Management 9.3 October 2022

We've updated MYOB Advanced Workforce Management to version 9.3.

What's new?

Clone and repeat shifts

To save you time setting up repeating shifts, we've added the ability to copy and and paste them across a roster. You can also create shift templates and reuse them in future rosters.

For more information, see Creating a roster and assigning shifts.

Require notes when dismissing alerts

We've added the ability to add notes when dismissing alerts, and to require managers to add them when certain alerts are missed. This helps you understand why alerts are being generated and improve compliance.

For information on setting and dismissing alerts, see Managing alerts.

Additional timesheet filtering options

To help you see the timesheets you need to make staffing decisions, we’ve added more filtering to the Manage Time screen. You can look at specific employment types or pay run templates, or combine them with other filters to really zoom in to the nuts and bolts, like the timesheets for for casual staff who clocked in late.

For more information on viewing timesheets, see Navigating the Manage Time screen.

Add custom forms to onboarding flows

You can now create user-defined forms and add them to onboarding flows, so your new employees can fill them out and submit them. You can also report on the new forms.

To add a form, go to Management > Settings > User-defined Forms, then edit your existing onboarding flows to add it in. For more information, see:

Filtering pay run content by location for security

To make sure your administrators only have access to the pay run information they really need, we now hide the pay rates and timesheets for employees at locations they do not have access to. This is set on the Location Access tab when editing an employee.

For more information, see How do I assign location access permissions to an employee?

Associate cost centres to employees, locations and time sheets

You can now associate cost centres to employees, locations and time sheets, as well as shifts, to give you more flexibility and save time on data entry.

For more information, see Setting up and assigning cost centres.

Other changes

We've also made some smaller improvements, to make Advanced Workforce Management better and easier to use:

  • Employee reference numbers Users with the right permission can now update employee reference numbers in the personal information section. This lets you standardised employee IDs across your systems, including Advanced Payroll.
  • Bulk edit employee information You can now bulk edit from the Employees screen, by selecting employees and clicking the action button
  • Added report filters The Expired Visas Report and Expired Requirements & Qualifications Report can now be filtered by location.
  • ESCT defaults When your emloyees declare that their KiwiSaver status is Opted Out, Ineligible, or Not Enrolled, their ESCT rate will now default to the correct rate of 0%.

What's fixed?

Along with other minor fixes, we've resolved the following issue:

20/6/2022"Unregistered Device" error when opening the android- or browser-based clock applications.Fixed in verison 9.3CE00028462
 25/08/2022Unable to choose a casual pay basis during onboardingFixed in version 9.3CE00028957
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