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Designing user-defined forms

Design User-Defined Forms to to gather industry- location-, or role-specific information from your new hires, then Creating onboarding flows to make the process smoother than ever. The forms could help you get your new hire's uniform and equipment needs, food preferences, or whatever will save you time and give them a great first experience with your company.

You can create multiple user-defined forms, but can only add one to each onboarding flow.

User-defined forms are only available when using the Onboarding - Initial setup.

Creating a user-defined form

Add a new user-defined form
  1. Go to Management >Settings >User-Defined Forms.
  2. Click the add button (+) at the top-right of the screen.
  3. Enter a Name and Description for the form, and leave the Owner Type as Employee.
  4. Click Add to save the new form.
Design a user-defined form

Design your user-defined form by adding fields for whatever kind of information you need to get your new employee started.

  1. Go to Management >Settings >User-Defined Forms.
  2. Click the view action icon
    to open the User-Defined Field Settings screen.
  3. Enter a Name and Description for the form, and leave the Owner Type as Employee.
  4. Click the add button (+) at the top-right of the screen to add a new field, or the pencil icon to edit an existing one.
  5. Update your user-defined field settings:
    • Name: The name of the field, for your reference (does not display for the employee filling out the form).
    • Order: Lower numbered fields will be first on the form.
    • Label: The text that displays on the form.
    • Tooltip: The hover text on the field, to help explain what it is for.
    • Placeholder: Sample data shown on the field until the user starts to enter data.
    • Data type: The type of data that can be entered, for example Text, Phone Number, or a Boolean (Yes/No) option.
    • Field level: Whether the field is required or optional.
    • Available?: Select this to make the field appear on employee profiles.
  6. Click Add to save the field.
  7. Once you've saved your fields, click Back to go back to the User-Defined Forms screen.

Once you've designed your user-defined form you can Creating onboarding flows.



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