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The Exo Employee Information Menus

The menu is the main starting point in Exo Employee Information and allows access to all areas of the system.

File Menu

Menu Item


New Employee

Add a new employee into Exo Employee Information, in preparation for logging an Accident and/or Claim against that employee.

Open Employee

Access an existing employee to edit contact details, risk area, training received and job requirements.


Mark ex-employees as no longer being current, i.e. not affecting your annual license levels. Reinstate the employee if they return.

Change Company

Exit to the MYOB Login Screen in order to select a different company.


Exit from the program and close down all related files.

Edit Menu

Menu Item



Reverse the last keyboard action


Repeat the last keyboard action


Move the selected text into the Windows clipboard


Copy the selected text into the Windows clipboard


Copy the contents of the Windows clipboard to the current cursor position


Clear the contents of the currently selected data entry field

Select All

Select the entire data entry field from the current cursor position

Maintenance Menu

Menu Item



Record contact details for job applicants, and attach a CV if appropriate. Candidates can be converted to employees at a later stage.

Career Plan Goals

List of career ambitions that can be combined in any order to form a career plan.

Employee Groups

Set up grouping of employees outside of departments. This could be grouping of different positions e.g. Managers. Office Staff, Account Managers etc or areas of employees e.g. Administration, Sales etc.

Exit Interviews

This function allows you to set up Exit Interview procedures based on Company requirements. Exit interviews are made up of individual points, which are combined into Exit Interview Plans.


This function allows you to set up Induction checklists based on your companies specific requirements. Inductions are made up of individual bullet points, which are combined into Induction Plans.

Note Types

You are able to set up additional Access an existing employee0 and default note format.

Performance Review

This function allows you to set up Performance review formats. Performance reviews are made up of individual Access an existing employee1, which are combined into Access an existing employee2.


This function allows you to design and maintain the Access an existing employee3 that employees hold.


This function allows you to establish and maintain a database of Access an existing employee4 that can be applied to employees.


This function allows you to establish and maintain a database of Access an existing employee5 that can be applied to employees.


This function allows you to create a list of Access an existing employee6 and Access an existing employee7, either internal or external.

Lookup Tables

This function allows you to create and maintain the Access an existing employee8 for Benefit Type, Ethnicity, Place of Birth, Language, Training Course Duration, Disciplinary Descriptions, Qualification/Education, and Skills.

Documents Menu

Menu Item


Company Documents

Attach company documents relating to human resources in general.

Document Templates

This allows you to Access an existing employee9.

Visitor Log

The OSH department requires that companies keep an up-date MYOB Login Screen0; this requirement is part of the health and safety auditing process.

Reports Menu

Menu Item


Print Reports

This opens the list of MYOB Login Screen1.

Clarity Report Writer

This utility enables you to create your own customised reports.


This is an older utility for customising reports.

Utilities Menu

Menu Item



Allows you to backup your data at any time to either floppy disks or your hard drive.


This is used when you need to restore a backup due to hardware failure or corruption.

File Reindex

This is a file repair utility.

Setup Exo Employee Information

MYOB Login Screen2.

User Security

This is where you set up the various users who will have access to the payroll and allocates what rights they have. MYOB Exo Employee Information is a multi-user system.

Security Groups

This allows you to MYOB Login Screen3, rather than seeing all employees in the system.

Event Tracking

Setting up rules for MYOB Login Screen4.

Event Log

A MYOB Login Screen5 made within the system for auditing purposes.

Backup Options

This allows you to configure settings that affect backups of your data.

Help Menu

Menu Item


Help Topics

Opens the online Help. Help can also be accessed anywhere in the program by pressing F1.

MYOB Education Centre

Opens the MYOB Education Centre website in a web browser.

What's New in this Release

Opens PDF release notes, detailing new features and resolved issues in the current version.

Online Knowledgebase

Opens the MYOB Enterprise Knowledgebase website in a web browser.

Show Reminders

Displays all employee notes with Reminder dates up to today's date that have not yet been marked as completed.

Setup Cycle

This is used to access the MYOB Login Screen6 when initially setting up a company.

Upgrade Software

This is a tool with which you can MYOB Login Screen7, providing you have the most recently available CD.

Upgrade Software Online

This function accesses the Internet to MYOB Login Screen8.


Shows the current version number and MYOB contact details. Press F11 at any time to view the About window independently of the menu.

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