What’s new in MYOB Adapt
Getting the latest version
When you log in to Adapt Desktop and Adapt Uploader, the New Version Available window opens if a new version is available. Click OK to download and install the new version.
You need to upgrade Desktop and Uploader individually. You don't need to manually upgrade the Adapt online portal. It's automatically updated to the latest version.
To get the benefits of the latest release, you must download the latest version of the Adapt customisation and publish it to your clients MYOB Advanced Payroll or Advanced Business site.
Latest version – 2024.3
With 2024.3, we’ve made some big improvements to the data extraction process, to make it easier to avoid, understand and fix issues. These include:
built-in error checking in Adapt Uploader, along with a simpler, easier-to-read interface
blank migration template CSV files, for easier, more flexible migrations
automatic creation of leave data export file for MYOB EXO Employer Services migrations.
We’ve also resolved issues identified in previous versions.