API Release Versions
What's new?
This release adds:
- CRMOrganisation POST now supports <AssignedUser> and <AssignedTeam>
- CRMQuote GET <CRMBranch>
- CRMSVRequest POST now supports JCTimesheet. As part of this, it also now supports <Job><Code> as well as <Job>, and <ServicePerson><Code> as well as <ServicePerson>
- The HRLeaveRequest GET modifer &status= now supports an array of values delimted by |
- HRPerson GET modifiers: &includeBalanceTracking= and &active=
- JCJob GET modifier &includeWorkCentreDetails=, which returns Job Maintenance \ Work Centers \ Details
- JCJob GET <CustomerName>
- POPurchaseOrder GET <SupplierName>
- POPurchaseShipment GET <Suppliername>
What's fixed?
The 2023.2 release resolves the following the issues.
Issue IDs | Description |
00011638 | When listing PlugInProperties, if the virtual property contained a ' ' an invalid element was returned. This has been resolved. |
N/A | CRM Organisation Current Error and CRMContactInterest list modifier. CRMOrganisation POST - Incorrectly reports "The currency cannot be changed as this organisation has transactions". This has been resolved. |
N/A | You couldn't create a new SCM Requisition. If you had no default branch, an error would be returned. This has been resolved. |
What's new?
This release adds:
- HRLeaveRequest GET modifiers: &assignedTeam=, &canBeApprovedByUser=, &canBeApprovedByTeam=
- JCJob GET modifier: &workCentreAssignedEmployee=
- SCMRERequisition GET modifier: &canBeApprovedByUser=
SOSalesOrder POST modifier, for creating an advanced receipt: &generateAdvanceReceipt=
GLBankOut GET: <IsCancelled>
POReceipt POST, for creating a PO receipt against a shipment: <ShipmentLine> Creating PO Receipt against a Shipment
What's fixed?
This release improves security for Greentree data when using the API. The full path name has been removed from error responses for the following:
Any GET Controller that supports &action=attachment
Company GET &action=companyLogo
StockItem &action=primaryImage
Other fixes:
- The API for a CRM organisation was putting new organisations on stop credit. The fix was applied to CRMOrganisation POST IsCreditAllowed
- The AR invoice posting payment date could be incorrect. The fix was applied to
ARInvoice incorrect paymentDate, promptPaymentDate
Feature | Log |
| SBS-0091 SBS-0092 SBS-0093 SBS-0094 |
| SBS-0079 |
| SBS-078 |
| SBS-0077 |
| SBS-0076 |
| SBS-0075 |
| SBS-0074 |
| SBS-0073 |
| SBS-0072 |
| SBS-0071 |
| SBS-0070 |
| SBS-0069 |
| SBS-0068 |
| SBS-0067 |
| SBS-0066 |
StockItem GetSellingPrice publish calculation tracing | SBS-0062 |
StockItem GetSellingPrice calculation respect Customer invoice discount | SBS-0061 |
Add query to CurrencyCode to get access to exchange rates | SBS-0060 |
Standardise validation for a user to have Company access via API | SBS-0059 |
GET for HR Balance Forecasts | SBS-0058 |
Update to allow AP Invoice to reference source PO | SBS-0057 |
Sales Orders respecting IN Location not being used | SBS-0055 |
| SBS-0054 |
Security on Report access | SBS-0053 |
CRM Communication now supporting POST | SBS-0052 |
Fixed Asset data being published through PO was only showing the code not the sub code, and also resolving any POST attempt in the same way | SBS-0050 |
AR Customer update is incorrectly using a property called StopCredit rather than IsCreditAllowed which causes an update to a Customer to reset the flag on an existing Customer | SBS-0049 |
Added JCStatus, ProfitCentre and JCJobType API calls | SBS-0048 |
Link Service Person to Purchase Order | SBS-0047 |
| SBS-0046 |
Ability to run a report and have it generate an attachment | SBS-0045 |
| SBS-0043 |
JCDisbursements | SBS-0042 |
Update avoid 1090 on Locations in SO | SBS-0041 |
Publish Timesheets that have been linked to a Service Request | SBS-0040 |
| SBS-0039 |
Update to protect against use of property named "type" | SBS-0038 |
Publish LastCost and StandardCost for StockLocations via the API | SBS-0037 |
| SBS-0036 |
Miscellaneous API Updates | SBS-0032 |
| SBS-0031 |
Enhanced API Logging and tracing | SBS-0030 |
Feature | Log |
| SBS-0090 |
| SBS-0089 |
| SBS-0088 |
| SBS-0087 |
| SBS-0086 |
| SBS-0085 |
Feature | Log |
| SBS-0084 |
Feature | Log |
| SBS-0082 |
Feature | Log |
| SBS-0081 |
Feature | Log |
| SBS-0082 |
Feature | Log |
| SBS-0065 |
Feature | Log |
Selling Price - respect correct default Price Book selection | SBS-0064 |
Feature | Log |
Current Company access for the user, not the requested company - unless the current company was already set to the requested company | SBS-0063 |
Feature | Log |
AHFormDefn implementation to read reports and execute reports to PDF | SBS-0044 |
Feature | Log |
AHFormDefn implementation to read reports and execute reports to PDF | SBS-0044 |
Feature | Log |
| SBS-0035 |
Feature | Log |
HR Leave Requests | SBS-0034 |
Feature | Log |
Update AP Invoice IN transaction Analysis | SBS-0033 |