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CRM Service Request






Query a list of Service Requests

CRMSVRequestPOSTCreate a new Service Request



Query a single Service Request



Update an existing Service Request

Supported modifiers

Query String




Return a list of Service Requests which have been modified since a date/time



Return a list of Service Requests which have a particular status

maxScheduledTimeStampReturn a list of Service Requests which have been scheduled less than or equal to this time. This would typically be used to get a list of upcoming Service Requests without looking too far into the future.maxScheduledTimeStamp=2013-09-11T10:30:00 
servicePersonReturn a list of Service Requests scheduled to a particular Service Person. This also respects additional service persons.servicePerson=CLARKC11 
serviceGroupReturn a list of Service Requests scheduled to a particular Service GroupserviceGroup=SOUTHERN 
locationReturn a list of Service Requests assigned to a particular Locationlocation=TOWNSVILLE 
treeName and treeBranchReturn a list of Service Requests assigned to a nominated branch of a nominated treetreeName=Colour-AUS&treeBranch=Blue 
effectiveStatusReturn a list of Service Requests which are either Open or Closed based on their effectiveStatuseffectiveStatus=Open 
includeActionPlansReturn the Action Plans for each Service Request as part of the Service Request responseincludeActionPlans=true 
ignoreContractJobWhen creating a Service Request with a Contract, standard behaviour is to assign the Job (if assigned) from the Contract to the Service Request. When set to true, this modifier will stop the Job from being assigned to the Service Request. Note that if you specify the Job code in the payload, it will be used in preference to the Job from the ContractignoreContractJob=true 
includeCommentsReturn the Log Comments for each Service Request as part of the Service Request responseincludeComments=true 

Will generate Stock Issue / Return transactions for any Inventory items in the POST request.

**Note that if the Issue/Return fails, the POST is still successful, A&A can be used to alert someone to the failure using the new Programmatic Event "API - Failed to Auto-Issue Inventory" on the CRMSVRequest class.

callsOnlyReturn a list of CRM Calls rather than CRM Service RequestscallsOnly=true2019.1.0
includeTimesheetsReturn the Timesheets linked to the Service RequestincludeTimesheets=true2019.1.0
organisationReturn a list of Service Request assigned to a particular CRM Organisationorganisation=10002020.1
customerPONumberReturn a list of Service Requests that have a Customer Purchase Order numbercustomerPONumber=1234ABC2020.1


Return a list of Service Requests assigned to a nominated team



Security Linked Menu

Menu Item
Service RequestsCRM / Service & Support

Sample XML Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Summary>Lisa wants PC&apos;s installed - S/R</Summary>
        <Description>01 - Platnium Support</Description>
        <Description>Install Products/Services/Features as requested.</Description>
        <Notes>Install Products/Services/Features as requested.
Lisa would like PC to be fitted to the New Classrooms ready to be used by 15/2/2000.
Tech to ensure has enough cabling to connect all 30 units.</Notes>
        <Description>Installed system as per request.</Description>
        <Notes>Cabling connected
PC&apos;s installed</Notes>
    <ServiceGroup>Helpdesk Service Group</ServiceGroup>
    <AssignedTeam>Admin Team</AssignedTeam>
        <Description>Service Job for KANGAN in QLD</Description>
    <SecondaryAssets collection='true' count='1'>
    <SecondaryItems collection='true' count='1'>
    <SecondaryProducts collection='true' count='1'>
	<Timesheets collection='true' count='2'> 
            <LineItems collection='true' count='1'> 
                    <StandardText>S/R# 1001 - Lisa wants PC&apos;s installed - S/R PO# 376 </StandardText>
            <LineItems collection='true' count='2'>
                    <StandardText>DKT# 2258 S/R# 1001 Service PC&apos;s ready for installation</StandardText>
                    <StandardText>S/R# 1001 Assembley of units</StandardText>
    <ActionPlanEntries collection='true' count='1'>
            <ActionText>Contact Customer to discuss latest features</ActionText>
            <ActionText>Send Brochures on new models</ActionText>
    <UserDefinedFields collection='true' count='1'>
            <Name>On Site Required</Name>
    <Trees collection='true' count='1'>
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