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CRM Quote






Query a list of CRM Quotes



Query a single CRM Quote

/CRMQuotePOSTCreate a new CRM Quote
/CRMQuote/<reference>POSTUpdate an existing CRM Quote


Supported modifiers

Query String


typeQuery CRM Quotes based on their typetype=Sales
modifiedSinceReturn CRM Quotes modified since a nominated date and timemodifiedSince=2013-02-28T16:45:00
treeName and treeBranchReturn a list of CRM Quotes assigned to a nominated branch of a nominated treetreeName=Colour-AUS&treeBranch=Blue
statusReturn a list of CRM Quotes for the status. Valid options are OPEN and CLOSEDstatus=OPEN
quoteStageReturn a list of CRM Quotes for the stage. Valid options come from the Quote Stage setupquoteStage=WON

Security Linked Menu

Menu Item
QuotesCRM / Sales & Marketing
Return AuthoritiesCRM / Sales & Marketing
Counter SalesCRM / Counter Sales
QuotesCRM / Service & Support
QuotesCRM / Bookings Management
DonationsCRM / Fund Raising
PledgesCRM / Pledges

Sample XML Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Summary>Quote on PC system for Schools</Summary>
    <LineItems collection='true' count='1'>
            <TaxCode>GST Free</TaxCode>
            <Description>EDU Primary School PC Solution</Description>
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