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JC Job






Query a list of JC Jobs

JCJobPOSTCreate a new JC Job



Query a single JC Job

JCJob/<code>POSTUpdate a single JC Job

Supported modifiers

Query String


modifiedSinceReturn JC Jobs modified since a particular date and timemodifiedSince=2013-02-28T16:45:00 
treeName and treeBranchReturn a list of JC Jobs assigned to a nominated branch of a nominated treetreeName=Colour-AUS&treeBranch=Blue 
customerReturn a list of JC Jobs for a particular Customercustomer=A01112 
accountManagerReturn a list of JC Jobs for a particular Account ManageraccountManager=JT00002 
jobManagerReturn a list of JC Jobs for a particular Job ManagerjobManager=JT00345 
parentJobReturn a list of JC Jobs for a particular parent jobparentJob=ABC0001 
jobTypeReturn a list of JC Jobs for a particular Job TypejobType=SERV 
isRecursiveUsed in conjunction with parentJob to return a recursive list of child jobs for a parent jobparentJob=ABC0001&isRecursive=true 
includeSubJobsEach Job that is found will output its hierarchy of sub jobsincludeSubJobs=true 
excludeClosedDo not return any JC Jobs that are ClosedexcludeClosed=true2017.1.0
excludeFinalisedDo not return any JC Jobs that are FinalisedexcludeFinalised=true2017.1.0
isOpenOnly return JC Jobs that are NOT Closed or FinalisedisOpen=true2017.1.0
isPlantOnlyOnly return JC Jobs that are PlantisPlantOnly=true2017.3.0
profitCentreOnly return JC Jobs for the nominated Profit CentreprofitCentre=03032021.1
templateUsed on POST to prefill JC Job defaults from the nominated Template, values overridden by content of POSTtemplate=Service2021.3
workCentreAssignedEmployeeReturn a list of JC Jobs that the Employee has been given access to a Work Centre Branch workCentreAssignedEmployee=COOKC 2023.1

Security Linked Menu

Menu Item
Job MaintenanceData Entry / Job Cost

Sample XML Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Name>System for Kangan</Name>
    <Notes>System for Kangan -  - see Kagen file for copy on contract # 566688</Notes>
    <Status>2. Active</Status>
    <InvoiceReportFormat>Invoice Short Format</InvoiceReportFormat>
        <Address1>Lot 2, Main Hwy</Address1>
        <PhoneBH>(03) 9878 2343434</PhoneBH>
        <Fax>(04) 5343</Fax>
        <Mobile>0411 434 34545454</Mobile>
        <AddressName>Field Office</AddressName>
        <Contact>Des Stanley</Contact>
        <Address1>(Rear Door) via lane</Address1>
        <Address2>Lot 2, Main Hwy</Address2>
        <PhoneBH>(03) 8425 1213</PhoneBH>
    <RevenueRecognitionCalculator>Job Value</RevenueRecognitionCalculator>
    <PercentCompleteCalculator>Budget vs Actual - Hours</PercentCompleteCalculator>
	<CustomerName>Kangan Education Unit</CustomerName>
    <ActivityGroup>Labour Assembly</ActivityGroup>
    <UserDefinedFields collection='true' count='5'>
            <Name>Date Commensed</Name>
            <Name>Expected Completion Date</Name>
            <Name>Internal Contact</Name>
            <Value>Brad Jones</Value>
            <Name>Job Duration - Days</Name>
            <Name>Maintenance Paid</Name>
    <Trees collection='true' count='1'>
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