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Known issue: Allowance paying unused leave is missing or has incorrect code after termination (New Zealand)

The following issue has been identified by MYOB Exo Support in Exo Payroll for New Zealand versions 2017.01 to 2017.04


Support have confirmed that, in some situations, the Termination Wizard uses the wrong allowance, or no allowance appears in the pay. A message sometimes appears saying "Cannot process Termination Holiday pay request - the allowance is invalid".


These steps are likely to resolve the situation:

If the problem already exists, start by "Undoing" termination by using Exit & Cancel from the final screen of Wizard.

To resolve the issue
  1. Ensure the latest version of Exo Payroll is being used.
  2. If planning to terminate someone, close Exo Payroll completely, then restart, log on to the company required, and complete termination process. Do not use the "Change Payroll Company" option as this contributes to triggering the issue.
  3. If still a problem, run a "File Reindex" - article linked here explains the process - then close Exo Payroll completely, restart, log on to the company required, and complete process (as for item 2).
  4. If still a problem, run a "Force Upgrade" - article linked here explains the process.


This issue has been progressed to Product Development under Service Request 143247718459 for resolution in a future release.

Need more help? You can open the online help by pressing F1 on your keyboard while in your software.

You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.

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