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Loading Allowances

The Load button on the Allowances Maintenance window activates the Global Loading function, which gives you the ability to load an allowance into the Standard or Current Pay of all employees, or a selected group of employees. For example, at Christmas you want to pay your 150 waged employees a $50.00 bonus. Instead of loading this bonus 150 times, you are able to do it by selecting the employees and the type of pay required and initiating a global load to them all at one time.

Video Help is available for this topic on the Exo Employer Services Education Centre.

Globally load a particular allowance to a group of employees
  1. Choose the pay type for the employee range. You can choose all employees, salaried employees or waged employees.
  2. Choose the departments required. You can choose either all departments or a particular department. For a selected department, type in the number of the department in the field that appears.
  3. Select the type of pay that this allowance is to be loaded into: the employees' Standard Pay, the Current Pay or a One-Off Pay. If a Current Pay is chosen, the pay frequency must also be selected.
  4. Once all the selections are as required for this global load, press F10 or click Save. This will load the allowance in to the Allowances window according to your choices. To cancel the global load, press esc or click Exit.
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