2023.1.3 Release notes
In the 2023.1.3 release, we’ve improved the security of the MYOB Advanced platform with better password standards and better notifications for users when someone changes their details.
Not only is signing in more secure, we’ve also made it more straightforward by updating how the sign-in screen looks.
In MYOB Advanced Payroll, we’ve made a range of improvements, from making leave cash up/cash out more robust to personalising messages on payslips.
We’ve also resolved a range of issues that were identified in previous releases.
New features
MYOB Advanced platform
Better security standards
Password improvements
To make sure user passwords meet modern security standards, we’ve updated the default password settings on the Security Preferences (SM201060) and Users (SM201010) screens.
These changes affect users that sign in by entering a username and password, not users with secure authentication.
Learn more about exactly what's changing, why we’re making the changes and how they might affect you.
Partner and administrator user licence changes
To better protect customer data, we’ve made changes to what the MYOB_Admin and MYOB_Partner user licence types can do.
The MYOB_Admin licence type is different to the system administrator role. We haven’t changed the system administrator role.
More secure notifications about changes to bank accounts and email addresses
To help prevent fraud, we’ve updated the business event email notifications that are sent when someone edits bank accounts and email addresses. The notifications are now more secure and work more how you’d expect.
The notifications can’t be edited or deleted from MYOB Advanced, so no one attempting fraud can try to cover their tracks.
You can keep track of all the notifications that have been sent by checking the Outgoing Emails tab of the All Emails screen (CO409070).
If your company previously set up a custom business event to notify users of these changes, users could receive notifications twice – once from your company’s business event and once from MYOB’s. Because you can’t disable MYOB’s business event, we recommend disabling your custom business event to keep things simple.
New look for the sign-in page
To avoid confusion when signing in to MYOB Advanced, we’ve made it clearer that there are two methods for signing in.
If you log in with username and password only, enter your sign-in details in the Standard login section and click Sign In.
If you’ve signed up for secure authentication, simply click Secure Authentication.

Easier to access help
The MYOB Advanced in-product help is now available online. That means you don’t have to be logged in to access the help.
The online help looks a bit different to the in-product help, but they both have the same information. However, sometimes the online help will be more up-to-date. But the in-product help will still be updated with the latest information with every new version of MYOB Advanced that we release.
MYOB Advanced Payroll
Easier cashing up/cashing out leave
We’ve automated some things that you previously had to do manually:
On the Pay Items screen (MPPP2210), you can select a Cash Up checkbox for New Zealand and Cash Out checkbox for Australia, which simplifies the pay item setup.
After adding a cash up pay item to an employee’s current pay, you can use the new Cash Up window for New Zealand or Cash Out window for Australia to select the number of days an employee is cashing up/cashing out. The window also gives you an overview of the employee’s balances for the entitlement they’re cashing up/cashing out.
Payslip messages
By adding a message to payslips, you can help employees understand part of their pay that might otherwise cause confusion. For example, maybe an employee was overpaid in a previous pay, and their current pay had to be adjusted.
If you’re an MYOB Partner or consultant with customers who have a customised employee payslip report, you need to update the customisation.
Easily providing a range of past payslips to an employee
Sometimes an employee might ask for copies of multiple past payslips – for example, all their payslips from the past year. We’ve made doing this a lot easier.
(AU) Previewing an STP finalisation before submitting it to the ATO
Previewing an STP finalisation lets you check that your company’s end-of-year STP data is correct before sending the final results to the ATO.
(NZ) Payday filing improvements
Viewing total deductions
On the IR345 EDF and Employment Info Return screens, the new Total Deductions to IRD column shows the total amount deducted from an employee’s pay and paid to IR.
On the Employment Info Return screen, the Total Deductions field shows the total amount deducted for all employees in the batch.
Assigning a different payroll contact to a company
Previously, you could only assign one person as a payroll contact for all companies.
Now, you can assign a different payroll contact to each company by using the new Payroll Contact section, located on the Company Details tab of the Companies screen (CS101500). By default, the contact details in this section are the same as on the Payroll Preferences screen. To change the details, select the Override checkbox and enter the new contact’s details.
There’s an issue where you can only enter email addresses that end in .com – not .co.nz or .com.au. You can work around this issue with a customisation. This issue will be resolved in version 2023.1.5.

(NZ) Simpler process for creating IR345
Previously, on the IR345 EDF screen (MPPP5030), you had to export the IR345 file before being able to process the payment. Because exporting the file was unnecessary, we’ve updated the screen so you no longer need to do it.
We’ve also fixed an issue where payment batches weren’t being created.
Employee transfer – More options and clearer differences between them
When using the Employee Transfer screen (MPPP3115), you can now update an employee’s pay distribution information by using the new Payroll Payment Method and Payroll Cash Account fields.
The new fields are for transferring the Payment Method and Cash Account fields on the Pay Details screen (MPPP2310), which can be set differently to the fields with the same names on the Employees screen (EP203000).
We’ve also organised all the fields into Current and New columns, making it easier to know at a glance what you’re editing.

Changing pay run dates
Previously, you could change dates on the Pay Run Details screen (MPPP3120) directly.
Now, to ensure that the open pay recalculates, you can click the new Change Pay Date action on the toolbar. A window opens where you can make your changes.

In case you missed it – Correcting underpayments with adjustment pays
In version 2023.1.1, we made it easier to correct an underpayment by using an adjustment pay. We’ve also updated our help page on adjusting employee pays, where you can find all the details on correcting underpayments.
Resolved issues
MYOB Advanced Payroll
Region | Description | Reference |
NZ and AU | When importing time cards into timesheets, the quantity was incorrectly being rounded to the nearest whole number. This has been resolved. | CE00043268 CE00043179 |
NZ and AU | Using API, you couldn’t add a pay item to the standard pay of an employee with only one pay group. This has been resolved. | CE00042653 CE00041422 |
NZ | You couldn’t add an employee with the non-seasonal worker (NSW) tax code without also entering an IRD number. This has been resolved. Now, the employee won’t need an IRD number for the first month of their employment. | CE00042199 CE00041414 |
NZ and AU | If a transfer failed on the Employee Transfer screen, GL journals would be duplicated. This has been resolved. | CE00039909 CE00039632 |
NZ and AU | The business event EmployeePayDistributionSettings wasn’t working. This has been resolved. For more information, see Notifications about changes to bank accounts and email addresses. | CE00024173 CE00023941 |
NZ and AU | When an employee’s payment details were updated, the notification email could go to the wrong person. This has been resolved. For more information, see Notifications about changes to bank accounts and email addresses. | CE00036323 CE00035486 |
NZ and AU | The import scenario for activating pays wasn’t setting the sequence to 99. This has been resolved. | CE00025985 CE00025952 CE00026001 |
NZ | An error could prevent you from importing leave on the Pay Run Details screen (MPPP3120): “Updating ‘Pay Item’ record raised at least one error. Please review the errors. Variation Code is missing Deduction is not possible.” This occurred if the employee’s current pay was missing a variation code for a child support deduction. This has been resolved. | CE00019968 CE00019910 CE00038502 |
NZ | On the Pay Details screen (MPPP2310), the entitlement rows on the Employment tab could be copied from one employee to another. This occurred if you overrode the trigger dates for multiple employees in a row. This has been resolved. | CE00043379 CE00043375 |
NZ and AU | In Employee Self Service, on the Pay Distribution screen (MPES3012), employees could edit their own pay distribution lines when the Type column was set to Balance. This has been resolved. | CE00043288 CE00040885 CE00044555 |
NZ and AU | On the Employee Calendar screen (MPES4001), weeks could be numbered incorrectly. For example, two consecutive weeks could be numbered as the 40th week of the year. This has been resolved. | CE00043087 CE00042996 |
NZ and AU | The Exchange Integration feature wasn’t available on the Enable/Disable Features screen (CS100000) for sites only using MYOB Advanced Payroll. This has been resolved. | CE00042740 CE00042158 |
NZ and AU | The Audit History screen (SM205530) wasn’t available on sites only using MYOB Advanced Payroll. This has been resolved. | N/A |
NZ and AU | The Inter Branch feature wasn’t available on the Enable/Disable Features screen (CS100000) for sites only using MYOB Advanced Payroll. This has been resolved. | CE00042279 CE00042273 |
AU | After rehiring an employee, their cessation reason was still displayed in STP submissions. Although the cessation reason was incorrectly displayed in MYOB Advanced Payroll, it wasn’t reported to the ATO. This has been resolved. New STP submissions for rehired employees won’t display a cessation reason, but previously affected submissions will continue to display the reason. | CE00042249 CE00041198 |
NZ and AU | When the Batch Payments screen (MPPP3400) opened after completing a pay run, the wrong reference number for the batch payment was being displayed. This has been resolved. | CE00038408 CE00038176 CE00044645 |
NZ and AU | Employees were receiving payslips at an incorrect email address not associated with their user account. This has been resolved. Now, when an email address is updated on the Employees screen (EP203000), the payslip recipient email address is also updated, ensuring that payslips are sent to the correct email address. | CE00043285 CE00041524 CE00042674 CE00043234 CE00043266 CE00043451 CE00043472 CE00043963 CE00044237 CE00044283 CE00045643 |
NZ and AU | On the Employee’s Current Pay and Pay Details screens, changing a pay item in a table row by selecting a different pay item wouldn’t change all the details in that row. This has been resolved. Now, if you want to change a pay item, you have to add it on a new row and delete the incorrect pay item row. | CE00041937 CE00041934 CE00041960 CE00042990 CE00044455 |
NZ and AU | Employees paid bi-monthly (also called semi-monthly) couldn’t submit leave requests because they couldn’t enter an end date. This resulted in an error: “Request timed out.” They also couldn’t approve leave requests. These have been resolved. | N/A |
NZ and AU | If a pay run error message was too long, it might not display properly. This has been resolved. | N/A |
NZ and AU | On the Employee Time Card screen, if a time card has entries on the Materials tab but not the Time tab, the time card couldn’t be imported into timesheets. This has been resolved. | N/A |
NZ and AU | Projected leave balance could be incorrectly calculated for employees with future movements. This has been resolved. | N/A |
NZ and AU | If an employee's rate was either unspecified or set to zero on the Pay Groups tab of the Pay Details screen, then releasing a manual adjustment caused an error: "Another process has added the ‘Batch' record. Please try again." This has been resolved. Now, you can’t release manual adjustments if the calculated amount or override amount are empty or zero. | N/A |
NZ and AU | If you selected a past date on the Team Leave Balances screen (MPEM3023), the projected accrual and projected balance were being calculated, even though it didn’t make sense for them to be calculated. This has been resolved. | N/A |
NZ and AU | We’ve resolved two issues in Employee Self Service on the Pay Distribution screen (MPES3012). You can no longer edit the Payment Type field and the Default Payment Reference isn’t automatically being entered when you add a new row. | N/A |
NZ and AU | When using the Fixed Allocation method on the Payroll Expense Allocation tab of the Employees screen, you were able to save entries without a Type and Balance Type, leading to errors. This has been resolved. | N/A |
NZ and AU | If a pay had been created on the Import Pay History screen, you were able to allocate pay run expenses for it, which you shouldn’t have been able to do. This has been resolved. As part of the fix, pays created on the Import Pay History screen are also no longer listed on the Run Payroll Expense Allocation screen. | N/A |
NZ and AU | When transferring an employee, manual adjustments made on the Entitlement Adjustments screen weren’t being included in the transfer if the employee's balance was being moved to another branch. This has been resolved. | N/A |
NZ and AU | When a pay run error occurred, the employee ID could be missing from the error message and the employee was not highlighted in the table. This has been resolved. | N/A |
NZ and AU | When undoing the import of public holidays into the Pay Run Details screen, an error could occur: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". This has been resolved. | N/A |
AU | SAFF files were being rejected from HostPlus and Quick Super if their titles had a full stop. This has been resolved. | CE00042386 CE00042342 |
NZ | Custom ACC Codes set for employees in MYOB Advanced Payroll were being reverted to the default employee class ACC code after syncing with Advanced Workforce Management. This has been resolved. | CE00043250 CE00042030 |
AU | Payments to self-managed super funds (SMSFs) could be missing from a pay super batch. This has been resolved. Now, a member ID is added to the SMSF records, even if the SMSF hasn't officially issued one for the employee. | CE00039845 CE00039836 CE00041862 CE00042103 CE00043053 |
AU | An issue could prevent you from selecting a branch in the Previous ID Update screen (MPPP5027). This has been resolved. | CE00042045 CE00042031 |
AU | The Entitlement Summary Report (MPPP6030) wasn’t showing accrued leave for some employees. This has been resolved. | CE00041615 CE00041611 |
NZ | The ACC History Details report was calculating the ACC levy incorrectly. This has been resolved. The ACC is now calculated correctly based on gross income. | CE00041450 CE00040493 |
NZ and AU | When using an import scenario to deselect settings for multiple pay items at a time, an error could occur: “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.” This has been resolved. | CE00039311 CE00039131 |
AU | The superannuation transactions inquiry was excluding negative pay runs, so employee super was being overstated. This has been resolved. | CE00021769 CE00021124 CE00021488 CE00034836 CE00035723 CE00037358 CE00038895 CE00039649 CE00040718 CE00040884 CE00042561 |
NZ and AU | On the Import Timesheets screen (MPPP7030), using the Load Records from File icon on the Timesheet Details toolbar was misleading. It appeared to import timesheets, but when the operation completed, nothing was actually imported. We’ve resolved this by removing the icon from the toolbar. Instead, to correctly import timesheets, click the three dots icon … and choose the Upload Timesheet action. | CE00038842 CE00038484 |
NZ | On payslips, public holiday terminations weren’t labelled, even when added manually. This has been resolved. Now, when adding a public holiday manually on the Termination screen, the Public Holiday field is mandatory. | CE00036575 CE00034409 |
AU | The second approver of superannuation batches could only approve one batch before being forced to sign out. They had to sign back in to approve another. This has been resolved. | CE00037453 CE00036988 |
NZ | The Employee Details Return screen (MPPP5025) was showing duplicate employees, which prevented lodgement with the IRD. This has been resolved. As part of the fix, inactive employees are now excluded from the screen. | CE00032102 CE00032100 CE00036976 |
NZ and AU | Some pay slips weren’t syncing with MYOB Advanced Workforce Management. This has been resolved. | CE00034888 CE00033827 |