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Summary of new features in 2014 compliance release (New Zealand)

Each year MYOB updates the MYOB Exo Employer Services New Zealand Software for changes in Tax or Legislation which can have an impact on the software. These versions can also contain enhancements and resolutions to issues.

New versions of the software can also be released during the year that deal specifically with enhancements and resolutions to issues.

The 2014 compliance release of the MYOB Exo Employer Services New Zealand software incorporates the legislative changes to Tax for the 2014/15 Financial Year as well as a range of enhancements including a new leave type called Unpaid Leave, a Custom Payslip, a Back Pay Calculator, Client ID along with other enhancements.

For a summary of the legislative changes made in the 2014 compliance release, click here.

Below is a summary of the enhancements and resolutions that can be found in the 2014 compliance release.

Unpaid leave

Unpaid Leave has been added as a Leave Type for the processing of Unpaid Leave along with several other related items including:

  • a new Unpaid Leave report
  • an "Unpaid Leave" Note Type
  • the ability to assign a Cost Centre for Unpaid Leave to employees or as a global setting
  • being able to import Unpaid Leave when using the Import Time Transactions or Rapid Load Pay functions and from other modules such as MYOB Exo MyStaffInfo and Remote Timesheet

Custom payslip

A new customisable Payslip report has been added to Exo Payroll. The Payslip can be modified in several ways including:

  • assigning a custom company logo file
  • adding new fields, labels and images
  • editing the properties of fields, labels and images
  • resizing each section of the report
  • move, resize and delete existing fields and labels

Back pay calculator

The Back Pay Calculator has been integrated into Exo Payroll and has been updated to provide additional options and features. The Back Pay Calculator allows for employees wages, salaries or allowances to be increased by a percentage or a fixed amount and these increases can be applied to a Standard Pay and/or calculated as a back pay over a specified period.

Changes to days paid

The "Days Paid for Relevant Daily Rate" field on the Days Paid window only appeared if "Average Daily Pay" was selected for the employee's Relevant Hourly Rate Method. This field now appears for all employees so that companies can enter the days paid information at the time of processing the pay and this will ensure that the historical information is available if the employee is changed to the "Average Daily Pay" option in the future.

Mondayised holidays

From 1 January 2014, ANZAC Day and Waitangi Day are "Mondayised" if they fall on a Saturday or Sunday; this affects ANZAC Day in 2015 and Waitangi Day in 2016.

For more information, see New Zealand public holiday dates 2015-18 on the MBIE website.

Holiday cash-up reporting

Amounts for Cashed-up Holiday Pay now appear on the Leave Paid report while the Holidays Cashed-up report has had new filtering options added to the Print Report window along with the following columns added to the report:

  • Pay Number
  • Physical Pay Date
  • Pay Period End Date

PAYE calculator

Kiwisaver details can now be entered into the PAYE Calculator and Kiwisaver totals will be displayed in the bottom area of the calculator. The calculator has been reorgainsed with new fields added.

Entering a pay amount into any of the following fields will update all of the totals in the bottom area of the calculator:

  • Gross Pay
  • Annual Pay
  • After-Tax Pay

Client ID

A Client ID code can now be entered by clients into the software. This allows clients to easily identify themselves when contacting Exo Support or dealing with their MYOB Enterprise Solutions Partner.

Kiwisaver Updates

The Kiwisaver Group Maintenance window has been updated to remove options that no longer apply. The Employee and Employer contribution boxes for periods prior to 1 April 2013 have been removed along with the Includes ESCT Exemption fields, as all employer contributions are liable for ESCT from 1 April 2012. Related fields have also been removed from the Kiwisaver Groups report.

Westpac direct credit hash total

When creating a direct credit transfer file for the Westpac Business Online, Westpac Corporate Online or Westpac Deskbank formats, a hash total is now displayed in the header of the Direct Credit Schedule report.

Resolved issues

MYOB Exo Employer Services compliance release has addressed several issues that had been identified in previous versions.

More detailed information on these changes can be found in the Release Notes (Click here for the article containing a link to the Release Notes) or from within the Payroll software (click on the Help menu then click on 'What's New in This Release').

Need more help? You can open the online help by pressing F1 on your keyboard while in your software.

You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.

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