Known issue 2013.04: Error "1733 Class Definition CDINTFEX.CDINTFEX.4.5 is not found"
The following issue has been identified and replicated by MYOB Support in the New Zealand release of Exo Employer Services version 2013.04.
Support has confirmed that clients are successfully upgrading the main installation of Exo Employer Services 2013.04 but when other users on the network login to the upgraded version they receive error 1733.
The error message received is "1733 Class Definition CDINTFEX.CDINTFEX.4.5 is not found."
Usually when a workstation logs in to an upgraded Exo Employer Services version it will run through an installation of the local system files without having to run the network.exe utility.
Workstations connecting to the upgraded installation will need to run Network.exe to install the latest PDF driver 450. Please follow this link to get instructions on how to do this if required.
This issue has been progressed through to Product Development via parent ticket 13470478614, has been created and is currently and resolved in version 2014.01
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