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Sales Order - Rounding differences between versions

Issue ID: EXB-6751

In Exo 2021.2 SO & Invoices were both unrounded.

In Exo 2022.x, the tax calculation on SO's was based on rounded line-by-line tax calculations, resulting in scenarios where the tax was not 15% of the net. 

In Exo 2022.x, the tax calculation on Invoices was based on unrounded line-by-line tax calculations.  The GST on invoices was 15% of the net.

In Exo 2023.3+, the tax calculation on SO's remains based on rounded line-by-line tax calculations, resulting in scenarios where the tax is not 15% of the net. 

In Exo 2023.3+, the tax calculation on Invoices is also based on rounded line-by-line tax calculations, resulting in scenarios where the tax is not 15% of the net.

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