Inwards goods costing postings always default to branch 00 when POST_LINE_GL_BRANCHNO_TO_BS is true.
The hidden profile: POST_LINE_GL_BRANCHNO_TO_BS is designed to allow businesses to track balance sheet branches if they desire.
This is not a recommended configuration, as it is unlikely that branch accounts will balance to clearing transactions.
Postings in the Inwards Goods Area work by:
Purchase Order is raised with a Branch (Header) PURCHORD_HDR
This does not affect the GL postings.
Inwards Goods Lines are raised with a Branch (line) INWARDS_GOODS_LINES, this is inherited from PURCHORD_HDR
This does not affect the GL Postings.
Inwards Goods Costings raise Stock transactions with a Branch of 0 (STOCK_TRANS)
The field on STOCK_TRANS is referred to as GLBRANCH
Creditor Invoices for Inwards goods costs use the set branch.
Creditor Invoice lines branch is used for cost variances between the Inward Goods cost, and the invoice cost.
If Branches are desired from the Inwards Goods subsystem, this can be achieved by setting the GLBRANCH of the related stock transaction before posting to the general ledger. There are multiple locations that this may make sense to update from.
Your implementation consultant can assist you with determining the best modification to make to business logic to suit your needs.