Purchase Orders/Inwards Goods - Known Issues
Known issues and quirks related to Purchase Orders/Inwards Goods.
An issue appearing in this list does not guarantee development priority. If you are having issues caused by a known issue please have your implementation partner raise a case referencing the Issue ID.
On costs don't post variance when using foreign currency and rate is changed between cost and invoice
Issue ID: EXB-6549
The On-costs process can leave a GL variance unposted in the On Costs clearing account if the Exchange Rate for the On Cost invoice isn’t the same exchange rate used for the on-cost line during inwards goods..
Always raise Oncost invoices using the exchange rate that was specified during the inwards goods process, and resolve currency change by varying the exchange rate of the payment.
Journal the left over value to an appropriate variance account manually.
Selected Extra Delivery Address not holding when order saved
Issue ID: EXB-6597
Versions 2022.3+
When using Actions > Extra Delivery Address to replace the delivery address, the update is not saved unless the address is then changed in some way.
Press a key after using the extra delivery address action, so that the address is changed.
Example: Press space, so there is a space at the end of a line, this will count as a change and allow the address to save correctly.
Extra fields on Inwards Goods screen hold value when new records are created.
Issue ID: EXB-6707
Extra Fields in the Inwards Goods screen hold the last value set in them when a new inwards good receipt is created.
Check extra fields before saving new Inwards Goods receipt/shipment.
Or;Close screen fully and open a new Inwards Goods screen to create a new receipt.
Serial numbers assigned to a job before inwards goods receipt is costed can cause issues with the serial number becoming unselectable. (2023.2+)
Issue ID: EXB-6628
If a serial number has been preallocated to a job and an inwards goods receipt is saved, then when the inwards goods receipt is later edited to save a costing the pre-allocated serial numbers are unavailable in the serial number selection list and must be manually entered.
When the serial number is manually entered an incorrect prompt for a “returned” serial number is displayed.
Manually enter the serial number.
Cannot part receipt if one of the “to be cleared' lines is batch tracked and the ‘batch code blank warning’ company profile is enabled.
Issue ID: EXB-6700
With the company profile 'batch code blank warning' (WARN_BLANK_BATCH_CODE) enabled.
You are not able to part supply any purchase orders if one of the lines (you aren’t supplying) is batch tracked because even though you aren't supplying it, the system requires a batch code.
You cannot clear the unreceipted line either as it errors saying you need a batch code for the cleared line