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Multiple Standard Hours Guide

As a manager, you can add multiple standard hours with different commencement dates for employees.

How to add multiple Standard Hours

  1. On the Dashboard click Management > Employees.
  2. You will be redirected to the Employees page. Choose an employee in the employee table, then click the edit button in the Actions column.
  3. Go to the Roster, Time and Attendance tab.

On this tab, you can see the Standard Hours table, which displays old, current and future standard hours for the employee.

To add a new standard hours entry:

  1. Click the Add standard hours button. A new window opens:
  2. Fill out all the necessary fields. (Commencement Date, Location, Position, Shift Start Time, Shift End Time, Break Start Time, Break End Time.)
  3. You can add shift patterns of 1 to 4 weeks (click the Add week tab next to the Week 1 tab to add the additional weeks).
  4. Click the Save standard hours button, once you have filled in all the fields.

You can add multiple standard hours entries for an employee with different commencement dates by repeating Steps 1 - 4.

To enable the ability for saved standard hours to be added to a roster, tick the Add these standard hours to the roster checkbox. Adding the standard hours to the roster will get the employee's active shift pattern for the week. If this is not ticked, you won't be able to add the standard hours to the roster.

To enable the ability to lock the standard hours timings, tick the Lock the roster to these standard hours checkbox. If this is ticked, then when you add the standard hours to the Roster page, you won't be able to edit the shift timings immediately - this will require a Temporary Vary Shift Pattern request to be sent to the employee, which the employee would need to accept. Once the employee accepts the amended shift, the manager is now allowed to publish the shift. If this box is not ticked, then when you add the standard hours to the roster page, you will be able to edit the shift timings without needing to send a Temporary Vary Shift Pattern request to the employee.

To delete a standard hours record, click on the entry to view its details, then click the Delete button.

Standard hours records cannot be edited. If you need to make changes to a standard hours record, you will need to delete it and create a new record.

You cannot create a standard hours record with the same commencement date as an existing record. You will need to delete the old record and create the new one.

How to add saved standard hours in the Roster

Before adding standard hours on the Roster page, make sure that the Add these standard hours to the roster checkbox is ticked for all standard hours you would like to add.

You can add standard hours for one employee or for multiple employees in one operation - see How do I add employees' standard hours to the Roster?

Make sure the standard hours commencement date is within the date of your Roster view; otherwise the system will return an error message.

When adding standard hours to the roster, there are certain rules the system will use to implement the correct hours:

  • the system will select the most recent standard hours
  • the system will ignore standard hours that have not started yet
  • the system will ignore concluded standard hours
  • the system will prefer temporary standard hours over permanent standard hours if they have the same commencement date
  • the system will prefer the most recent temporary standard hours

How to send temporary standard hours requests to employees

As a manager, you can send a shift request for approval from employee if you want an employee to work a shift that is outside of that employee's Standard Hours - see How do I request approval from an employee to work a shift that is outside of their standard hours?



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