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Field mappings for MYOB Acumatica — Workforce Management and Payroll integration

This page lists the MYOB Acumatica — Workforce Management and MYOB Acumatica — Payroll fields that are used when importing timesheets and synchronising employee information.

Employee (EP203000)

General Info tab

Advanced Payroll field

WFM screen

WFM field



Employees > Finance and Payroll



First Name

Employees > Personal Information

First name


Middle Name

Employees > Personal Information

Middle name


Last Name

Employees > Personal Information

Last name



Employees > Personal Information



Phone 1 (Cell)

Employees > Personal Information

Mobile number


Phone 2 (Business 1)

Employees > Personal Information

Alternate phone number


Date Of Birth

Employees > Personal Information

Date of birth



Employees > Personal Information



Employee ID

Employees > Personal Information


Used to identify the employee in Advanced Payroll.

Employeee start date

Employees > Personal Information

Start date


Address Line 1

Employees > Address information

Address line 1


Address Line 2

Employees > Address information

Address line 2


Suburb is used if


Employees > Address information

Town / City (NZ)

Suburb (Australia)



Employees > Address information


Australia only

Postal Code

Employees > Address information

Post code



Employees > Address information



Pay Details (MPPP2310)

Taxation tab (NZ) and Employee Defaults

Payroll field

WFM screen

WFM field


Tax Code

Employees > Finance and Payroll

Tax code


IRD Number

Employees > Finance and Payroll

IRD number


ACC Code (Employee Defaults)

Employees > Finance and Payroll

Does the employee qualify for an ACC Earner Levy Exemption?

Selects the Exempt ACC code, set in Workforce Management preferences.

If there is no exempt ACC code you will get an error.

Repayment Rate %

Employees > Finance and Payroll

Student Loan Rate (%)

Only updates the value in MYOB Advanced Payroll if it is greater than the legal minimum.

Tax @ %

Employees > Finance and Payroll

Tax Rate (%)


Taxation tab (AU)

Payroll field

WFM screen

WFM field


Tax File Number (TFN)

Employees > Finance and Payroll

Tax file number


TFN declaration

Employees > Finance and Payroll

Tax declaration


Employment basis

Employees > Finance and Payroll

On what basis are you paid?


Levy Surcharge(MSL)

Employees > Finance and Payroll

Apply the levy surcharge?


Surcharge Rate

Employees > Finance and Payroll

Surcharge rate?


Levy exemption?

Full exemption?

Half exemption?

Employees > Finance and Payroll

Levy Exemption


Levy reduction?

Employees > Finance and Payroll

Has a Medicare Levy reduction? 


Has a spouse?

Employees > Finance and Payroll

Has a spouse?


Low income?

Employees > Finance and Payroll

Low income earner?


Dependent children?

Employees > Finance and Payroll

Has dependent children?


How many?

Employees > Finance and Payroll

How many dependent children?


Previous Last Name

Employees > Finance and Payroll

Previous family name



Employees > Finance and Payroll

Is an Australian resident for tax purposes?

Is in Australia on a working holiday visa?


Claim seniors tax offset?

Employees > Finance and Payroll

Claim seniors and pensioners tax offset?



Illness-separated couple


Employees > Finance and Payroll


Relates to the "Claim seniors and pensioners tax offset?" field.

Help or TSL

Employees > Finance and Payroll

Has a student loan (HELP, VSL, SSL, TSL) debt?



Employees > Finance and Payroll

Has a Financial Supplement (FS) debt?


Claims Tax-free Threshold

Employees > Finance and Payroll

Claim the tax-free threshold?


Australian Business Number

Employees > Finance and Payroll

Employing entity ABN


Claim zone / special tax offset?

Employees > Finance and Payroll

Zone Rebate

Claim overseas forces or dependent (invalid and carer) tax offset?


Dependant spouse?

Overseas forces?

Parent spouse or invalid relative?

Employees > Finance and Payroll


Relates to the "Claim zone / special tax offset?" field.

Employment tab

Pay item and field

WFM screen

WFM field


Employee start date

Employees > Personal Information

Start date


Pay Groups tab

Payroll field

WFM screen

WFM field


Hourly Rate

Hours Per Year

Employees > Finance and Payroll

Annual Salary

Hours per day

Days per week

The Hourly Rate (HRp) and Hours Per Year (HPYp) fields in Payroll are calculated from the Annual Salary (ASw), Hours per day (HPDw), and Days per week (DPWw) fields in Advanced Workforce Management.

Hours Per Year = 52(Hours Per Year × Days per week)

Hourly Rate = Annual Salary ÷ Hours Per Year

KiwiSaver (NZ)

Payroll field

WFM screen

WFM field


KiwiSaver Details

Employees > Finance and Payroll

Kiwisaver enrolment status

Kiwisaver details will be added for Opt-in, Auto Enrol, Already enrolled and Savings Suspension choices.

Opt-out is not currently supported. An Validating the MYOB Advanced Payroll synchronisation will be created for opted-out employees.

Super Guarantee pay item (AU only)

Payroll field

WFM screen

WFM field


Fund Name

Employees > Bank Accounts > Superannuation information

Fund name

Fund are matched to those on the Superannuations Funds form (MPPP2152).

If there is no matching fund, an Validating the MYOB Advanced Payroll synchronisation will be created.

Member ID

Employees - Bank Accounts - Superannuation information

Member reference


Kiwisaver Employee contribution pay item (NZ only)

Payroll field

WFM screen

WFM field



Employees > Finance and Payroll

Employee contribution (%)

Will either update the Kiwisaver pay item value, or find another item of the same requested value.

If there is no Kiwisaver item, an Validating the MYOB Advanced Payroll synchronisation will be created.

Kiwisaver Employer contribution pay item (NZ only)

Payroll field

WFM screen

WFM field



Employees > Finance and Payroll

Employer contribution (%)

Will either update the Kiwisaver pay item value, or find another item of the same requested value.

If there is Kiwisaver item an Validating the MYOB Advanced Payroll synchronisation will be created.

Pay Distribution tab

Payroll field

WFM screen

WFM field


Name On Account

Employees > Bank Accounts

Name on account


Account Number

Employees > Bank Accounts

Account number


BSB Number (AU)

Employees > Bank Accounts



Type (Balance)

Employees > Bank Accounts

Primary account?


Superannuation Funds (MPPP2152) (AU only)

Main table

Payroll field

WFM screen

WFM field


Fund Name

Employees > Bank Accounts > Superannuation information

Fund name



Employees > Bank Accounts > Superannuation information



Account name (SMSF)

Employees > Bank Accounts > Superannuation information

Name on account



Employees > Bank Accounts > Superannuation information



Account Number (SMSF)

Employees > Bank Accounts > Superannuation information

Account number



Employees > Bank Accounts > Superannuation information




Employees > Bank Accounts > Superannuation information

Electronic service address (esa)


Outstanding Actions (MPAT4002) 

Outstanding actions

Payroll field

WFM screen

WFM field


Employees > Finance and Payroll

Has approved withholding variation


Creates an Validating the MYOB Advanced Payroll synchronisation.

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