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Setting up MYOB Advanced Payroll

The first step of an MYOB Adapt payroll migration is to create and provision an MYOB Advanced site, so that it's ready to receive your customer's data.

We recommend that you create two sites: a test site and a production site. You can use the test site to practise using MYOB Adapt to migrate data.

To learn what payroll data you can migrate, see the MYOB Adapt FAQs.

What to set up

As an MYOB Partner or consultant, you should be familiar with the basics of setting up a site. The procedures on this page only cover settings that need to be set up in a specific way for Adapt migrations. Before completing these procedures, you should have configured all the settings on the Payroll Preferences screen (MPPP1100).

Set up an API user
  1. Go to the Users screen.

  2. In the Password field, create a password.

     To avoid errors, make sure the password complies with the criteria.

  3. In the Allowed Number of Sessions field, enter a number between 1 and 99.

    When you finish adding the user, you must edit their details and set the Allowed Number of Sessions to 100.

  4. Click the Roles tab.

  5. Select the checkbox for the following roles:

    1. Administrator

    2. People ESS

    3. People MSS

    4. People Payroll User.

  6. Click the License Types tab.

  7. Select the Limited API licence type checkbox.

  8. On the main toolbar, click the Save icon :ADV-Save: .

Publish the MYOB Adapt customisation

For MYOB Adapt to be able to upload data to the site, you must publish the ADAPTPAYAU customisation.

  1. Log in to the MYOB Adapt online portal.

    Need a login for the online portal? Request one in Phoenix. Select MYOB Advanced as your product, ADAPT as the area and New User Login as the subarea.

  2. Click Downloads on the left. The Files to Download page opens.

  3. Click to download the MYOB Adapt customisation for Payroll migrations.

    To prevent errors when using the files, make sure that the name of the file you downloaded matches the name on the MYOB Adapt online portal. For example, if you've previously downloaded the MYOB Adapt customisation file, it might be named ADAPTPAYAU (1).zip. In that case, you should rename it to

  4. Log in to the MYOB Advanced site for the customer you're migrating.

  5. Go to the Publish Customisation screen.

  6. Publish the file you downloaded in step 3.

Enable the MYOB Advanced Payroll and terminations features
  1. On the Enable/Disable Features screen (CS100000), click Modify on the form toolbar.

  2. Select the Advanced People and Termination checkboxes.

  3. On the form toolbar, click Enable.

Set your client's payroll preferences
  1. Go to the Payroll Preferences screen (MPPP1100).

  2. On the General tab:

    • In the General Ledger Settings section, complete the Pay Clearing Account and Pay Clearing Sub Account fields.

    • In the Default Employee Payment Preferences section, complete the Payment Reference (AU and NZ) field.

    • In the Contact Details section and Payslip Settings sections, complete all the fields.

  3. On the Superannuation Settings tab:

    • In the Batch Preferences section, select the Allow Batch Payments for Superannuation Batch and Auto Approve checkboxes.

    • In the Fund Preferences section, complete all the fields. Optionally, select the Default Superannuation Supplier checkbox.

Set the company ID

In MYOB Advanced, you can set a company ID on the Companies screen (CS101500) by clicking Change ID on the form toolbar.

If the tenant you're setting up doesn't need multiple branches, the company should be the same as the branch ID, instead of MAIN. You need to set this up before you can upload employees using MYOB Adapt.

Set up a cash account

You need to set up at least one cash account for each company and company branch.

Before you can set up a cash account you need to:

  • Set up an account as a cash asset on the Chart of Accounts screen (GL202500).

  • The segmented key ID for cash accounts should have a length of at least ten. You can check this by going to the Segmented Keys screen and entering CASHACCOUNT in the Segmented Key ID field.

Set up a work cover code

You need to set up at least one WorkCover code on the WorkCover Rates screen (MPPP3010).

Set up the general ledger purposes and posting class

On the General Ledger Purpose screen (MPPP1020), most GL purposes already exist by default. However, you might need to manually create extra ones based on the customer's GL posting setup. A GL purpose determines how a pay item will behave when being posted to GL journals.

The screenshot below shows some example GL purpose codes.

After creating any additional GL purposes that the customer requires, you can add GL accounts into a posting class on the Posting Classes screen (MPPP1030). A posting class defines which accounts should be used to post specific transactions to the general ledger.

For an Adapt migration, you need at least one posting class. All sites need to include the following in their default posting class:

  • The GLPPWP code with its Liability Group set to Withholding.

  • The GLPWCE code with its Liability Group set to Workcover.

When adding a GL account to a posting, you must enter a GL Account and Subaccount.

Set up the default employee class
  1. On the Employee Classes screen (EP2020PL), create a new employee class.

  2. On the General Settings tab, select the Payment Method and Cash Account that you created.

  3. On the Payroll Settings tab, select the WorkCover Code and Payroll Posting Class you created.

Back up your customer's site

After configuring your customer's sites, it's a good idea to back up both the test site and production site. That way, if something breaks during the migration, you can quickly restore the site to its original state, without having to reconfigure all of its settings.

Alternatively, you can take a snapshot of the site before beginning the migration.

What's next?

After you've finished setting up your customer's MYOB Advanced Payroll site, you need to set up a migration in the MYOB Adapt online portal.

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