This page explains how to configure pay history and then upload pay history to your customer's MYOB Acumatica site.
To apply the uploaded pay history to your customer's employees, you also need to do a pay run in your customer's MYOB Acumatica site. Because every migration is different, we can't tell you exactly how to do this pay run, but you can find general pay run instructions on Doing a pay run.
New Zealand pay history
1. Before extracting dynamic data, configure pay history
Before configuring pay history, there are prerequisites you need to set up in MYOB Acumatica. You can find instructions on what to do on Importing pay history - NZ only.
Log in to MYOB Adapt Desktop.
In the progress table, click the Config progress item.
In the Item Data tab, for the Pay History Start Date row, enter a date in the Value column. Make sure the date is at least 52 weeks ago.
For the Re-upload Action Entitlement Adjustments row, set the Value column to:
R to replace entitlements on re-upload.
D to create more batches of entitlement adjustments.
On the toolbar, go to the Actions menu and click Apply Pay History Settings.
2. After extracting dynamic data, upload pay history
Log in to Adapt Desktop.
In the progress items, Entitlement Adjustments Details, Entitlement Adjustments, Import Pay History Details and Import Pay History progress items, follow the in-product instructions to upload the entitlement adjustments and import pay history for each employee. These will populate the Pay History Details and the Import Pay History screens in MYOB Acumatica.
Log in to your customer's MYOB Acumatica site and follow the instructions in Importing pay history - NZ only instructions for Entitlement Adjustments and Import Pay History.
Australia pay history
For Australian companies, uploading pay history is optional. If you're not going to import pay history, you must still configure it.
1. Before extracting dynamic data, configure pay history
If you won't import pay history
Log in to Adapt Desktop.
In the progress table, click the Config progress item.
If you won't import pay history, in the Import Pay History row, enter N in the Value column.
On the toolbar, go to the Actions menu and click Apply Pay History Settings.
2. After extracting dynamic data, upload pay history
Log in to Adapt Desktop.
In the Pay Group for Pay History progress item, the Pay Group column displays IMPORT by default. Upload this information.
In the Pay History-Pay Groups progress item, the Pay Group ID column displays IMPORT for all employees by default. Upload this information.
In the progress item Pay History-Standard Pay, upload the data containing gross earnings, tax, and super for each employee.
In your customer's MYOB Acumatica site, do a pay run for the Import pay group to apply the pay history to your customer's employees.
Once you've finished the pay run, you can set employees terminated during the pay history period as Inactive.
Setting terminated employees as inactive
After uploading pay history and doing a pay run to apply it to employees, you can deactivate employees that were terminated during the pay history period.
In Adapt Desktop, go to the Deactivate Terminated Employees progress item and upload the status changes for terminated employees. The Deactivate Terminated Employees progress item also lets you set deactivated employees as active again.
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