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Assign a role to a domain user


Do not use with MYOB Acumatica Payroll versions earlier than 2023.1.1 On versions older than 2023.1.1, an issue prevents sites using Azure AD from completing pay runs. For more information, see MYOB Acumatica Known Issues, reference CE00037056.

When a domain user signs in to MYOB Acumatica for the first time, the system adds a user account for this user and assigns roles to the new account based on the mapping between Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) groups and MYOB Acumatica roles. For the full integration procedure, see Integrating MYOB Acumatica with Microsoft Azure Active Directory.

If necessary, you can override the automatically assigned roles by selecting the required roles manually for each domain user on the Users (SM201010) form.

To override a user's assigned role based on Azure AD groups
  1. Open the Users (SM201010) form.

  2. Optionally, if the user has never signed in to MYOB Acumatica with their domain credentials, add a local user account for the domain user:

    1. On the form toolbar, click Add Active Directory User to open the Active Directory User dialog box.

    2. In the Active Directory User field, select the Azure AD user account.

    3. Click OK to close the dialog box and populate the form with the user’s information.

  3. In the Login field, select the user whose default roles you want to change.

  4. In the Selection area, select Override Active Directory Roles with Local Roles.

  5. On the Roles tab, select the roles you want to assign to the user.

  6. On the form toolbar, click the Save icon (


To restore default assigned roles
  1. Open the Users (SM201010) form.

  2. In the Login box, select the domain user for whom you want to restore the default roles.

  3. In the Selection area, clear Override Active Directory Roles with Local Roles.

  4. On the form toolbar, click the Save icon (


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