MYOB Acumatica Known Issues (archives)
MYOB Acumatica known issues have moved
Find recent known issues on the MYOB Acumatica Knowledge Base, in the known issues section of each category.
This page will remain available for archives of resolved known issues for some time, but will no longer be updated.
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) known issue archives
This section includes issues affecting finance, sales and customer, projects, supply chain, production and field services.
Date | Issue | Description | Workaround | Status | Reference |
12/08/2024 | Cannot access mobile app after upgrade to 2023.115. Error An item with same key has already been added. | If two or more different screens with the same screen ID were added on the Site Map form, when a user tried to sign in to the Acumatica mobile app, the error could occur | To identify duplicating screens, follow the steps below. Step 1: On the Generic Inquiries (SM208000) form, import the generic inquiry attached here and click View Inquiry. Step 2: For each of the result lines shown, open Site Map side panel to see duplicated screens. | Fixed in 2023.1.400 | CE00050170 |
15/07/2024 | Unable to log into the Outlook add-in, receive error: You are not currently logged in | Users are unable to log into the Outlook add-in in build: 2023.1.301. When attempting to log in, they receive error: You are not currently logged in | NA | Fixed in 2023.1.501 | CE00049278 |
15/07/2024 | Performance issue in Purchase Receipt Details by Supplier (PO621000), receiving error: The Command Timeout expired before the operation completed | Performance issue in Purchase Receipt Details by Supplier (PO621000), receiving error: The Command Timeout expired before the operation completed Issue occurs in build: 2022.2.300 | NA | Fixed in 2023.1.301 | CE00048448 |
26/06/2024 | Site is slow and receives timeout error when lockout is initiated | After the site is lockout, the entire site slows, the screen freezes, especially the Tenants screen (SM203520) or gets a timeout error | Unlock the site | Fixed in 2023.1.400 | CE00047930 |
7/06/2023 | GST Taxable total in Sales Orders screen (SO301000) not matching with Taxable amount from the Tax Details tab | An unhandled exception thrown during the RowInserted/RowUpdated/RowDeleted events causes data consistency issues in some cases | Contact MYOB support for an SQL script to fix the issue. Preventive customization can also be provided at this time | Change Request raised | CE00026669 |
31/05/2024 | On Drop Shipments, the link between Sales Order and Purchase Orders are not working. | On the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, when a sales order had multiple lines linked to drop-ship purchase orders, clicking the link in the Drop-Ship PO Nbr. column on the Details tab did not open the corresponding drop-ship purchase order on the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form. The same issue was with opening sales orders by clicking the links in the drop-ship purchase orders on the Details tab of the Purchase Orders form. |
| Fixed in 2023.1.500 | CE00047874 |
1/10/2022 | Shipment packages quantity is not updating | In Sales Orders (SO301000) > Shipments (SO302000) > Packages tab, enter details in the rows and save, the Packages field is not updated accordingly. | Refresh the browser and the Packages field should be updated accordingly. | Fixed in 2024.1.100 | CE00020306 |
22/08/2023 | Export to Excel showing an incorrect value when exporting from Release Time Card (EP505010) | The Excel export is showing the Time Spent, Overtime, Total Time Spent, and Time Billable in minutes rather than hours | Convert value to hours or use the values displayed on Release Time Card (EP505010) | Acumatica concluded this will not be fixed | CE00040429 |
18/09/2023 | The banner at the top of screens goes blank when Company selection changes across Quick Cheques (AP304000) and Funds Transfers (CA301000) | At Quick Cheques (AP304000) and Funds Transfers (CA301000), when user change the companies at the top once or more times, the banner of the top screen goes blank | No workaround | Fixed in build 2024.1.100 | CE00040088 |
21/07/2023 | In AR Balance by Customer report (AR632000), the hyperlink for 'applied to' column does not open the document | The hyperlink for 'applied to' column in AR632000 does not work | View the document in Invoices and Memo (AR301000) / Payment and Application (AR302000) | Fixed in Release 2024.1.100 | CE00037710 |
20/2/2023 | Voided payments showing on balance report | You may see closed voided payments from Cheques And Payments screen (AP3020PL) showing on the AP Balance By Supplier report (AP632500). | No workaround. | Fixed in build 2024.1.100 | CE00034413 |
15/07/2024 | Performance issue in Account Details (GL404000) | Performance issue in Account Details (GL404000) Issue occurs in build: 2022.2.300 | NA | Fixed in 2023.1.200 | CE00048448 |
11/06/2024 | For sites on version 2023.115, On Process Bank Transactions (CA306000), users receive an error - CA Error: The document could not be processed because the external reference number of the bank transaction is empty. Fill in the Ext. Ref. Nbr. box on the Import Bank Transactions (CA306500) form for the bank transaction. | On the Match to Invoices tab, when a user processed a bank transaction with an empty Ext. Ref. Nbr. matched to an document, the error message was shown even if the selected payment method had the Require Unique Payment Ref. check box cleared on the Payment Methods (CA204000) form | Option 1: Users can follow the error and add ext nbr and then process Option 2: Publish customisation: to workaround issue Note : Remove the customisation when the site is updated to 2023.1.400 or higher version | Fixed in 2023.1.400 | CE00048321 |
19/03/2024 | Unable to sign in and sign up with 2fa if the email address associated with your MYOB ID does not match the email address associated with MYOB Advanced user | The sign in and sign up process loops indefinitely when the email address differs | Ensure the email address associated with MYOB ID matches the email address for the user in Advanced | Fix had been released to all sites | CE00046005 |
09/11/2023 | Error on Process Bank Transactions (CA306000) and unable to process. CA Error: Could not add an application of invoice. Possibly it is already used in another application | On Process Bank Transactions (CA306000) when matching to multiple documents child invoices without balance consolidation are shown. However, only invoices from the selected customer and child customers with Consolidate Balance = True should be shown |
| Fixed in 2023.1.300 | CE00041288 |
16/10/2023 | When using Process Bank Transactions (CA501000) some transactions may result in an error when attempting to process. Error - 'CuryInfoID cannot be empty' | The error occurs when the tax uses Tax Payable/Claimable account that is denominated, the Process Bank Transaction cannot save it because the currency is null | As a workaround go to Taxes (TX2050PL) and note down the Tax Payable Account as well as the Tax Claimable Account used on the GL Account tab. Now go to Chart of Accounts (GL202500) screen and clear the Currency field for these accounts or Publish customisation: DefaultCuryIDOnBankTaxes to workaround issue | Fixed in 2023.1.300 | CE00041233 |
01/09/2023 | Email Attachments duplicated after sync from Exchange Synchronization Process | The attachments on Emails using the Exchange Synchronization Process (SM204030) may duplicate when reviewed in the Inbox | No workaround | Fixed in 2023.1.300 | CE00040269 |
21/08/2023 | When splitting a Fixed Asset (FA303000) on Spilt Asset (FA506000) the Spilt transaction amount is the same in all books | Spilt Asset (FA506000) works incorrectly if the Fixed Asset (FA303000) has a different cost in different books | To fix the cost and the depreciation of the assets in the TAX book, create Purchasing + and Depreciation + transactions on the difference - increase the cost and the accum. depreciation in the parent asset and decrease in the split | Fixed in 2023.1.400 | CE00040188 |
11/08/2023 | Unable to release voided Quick Cheque (AP304000). Error: SO Error: Document is out of balance. | If the Quick Cheque (AP304000) has inclusive tax and the Invoice Rounding feature is enabled, the customer may encounter an error when releasing these document |
| Fixed in 2023.1.400 | CE00040086 |
24/07/2023 | When entering Fixed Assets (FA30300) the Accumulated Depreciation field is editable but the modification is not saved | In this instance, the system should display an error 'Last Depr. Period cannot be empty for a fixed asset in the book with nonzero accumulated depreciation.', however no error is display and the data in the Accumulated Depreciation field does not save | On the Fixed Assets enter:
Save your changes | Fixed in 2023.1.400 | CE00039171 |
07/07/2023 | Unit Cost is incorrect on Purchase Return if a user changed UOM and quantity | When a user creates a purchase return from an original purchase receipt, uses original cost, changes the UOM and quantity, the system calculates incorrect unit cost | No workaround. | Fixed in 2023.1.200 | CE00038565 |
31/5/2023 | Slow response when opening Request form (RQ3010PL) | There is a performance issue encountered while attempting to open a Request on the Request form (RQ3010PL) | Second attempt at opening the Request should have faster results | Fixed in 2023.1.400 | CE00037652 |
4/10/2022 | Error when creating a new revision of an estimate | In Estimates (AM3030PL), after selecting an Estimate ID, clicking on Actions then New Revision, you may get a new Estimate ID and an error when saving it. Error: Another process has added the ‘AMEstimateReference’ record. Your changes will be lost. | Contact MYOB support for an SQL script to fix the issue. | Fixed in 2023.1.400 | CE00031466 |
18/04/2024 | When generating an AR Statement on demand or preparing a statement and then emailing this, the email template for the field Statement Date shows incorrectly | Email notification created for Print Statements (AR503500) form displays the date not relevant to the statement being emailed | If sending a single statement the date can be modified in the email before sending | Fixed in 2023.1.301 | CE00046612 |
22/12/2023 | Device hub users unable to connect with not found error after upgrade to 2023.1 | Device hub isn't working for some users on 2023.1 or above with an error referencing WebSockets: System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketException (0x80004005): Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. | Contact MYOB support to migrate site to the ALB Stack | Site configuration change required. Phased rollout completed | CE00044250 |
7/02/2024 | Quantity to Produce on Production Order Maintenance (AM201500) shows incorrect value compared to Sales Order (SO301000) | When creating a Sales Order and marking the line as 'Mark for Production' we expect the quantity on this line to match the Quantity to Produce value | Manually update the field | Fixed in 2023.1.400 | CE00042510 |
15/01/2024 | Trying to Save uploaded Marketing List (CR204000) error: "Column 'ContactID' cannot be null. | Some users may encounter an error when trying to save a Marketing List (CR204000). They will be able to upload the list, however when trying to Save the list error: "Column 'ContactID' cannot be null | No workaround | Fixed in 2023.1.400 | CE00044349 |
13/02/2024 | Employee's details can be viewed by any user via global search | When typing 'Employee' into the global search and checking the Transactions & Profiles tab a user will see a list of Employees. They will not have access to drill down in the Employee record, but can see some details from the Global Search window, regardless of their access | NA | Fixed in 2023.1.400 | CE00045089 |
1/02/2024 | Sales Order (SO302000) line quantity is being split into two shipment lines | When creating a Shipment from a Sales Order with stock on-hand, the system creates a Shipment for the order qty as 1 and a second line with the remaining Quantity | The allocation details can be manually correctly, ie remove all the lines and put in the correct allocated item and quantity | Fixed in 2023.1.400 | CE00044725 |
28/02/2024 | The process on the Regenerate Inventory Planning/Regenerate MRP form did not calculate materials required for planned production orders | The process on the Regenerate MRP (AM505000) form did not calculate materials required for planned production orders | Publish customisation: Note: When you upgrade the system to the version that contains the fix for the issue, you must unpublish this customization package | Fixed in 2023.1.300 | CE00045599 |
29/02/2024 | Action Copy Order on sales order (SO301000) action causes an error | If a user tried to create a sales order by clicking the Copy Order command on the More menu of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, the following error message was shown: A data corruption state has been detected. You cannot save the changes. Copy the data you have entered and reload the page | In some scenarios the Copy-Paste function from the clipboard icon can be used | Fixed in 2023.1.300 | CE00045595 |
15/02/2024 | Reporting from Employee Time Cards (EP406000) pulls incorrectly | In generic inquiries, formulas in which the date/time functions were used (such as Year, Month, Date, Today, Now) converted dates and times to the UTC format instead of local time zone
| In some instances a workaround of using formula ‘= DateAdd( Now(), 'h', 12)’. However this would need to amended during daylight savings time or if an employee moves time zone | There is no timeline on when it will be fixed, please raise as Enhancement Request in Ideas Portal | CE00045176 |
20/07/2023 | Unable to copy Sales Quote using Copy Quote option from the menu | When attempting to copy a Sales Quote using the Copy Quote option from the menu an Error occurs. 'The item does not have an active configuration revision assigned.' This will only affect quotes with lines that have configurable items | No workaround | Fixed in 2022.2.300 | CE00039119 |
08/11/2023 | Duplicate Purchase Order for Service Order can be created in the Create Purchase Order (PO505000) screen | If a user added an item to a service order with the Mark for PO check box selected, created a purchase order for that item, opened the Line Details dialog box, and deleted the entry that corresponded to the created purchase order, the item appeared again in the list on the Create Purchase Orders (PO505000) form. Issue was reported in build: 2021.217.300.1255 | N/A | Issue doesn't occur after upgraded to 2023.1.101 | CE00042801 |
24/10/2023 | Purchasing Orders (PO301000) no longer visible after upgrading to 2023.1 | Unable to access Purchase Order screen (PO301000) after upgrading to 2023.1 | Contact MYOB Support to update license | Fixed in 2023.1.200 | CE00042465 |
29/09/2023 | No warning message displaying when item is out of stock on the Kit Assembly | No warning message is displayed when an item is out of stock on the Kit Assembly (IN307000). Was working fine in 21R1, but not working in 22R2 | No workaround | Fixed in 2023.115.300 | CE00041617 |
11/09/2023 | Documents with the Open and Closed status are displayed on the Process Invoices and Memos (SO505000) screen | On the Process Invoices and Memos (SO505000) form, if a user selected Email Invoice in the Action box, the system displayed documents that had already been released | To hide documents that are already released for the Email Invoice action, do the following: Step 1: On the Process Invoices and Memos form, select the Email Invoice in the Action box. Step 2: Exclude the Open and Closed values from the filter in the Status column, | Fixed in 2022.2.300, 2023.1.200 | CE00041029 |
03/08/2023 | Send Report (SM205060) is giving error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object, unable to send the ARM based reports | Customer is receiving this error on the Send Reports screen. This | No workaround | Fixed in 2022.2.300 | CE00039439 |
07/07/2023 | Hit error after Sales Order or Shipment modification, Error: Inserting 'Billing Address' record raised at least one error. Please review the errors: 'RevisionID' cannot be empty | After several navigations between different forms, in the same browser tab, if a user was trying then to execute an action or to save an entity, the system could return the Error: '<FieldName>' cannot be empty error (see Screenshot 1). The error could occur on different forms, such as Sales Orders (SO301000), Shipments (SO302000), Purchase Orders (PO301000) forms | Open the record in a new browser tab instead of the current one | Fixed in 2022.2.300, 2023.1.200 | CE00038534 |
17/2/2023 | Error when accessing Wiki | When you access Wiki on any screen, you may encounter an error. Error: Object reference not set an instance of an object | Contact MYOB support for the steps to workaround the issue | Fixed in 2022.1.101 | CE00034833 |
28/9/2022 | Error when preparing tax reports for deleted period | If a financial period has been deleted causing your Number of Periods to be a number smaller than 12 in Master Financial Calendar (GL201000), you may get an error in Prepare Tax Report (TX501000) for the deleted period or after. Error: The [period] financial period is not defined in the system. To proceed, generate the necessary periods on the Financial Periods (GL201000) form. | Contact MYOB support for an SQL script to fix the issue. | Fixed in 2023.1.100 | CE00031315 |
24/8/2022 | Validated business accounts still showing as duplicates | After marking an account marked 'Possible Duplicate' as validated on the Business Accounts screen (CR3030PL), the status on the CRM Info tab changes back to 'Possible Duplicate' when saved. On the Duplicates tab the account shows as validated. | Unchecking Validate Accounts for Duplicates on Entry on the Duplicate Validation Settings tab of the Customer Management Preferences (CR101000) | Confirmed Change Request with Acumatica - no confirmed review date commitment or ETA for resolution | CE00030387 |
3/5/2022 | Less Than or Equal To condition not working | In a generic enquiry, the Less Than or Equal To date parameter is not including the last day. For example the range 01/07/2013 to 30/07/2013 only includes up to the 29/07/2013. | Set the to date parameter to one day later. | Confirmed Backlog with Acumatica - no confirmed review date commitment or ETA for resolution | CE00021287 |
18/10/2023 | Dashboard edit color selectors no longer show sample color | Custom colors no longer preview in the dashboard edit color selectors | N/A | Fixed in 2023.1.100 | CE00037521 |
12/07/2023 | WIP figures are showing negative value in Projects | WIP figures in the Actual Amount and Actual+Open Committed Amount columns are showing negative value in Projects | No workaround | Fixed in 2022.2.202 | CE00036138 |
21/6/2023 | Incorrect Unit Price when creating Sales Order from Sales Quote (CR304500) | When Converting a Sales Quote (CR304500) to an order, using the Copy Configuration option, the Sales Order is generated however the Unit Price may be different from the Unit Price on the Sales Quote | Untick the Copy Configuration button when converting the Sales Quotes to Sales Order | Fixed in 2022.2.202 | CE00035786 |
06/07/2023 | Unable to process bank transactions from CA payment, with error: Offset Account cannot be empty, the Match checkbox on the left panel isn't ticked | At Process Bank Transaction (CA306000), selects Create Payment and choose entry type with empty offset account and subaccount, getting an error: Offset Account cannot be empty even after filling in the offset account manually | Contact MYOB support for the steps to workaround the issue | Fixed in 2022.2.202 | CE00038173 |
26/10/2023 | The Email Template (SM2040PL) which is used to onboard new users has an incorrect URL | The link provided in the generated email does not take users to login screen | The administrator creating the user can first save the user without a license. This causes the correct link to be sent. The administrator can then assign a license straight away | Fixed in 2022.2.103 | CE00042192 |
09/10/2023 | Manage Bank Feeds (MBCA2020) shows inactive Bankfeed applications | This issue occurs if two bank feed applications with the same cash account have been created. While only active feeds will pull data, this can cause confusion for the user | Contact MYOB Support for a customization that can be used to hide these additional lines | Fixed in 2023.1.200 | CE00040544 |
12/07/2023 | Fixed Asset missing from the FA Balance by GL Account Report (FA643000) | FA Balance by GL Account Report should show the total account balances of all Fixed Assets, however, a user may encounter a Fixed Asset not showing in the report | Contact MYOB support for an SQL script to fix the issue | Fixed in 2022.2.202, 2023.1.100 | CE00038787 |
2/2/2023 | Emails sent to customer not showing in activities | After sending an email to a customer, you may not see this in the activities tab in Customers (AR303000). | View the email on All Emails (CO409070). | Fixed in 2023.1.100 | CE00034156 |
16/1/2023 | Error when deleting a branch linked to a deleted customer record | In Branch (CS102000), when deleting a branch linked to a deleted customer record, you may encounter an error. CS Error: This branch is associated with at least one customer account. To delete the branch, clear the Default Branch box on the Customers (AR303000) form for the following customer accounts: SPP. | Follow the steps below as a workaround:
| Fixed in 2023.1.100 | CE00033596 |
12/1/2023 | Cannot see Inventory ID in a service order | In Service Order screen (FS300100), open a service order, in the details tab, in a row with service as line type, in the inventory ID field you may get a blank list. | There are two workarounds available:
| Fixed in 2023.1.100 | CE00033899 |
11/1/2023 | Error when creating a supplier filter | In Supplier (AP303000), in the Supplier ID field, when creating a filter for Supplier Class, you may encounter an error. Error: Unknown column ‘VendorR.VendorClassID’ in ‘where clause’ | Use a contains/equals search on the Supplier ID field. | Fixed in 2023.1.100 | CE00033668 |
10/1/2023 | Error when opening credit memos | In Receivables > Invoice and memos (AR3010PL), you may encounter a "Request timed out." error when opening credit memos | No workaround. | Fixed in 2022.2.202 | CE00033729 |
2/12/2022 | User profile's default branch field displaying numbers | In User Profile (SM2023010) screen > General info tab, Default Branch field dropdown list displays numbers instead of correct information. | Click on the magnifying glass to load full selector list to view correct information. | Fixed in 2023.1.100 | CE00029402 |
23/11/2022 | Error when releasing quick cheques | In Quick Cheques (AP304PL), when releasing a balanced record with Tax Calculation Mode set as Gross, you may encounter an error. SO Error: Document is out of balance. | Follow the steps below as a workaround:
| Fixed in 2023.1.100 | CE00032638 |
23/9/2022 | Unable to attach cases under related cases | In Cases (CR3060PL), Related Cases tab, attaching a case does not load the relevant information. And the attached case in Related Cases tab disappears after saving the case. | In Related Cases tab, click on the Case ID field on the same row again, select the same case to attach, it should load the relevant information and save successfully for the second time. | Fixed in 2023.1.100 | CE00031224 |
20/5/2022 | Default suppliers not loading onto purchase orders created from production orders | When you select Mark for PO from a production order (AM000003), default vendors for the inventory and material items will not be added to the Create Purchase Order (PO505000) screen. | Manually select the supplier | Fixed in 2022.2.202 and 2023.1.100 | CE00025577 |
20/4/2022 | Stepped retainage calculation error during project billing | Even if you have step retainage set up for a project, invoices generated from the Run Project Billing screen (PM503000) are calculated using ordinary retainage. | No workaround. | Fixed in 2023.1.100 | CE00024920 |
28/2/2022 | Error when running billing for service orders | In Service Orders (FS3001PL), after you click the Run Billing button for any order with an appointment schedule time or actual duration, you may get an error. Error: The quantity in the posted document docs does not match the quantity in the source document. | No workaround. | Fixed in 2023.1.100 | CE00024940 |
16/1/2023 | Error when importing consolidation data | When importing a large amount of records in Import Consolidation Data (GL509000), the process button may take more than 10 minutes and you may encounter the error message below. Error: The operation has timed out. | Contact MYOB support for an SQL script to fix the issue. | Fixed in 2023.1.100 | CE00033950 |
06/07/2023 | Navigation links in the form or report are broken when exported to PDF | Links in the form or report do not match the respective transactions when the form or report was exported to PDF | No workaround. | Fixed in 2022.2.202, 2023.1.100 | CE00037414 |
10/07/2023 | Performance issues Revalue GL Accounts (CM506000) | Users may encounter a 'Request Time Out' error or Performance issues on Revalue GL Accounts (CM506000) after selecting a currency | No workaround. | Fixed in 2022.2.202 | CE00038817 |
15/5/2023 | Error when changing Billing Customer on the Appointments form (FS300200) | Changing the Billing customer on the Financial tab of the Appointments form (FS300200) to one with a different currency and tax zone, displays a currency error, and doesn't change the customer. CM Error: An error occurred while saving Currency Info for the table 'FSAppointmentTax' |
| Fixed in 2022.2.202 | CE00037067 |
2/6/2023 | When preparing Invoice from Cash Sale and Cash Return (SO301000) the status shows as Credit Hold | When creating a Sales Order (SO301000) of type Cash Return (CR) or Cash Sales (CS) using terms of Prepayment, after adding an Invoice on Details tab, and clicking Prepare Invoice the Invoice created is on Credit Hold status | Credit Hold can be removed via Process Invoice and Memo form (SO505000) | Fixed in 2022.2.202 | CE00037493 |
11/07/2023 | Unable to reverse Funds Transfer (CA301000). Error - A fund transfer with 0.0000 amount cannot be processed. To proceed, enter an amount greater than zero. | A user will be unable to reverse a Funds Transfer (CA301000) when the destination account of the original transaction is $0 | Two workaround options:
| Fixed in 2022.2.202 | CE00038741 |
03/08/2023 | Slow performance in Stock Items (IN202500), in build 2022.121.302.3452 | Users experience poor performance when they opened the Stock Items (IN202500) form | No workaround | Fixed in 2022.2.202 | CE00039583 |
18/09/2023 | Create Payment checkbox not working while creating a new payment in Process Bank Transactions (CA501000) | User can not match the disbursement amount to payment or create payment and receiving the error in the trace as "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." | Manually create payment in respective module | Fixed in 2022.2.200 | CE00039860 |
25/08/2023 | Calendar Board (FS300300) does not load in 2022.2.100 | In 2022.2.100, open the Calendar Board (FS300300), the wheel keeps spinning, the screen never opens up | Switch to another tenant and switch back | Fixed in 2022.1.302, 2022.2.200 | CE00036285 |
13/07/2023 | Warehouse and Locations Missing From Bill Of Materials after upgrade to 2022.205 | In Bill of Materials (AM208000), the warehouse and location for each Material are missing after upgrade | Contact MYOB support for an SQL script to fix the issue | Fixed in 2022.2.200 | CE00038630 |
6/12/2022 | Error when adding an invoice to a RC sales order with a selected project | In Sales Orders (SO301000), for a new sales order with type RC (return for credit) and a selected project, after you add an invoice and save, you may get an error. Error: An error occurred during processing of the field Project Task value [task value] Error: Project Task '[task value] ' cannot be found in the system. | No workaround. | Fixed in 2022.2.200 | CE00032914 |
20/1/2023 | Approved requests are not closed | In Requests screen (RQ301000), approved requests are not closed but remain open. | Contact MYOB support for an SQL script to fix the issue. | Fixed in 2022.2.200 | CE00034101 |
1/6/2023 | Reversing Journal Transaction (GL301000) entry now has the status of Pending Approval. However, there are no approvals configured | After an upgrade to 2022 R2, if on the Journal Transaction form (GL301000) a transaction was created before the upgrade was reversed, the reversing transaction now has the Pending Approval status | Open the reversing transaction on the Journal Transactions (GL301000) form. Click Hold and then click Remove Hold | Fixed in 2022.2.200 | CE00037745 |
11/07/2023 | When sites have "Enforce Secure Authentication" set to off they have no way to register new users for IDS | When sites have "Enforce Secure Authentication" set to off they have no way to register new users for IDS in build 2022.1.3 or 2022.2.1 | No workaround. | Fixed in 2022.2.200, 2022.2.103 | CE00038610 |
19/06/2023 | System generates multiple Depreciation journals from one single FA transaction, when there are more than 250 Fixed assets depreciation included in this single FA transaction | When a user ran depreciation on the Calculate Depreciation (FA502000) form, the generated transactions could contain no more than 500 lines even if parallel processing was off. Due to this restriction, several transactions could be created for a single period of depreciation. | Select less than 250 Assets when processing the depreciation | Fixed in 2022.2.200 | CE00038071 |
22/5/2023 | The Full Screen button on the Production Schedule Board form (AM215555) is not working. | When you click on the Full Screen button nothing happens. | Use the Maximise button instead, while we're working on a fix. | Fixed in 2022.2.200 | CE00037117 |
23/2/2023 | Bank transaction load options filters not working | In Process Bank Transaction screen (CA306000), after selecting a transaction and tick Create Payment, if you specify criteria in the Load Options window, you may still load unexpected documents outside of the criteria. | No workaround. | Fixed in 2022.2.200 | CE00034731 |
11/07/2023 | Error when processing Bank Transactions 'Field 'CashAccountID' doesn't have default value' | The error occurs when either:
| Contact MYOB support for an SQL script to fix the issue | Fixed in 2022.2.100 | CE00039043 |
11/07/2023 | Project Invoices not using the Project Invoice format (PM641000) | After the upgrade to 2022.2.102, the system no longer prints from PM641000. It prints from AR64100 form rather than printing or redirecting on PM641000 for Project Invoice. | Manually change the report ID: PM641000 in URL | Fixed in 2022.2.200 | CE00038859 |
13/07/2023 | Trace does not show details | Trace does not show details on any screens. The affect version: 2022.2.100 | Use the Request Profiler (SM205070) to capture the trace entries | Fixed in 2022.2.200 | CE00036700 |
11/07/2023 | PTRS reporting values not reflecting according to the selected company | When selecting criteria in the PTRS report preparation screen (MYPT3000) the values in Paid Small Business Invoices and Small Business Procurement are always the same regardless of the company selected. | No workaround | Fixed in 2022.2.200 | CE00035651 |
07/07/2023 | Sales Price is not updated in Opportunity or Sales Quote when warehouse changes | Adding an item to a Sales Quote or Opportunity where the Warehouse is not auto populated loads the default price and once a warehouse and quantity are entered does not change to the Warehouse Specific Price | Manual changes or change UOM and change back | Fixed in 2022.2.200 | CE00038420 |
22/5/2023 | Supplier Price worksheet (AP202010) only updating one record. | Some supplier price worksheets that in previous versions had updated multiple records, are now only importing one. | Change the common setting mode to Insert all records as an interim workaround. | Fixed in 2022.2.200 | CE00036173 |
1/3/2023 | Book Calendar is different to Master Financial Calendar | The number of months in Book Calendars screen (FA304000) may appear different to the number of months in Master Financial Calendar (GL201000). This may cause an error when importing assets. FA Error: The document cannot be released, because [month] in the posting book does not match the financial period in the general ledger for the company. Please contact the support service for further assistance. | Contact MYOB support for an SQL script to fix the issue. | Change request on Acumatica side, no ETA | CE00035143 |
13/2/2023 | Salesforce sync not running | After started syncing entities in Salesforce Sync (SF205030), some entities may have status "Stopped" instead of "Running". | Use the full resync. | Fixed in .net 5.0 | CE00034621 |
24/1/2023 | Error when opening contacts | When you open certain records in Contacts (CR3020PL), you may encounter an error and unable to export contacts. Error: An error occurred during processing of the field Created On: Unable to convert MySQL date/time to System.DateTime, set AllowZeroDateTime=True or ConvertZeroDateTime=True in the connection string. See . | No workaround. | Fixed in 2022.1.300 | CE00034162 |
16/1/2023 | Slow response when processing sales order | In Sales Orders (SO301000) when creating a new sales order with order method Counter, creating a payment may take around 30 seconds and clicking the process button may take 2-3 minutes. | Contact MYOB support for an SQL script to fix the issue. | Fixed in 2022.1.204 | CE00033145 |
9/12/2022 | Error when preparing a sales invoice after changing inventory lot or serial number | After changing the Lot or serial number for inventory, Shipment (SO302000), you may get an error when clicking Prepare invoice. Error: PR Error: Sales Order Line: Order Type = SA; Order Nbr. =3901; Line Nbr. = 20: An error occurred during processing of the field Lot/Serial Nbr. value DEMO-VAYA-CASE2 Error: The field LotSerialNbr cannot be updated in this record because the field is disabled. | Contact MYOB support for an SQL script to fix the issue. | Fixed in 2022.1.204 | CE00033576 |
9/11/2022 | Error when changing a production order's source | In Sales Orders (SO301000), for a QT order with an entered estimate, in its Production Order Maintenance window's References tab, after you change the source to configuration, you may get an error. AM Error: The following error occurred when the system tried to copy the BOM: Error: An invalid argument has been specified. Parameter name: Source ID | There are a few workarounds when changing the source from Estimate to Configuration:
| Fixed in 2022.1.302 | CE00032462 |
1/11/2022 | Error when releasing a bill | In Bill and Adjustments (AP3010PL), you may get an error after you click Release. The bill is under reclassification status and cannot be released or closed even though it has an attached payment. Error: "Another process has added the 'POAccruralDetail' record. Your changes will be lost." | Contact MYOB support for an SQL script to fix the issue. | Fixed in 2021.2.300, 2022.1.1, 2022.2.101 | CE00032214 |
13/10/2022 | Mobile device not showing on Users screen's Devices tab | After connecting the Android mobile app to a 2022 version's MYOB Advanced site, the device may not appear on the Users screen's Devices tab. | No workaround. | Fixed in 2022.2.101 | Not available |
15/7/2022 | Cannot run Reconciliation-deduction for Land Asset | Once a credit application is applied to an asset the Reconciliation field is greyed out only Addition is available to select, not Deduction. |
| Change request on Acumatica side, no ETA | CE00029013 |
3/5/2022 | Duplicate equipment item numbers | The Last Number field has reset to 000001 in equipment numbering sequence FSEQUIP. This has caused multiple equipment items to be created with the same equipment number. | Manually create a new equipment item document and delete one of the duplicated IDs. | Fixed in 2022.1.203 | CE00021106 |
22/4/2022 | Unable to add contacts to a customer on credit hold | When customers are on credit hold on the Customers screen (AR3030PL), you cannot add new contacts to their record. | Take the customer off credit hold, add the contacts, then put the credit hold back on. | Fixed in 2022.2.101 | CE00022951 |
21/4/2022 | Opportunity last modified date not updating | The last modified date of an opportunity is not updated when new activities (i.e. notes or tasks) are added. | From the Column Configuration, add Last Outgoing Activity and Last Incoming Activity to the Generic Inquiry for Opportunity | Acumatica advised this remains in the backlog of Change Request but is not targeted to be fixed anytime soon | CE00023389 |
17/10/2022 | Incorrect attachment icon in the list of kits | Kit Assembly (IN3070PL) may show incorrect attachment icons for kits that have attachments. | Click into the kits individually to see if they have attachments. | Fixed in 2022.2.200. | CE00031809 |
3/10/2022 | Cancelled invoice has been emailed out more than once | In Invoices and Memos (AR3010PL), cancelled invoice may have been emailed out more than once, shown by clicking on the Activities button. | No workaround. | Fixed in 2021.2.302. | CE00031425 |
28/9/2022 | Error when auto-matching bank transactions | In Process Bank Transactions (CA3060PL), clicking on Auto-match button might encounter error. Error: 'FinPeriodID' cannot be empty. | Set the open financial period and master financial calendar to a future date. Alternatively, manually match bank transactions. | Fixed in 2021.2.302 | CE00031314 |
21/9/2022 | Incorrect progress in project transactions | After entering the hours in Employee Time Card (EP406000), the converted quantity of days in Project Transactions (PM304000) might be incorrect due to roudning from four to two decimal places. | Manually edit the converted quantity in four decimal places. | Fixed in 2021.2 | CE00031192 |
10/8/2022 | Error when applying landed cost to transfer receipts. | If the user doesn't have access to the sending warehouse's branch, they get an error when applying the Landed Cost to transfer receipts. Error: Landed Cost is not applicable for selected Transfers | No workaround. | Fixed in 2022.1.301 | CE00029411 |
15/7/2022 | UDF data disappears from ARInvoice | After a payment is released to the ARInvoice (AR301000), the UDF entry disappears. | No workaround. | Fixed in 2022.2.101 | CE00025263 |
23/5/2022 | Storage Summary not automatically populating | The Storage Summary (IN409010) does not pull through the Expiration Date or Lot Serial Number from the Inventory Summary (IN401000). | No workaround. | Fixed in 2022.2 | CE00027482 |
20/5/2022 | Unable to remove holds on documents from the Purchase/Sales Order screens. | Users with view-only access rights to the Purchase Orders or Sales Orders screen can't take the respective documents off hold, even though they can put them on hold. | No workaround. | Fixed in 2022.2 | CE00026843 |
10/5/2022 | Project management transactions inheriting old dates | When a project management transaction for the unbilled remainder is created from a released AR invoice, it inherits the invoice's date and period. This can create transactions in previous periods, which may be incorrect. | Reopen the closed period to release the PM transaction and update its date. | Fixed in 2022.2 | CE00025035 |
1/6/2022 | Project Template task types not updating projects | When creating a new Project (PM301000) from a Project Template (PM2080PL) the task Type field shows as Cost and Revenue instead of what is on the template. | Manually change the task type after creating the project. | Fixed in 2022.2 and 2022.1.200. | CE00026744 |
30/3/2023 | Different bank balance in Account Details screen | The Ending Balance in the Account Details screen (GL404000) could be different to any other screens, including Account Summary screen (GL401000), Trial Balance Report and Balance Sheet. | Recalculate Account History (GL509900). | Fixed in 2021R122, 2021R212, 2022R105. | CE00035634 |
27/10/2022 | Cannot license MYOB Advanced | After installing MYOBAdvConfig.exe, in the License Maintenance screen (SM201510) > Enter Licence Key tab, when you save the MAK key it does not save and register. | Contact MYOB Operation team for a license file to fix the issue. | Fixed | CE00032262 |
21/9/2022 | Non-billable activities are showing as billable | In the Projects (PM301000) and the Employee Time Activities (EP301000) screens, activities marked as non-billable may still still show in the billable time column, even though they should show as zero. This will affect project billing. | Contact MYOB support for an SQL script to fix the issue. | Fixed in 2022.1.100 | CE00026879 CE00025534 |
20/4/2022 | Calendar board service order links not working | On the Calendar Board screen (FS300300) the service order number below the appointment number should be a link. | Open the appointment link first, then the service order. | Fixed in 2022.1.100 | CE00024902 |
3/5/2022 | Field not highlighted on error when creating a business account | On the Business Accounts form (CR303000), the system is not marking the Last Name box in the Primary Contact section on the General tab as mandatory. It displays an error. "Error: Inserting ‘Contact’ record raised at least on error. Please review the errors" | Fill in the Last Name field. | Fixed in 2022.1.100 | CE00021339 |
6/6/2022 | Tax report (TX502000) does not include CA transactions | The Release tax report screen (TX502000) does not include any cash transactions. | Contact MYOB support for an SQL script to fix the issue. Or find cash transaction on other screens, such as CA3040PL. | Fixed 2021.2.204 | CE00027823 |
1/9/2022 | Sales order loses tax amount when date is changed | After adding an inventory item in a Sales Orders (SO301000), if the transaction date is then changed, both the GST Taxable Total and Tax Total amounts might show as zero incorrectly. | Enable Customer Discounts feature in Enable/Disable Features (CS100000). | Fixed in 2021.219 | CE00030623 |
25/7/2022 | Incorrect Average Cost in stock items | An incorrect unit cost on Inventory Transaction History (IN405000) is causing incorrect Average Cost in stock items. | Contact MYOB support for an SQL script to fix the issue. | Fixed in 2022.1.100 | CE00029377 |
30/6/2022 | Funds transfer not creating a batch on the source account (CA301000) | Funds transfer has not created a batch on the Source Account (CA301000). The GL batch is showing as a duplicate in Reconciliation Statement of the Transfer Out bank. | No workaround. | Fixed in 2021.2.300 | CE00028557 |
20/5/2022 | Project Quotes show incorrect amounts if tax category is inclusive | Project Quotes (PM304500) show the GST inclusive amount as the Total Sales so the Quote Total is wrong. | No workaround. | Fixed in 2021.2.300 | CE00027436 |
20/5/2022 | Unable to limit sub-account access from the Expense Receipts screen | When a user is in a group with restricted Sub Account by Branch Access (GL103060), they can still see all the subaccounts on the Expense Receipts screen (EP301010), even the restricted ones. | No workaround. | Fixed in 2021.2.300 | CE00026286 |
20/5/2022 | Sorting the Transactions by Account Report changes the beginning balance | The Transactions by Account Report (GL633500) default sort criteria is Subaccount.Subaccount. When this field is removed the beginning balance is recalculated, even though the transactions on the screen are still correct. | Use this fixed version of the report. | Fixed in 2021.2.102 | CE00026375 |
20/5/2022 | Problems with imported supplier price worksheets | Two related issues when importing a Supplier Price Worksheet (AP2020PL):
| Clear the rows after export and ignore the source price column. | Fixed in 2021.2.102 | CE00026491 |
20/5/2022 | User-defined field values are not coming through to recurring invoices | When recurring invoices are created, they are not bringing through any user-defined fields as they should. | Manually add user-defined field values to recurring invoices. | Fixed in 2021.2.204 | CE00026924 |
12/5/2022 | Generate Period not working for some Projects | Using Generate Period (PM209600) in Project Budget Forecast, is unsuccesful for some periods with transactions. | No workaround. | Fixed in 2021.2.300 | CE00027162 |
3/5/2022 | "Move next" error when paying invoices using Enter Payments | When paying a released invoice using Enter Payments (AR301000) an error will display if there is an unreleased credit memo applied to it. "An unhandled exception has occurred in the function 'MoveNext'. Please see the trace log for more details." | Release the credit memo, or delete the application in the Applications tab. | Fixed in 2021.2.200 | CE00021544 |
20/5/2022 | Supplier Inventory ID not appearing in PO Alternate ID field | When using the cross-reference items feature with sub-items enabled, non-stock items' Supplier Inventory ID is not populating the Alternate ID field on purchase orders. | Manally enter the Alternate ID field on the purchase order. | Fixed in 2021.2.200 | CE00026804 |
15/11/2021 | Versions tab missing from File Maintenance | When you're in File Maintenance, the Versions tab is missing. | Contact support to have the ESign feature added to your licence. Once added, go to Enable/Disable Features screen to activate it. | Fixed in 2021.1.500 | CE00019859 |
17/9/2021 | Error 2021.1: "You have insufficient rights to access the object ()." | After opening an invoice on the Invoices and Memos screen (AR301000), if you click Reports, you get an error: "You have insufficient rights to access the object ()." | ![]() Access reports by clicking the down arrow () next to Reports. | Fixed in 2021.1.300 | CE00017800 |
30/4/2021 | Error 2020.5.5.2354: "An error occurred during processing of the field Branch value B10 GL..." | When trying to release a tax report on the Release Tax Report screen (TX502000), you might get an error: "An error occurred during processing of the field Branch value B10 GL Error: Inter-Branch Transactions feature is disabled." | No workaround. | Fixed in 2021.1.400 | CE00015906 |
19/5/2021 | Known issue 2020.5.5: Shared filter tabs have disappeared | After upgrading to version 2020.5.5, you might see that shared filter tabs have disappeared from Inquiries screens – for example, the All Emails screen. | No workaround. | Fixed in 2021.1.400 | CE00016305 |
8/7/2021 | Known issue 2020.5.4.1914: Child accounts not listed on AR Aging (Summary) report | The AR Aging (Summary) report doesn't list a customer's child accounts, even if you select the Group by Parent Account when running the report. | No workaround. | Working as intended | CE00017506 |
11/1/2021 | Known issue 2020.4.3.8421: Customer statement is blank after being printed | When you print a customer statement from the Print Statements screen (AR503500), the statement might be blank or missing information. | No workaround. | Fixed in a recent version | CE00013462 |
Date | Issue | Description | Workaround | Status | Reference |
27/10/2023 | Unable to select Branch in 'Previous ID Update' screen | The branch selector doesn't work when there are 'multi-branches' are used. | The top filter isn't needed to process a submission. (It just helps quickly select and view company details) The user can still select employees to send or if they want to filter on the branch column in the grid and select all. Once they have selected, the submission will still send the previous IDs (Employer and Employee’s previous IDs) Once submitted they can see all submitted data form the manage batch screen. | Fixed in 2023.1.300 | CE00042045 |
24/10/2023 | SMSF payments not being included in batch payments | In Advanced, Super Batch payments are showing SMSF payments being paid, however these are not being included in the bank deductions to Super Choice even though there are no rejections from the SMSF. The cause is due to the member ID field being blank. | Enter a member ID for the employee. (Even if the SMSF hasn't officially issued one for the employee). | Fixed in 2023.1.300 | CE00039845 |
29/09/2023 | Secure Authentication Provider Not Registered error when clicking Complete on the Pay Run Details form (MPPP3120). | After enabling Azure AD authentication, an error message is displayed when completing a pay run. Secure Authentication Provider Not Registered. Secure authentication provider not registered to send STP reports to the ATO. Contact MYOB Support to be granted Secure authentication access. | Disable Azure AD until the issue is resolved.
| Fixed in 2023.1.1. | CE00037056 |
25/7/2023 | Employee Work Schedule Import does not show a count of imported records | When an automation schedule runs for the Employee Work Schedule Import, there is no record count of how many items were imported. | No workaround. | Fixed in 2022.2.200 | CE00032891 |
25/7/2023 | Incorrect report values | For open pays, the Pay Comparison, Pay Summary and Pay Run Details reports can have incorrect values. | A workaround is available to get the correct employer superannuation totals that should be in the Pay Summary report:
| Fixed in 2022.2.200 | CE00035628 CE00034928 CE00035567 CE00036390 |
25/7/2023 | Issue when importing employee work schedule when actual hours already exist | If an employee's work schedule has standard hours or scheduled hours imported, the worked day is set to true. Whereas if the employee's standard hours or shift is removed and an employee work schedule import is run, the worked day will be set to false. You may encounter an issue when you import an employee work schedule over the same time period and the worked day is set to false. | Do not import Employee Work Schedule for pay periods that have already been processed. If using an Automation schedule, schedule for after each pay run. | Fixed in 2022.2.200 | CE00032891 |
10/3/2023 | Incorrect annual gross YTD earnings on terminations | If an employee is terminated that received pay an ad hoc pay run that has no leave accrual pay item, e.g. a bonus pay run that only has the bonus payment, the payments in that pay that is liable for holiday pay will not be considered as part of their Annual Year to Date Gross Earnings. | In the termination wizard, the calculation for the 8% on gross earnings since last anniversary (value of the accruals) needs to be manually calculated and entered using the custom amount field along with a comment. | Fixed in 2022.1.200 | CE00026295 |
10/02/2023 | Incomplete employee information | When there are fields missing information in an employee record, you may not receive any warning of the outstanding actions. This is generally caused by an issue with the Employee ID. | A few workarounds are available:
| Fixed in 2022.2.100 | Not available |
23/5/2023 | Incorrect other leave (hours) quantity when imported via timesheets | When importing timesheets, the quantity of other leave (hours) may be incorrect. The incorrect quantity will appear on the payslip and in the Leave Summary. Where the hours requested differs from the scheduled hours the current pay will also show an incorrect quantity. | Process the other leave payments directly in a pay run through the ‘days taken’ feature. | Fixed in 2022.1.300 | Not available |
8/3/2023 | Error when terminating employee | In Manage Pays screen (MPPP4110), when terminating an employee by adding a last date, you may encounter a red cross with the error below. Error: Insufficient work schedule to determine notional end date. | Remove any records from that employee's work schedule that are after the termination date. | Fixed in 2022.2.100 | CE00035372 |
31/10/2022 | Unable to increase an employee's public holiday hours. | When trying to increase the hours an employee worked on a public holiday, they will not go above the emplyee's normal working day. |
| Fixed in 2021.2.300 | CE00026859 |
19/8/2022 | Unable to correctly set up pay item liability for casual holiday pay | When setting up a pay item liability for casual holiday pay, you cannot choose to set up the pay item liability as percentage of liable for holiday pay or tick the liable for holiday pay option. | Two options:
Both of these need to be carefully managed to ensure pays are correct. Check with your partner or MYOB support if you're not sure. | Fixed in 2021.2.300 | - |
12/7/2022 | In the Leave Summary, the rate inspectors lookback period start date is not inclusive | In the Leave Summary, the rate inspectors lookback period start date is not inclusive. Boundary pays where the period end date is on the lookback period start date will not be included which is confusing. | This is a UI issue only, the calculation is correct. | Fixed in 2021.2.300 | CE00025582 |
23/9/2022 | Public holiday worked uses the FBAPS rate | If the FBAPS is set the ADP, the public holiday worked will be paid out at 1.5 of ADP. | Override the rate in the leave summary screen. | Fixed in 2021.2.300 | CE00021775 |
13/7/2023 | Unable to access some entitlements in your standard pay | Employee Self Service (ESS) will only give you access to entitlements in your standard pay, including alternative leave and TOIL. | For a leave item to appear in ESS, it must be linked to a standard pay or have the 'Non-accruing Entitlement' option ticked | Working as intended | CE00023741 |
1/12/2022 | OWP leave only calculates on 3 weeks | If you have changed the pay frequency, especially from "Weekly" to "Fortnightly", you may experience OWP 4 week leave only calculates on 3 weeks, less than expected in Manage Pays. | Manual workaround required. | Fixed in 2022.1.200 | CE00033191 |
14/12/2021 | On the Release Transactions screen, for Module type PA, GL batches can't be released and you see the error "Batch Status is invalid for processing". | Contact support so they can run a script to fix the issue. | Fixed in 2021.1.400 & 2022.1.200 | CE00021568 | |
27/3/2021 | "Employee does not work on this day -0.00" error when importing public holiday batches | This error is displayed when importing a public holiday batch and a public holiday is not in an employee's schedule but is set to be a work day in their calendar. | Delete the item from the batch to proceed with import for other employees. | Fixed in 2021.2.300 | CE00015817 |
10/1/2022 | Public holidays not importing | Public holidays don’t import when there is no income pay item in the current pay. | Add the missing public holidays manually. | Fixed in 2021.2.300 | CE00023507 |
21/3/2022 | Termination incorrectly counting entitlements as active | The termination wizard may incorrectly count inactive entitlements as active for employees who have moved from one annual leave entitlement to another. | Check their earned and accrued balances in the termination wizard. If the calculated balances are incorrect override the value with a custom amount and comment. | Fixed in 2021.1.300 | CE00025582 |
15/11/2021 | Versions tab missing from File Maintenance | When you're in File Maintenance, the Versions tab is missing. | Contact support to have the ESign feature added to your licence. Once added, go to Enable/Disable Features screen to activate it. | Fixed in 2021.1.500 | CE00019859 |
17/9/2021 | Error 2021.1: "You have insufficient rights to access the object ()." | After opening an invoice on the Invoices and Memos screen (AR301000), if you click Reports, you get an error: "You have insufficient rights to access the object ()." | ![]() Access reports by clicking the down arrow () next to Reports. | Fixed in 2021.1.300 | CE00017800 |
30/4/2021 | Error 2020.5.5.2354: "An error occurred during processing of the field Branch value B10 GL..." | When trying to release a tax report on the Release Tax Report screen (TX502000), you might get an error: "An error occurred during processing of the field Branch value B10 GL Error: Inter-Branch Transactions feature is disabled." | No workaround. | Fixed in 2021.1.400 | CE00015906 |
19/5/2021 | Known issue 2020.5.5: Shared filter tabs have disappeared | After upgrading to version 2020.5.5, you might see that shared filter tabs have disappeared from Inquiries screens – for example, the All Emails screen. | No workaround. | Fixed in 2021.1.400 | CE00016305 |
8/7/2021 | Known issue 2020.5.4.1914: Child accounts not listed on AR Aging (Summary) report | The AR Aging (Summary) report doesn't list a customer's child accounts, even if you select the Group by Parent Account when running the report. | No workaround. | Working as intended | CE00017506 |
11/1/2021 | Known issue 2020.4.3.8421: Customer statement is blank after being printed | When you print a customer statement from the Print Statements screen (AR503500), the statement might be blank or missing information. | No workaround. | Fixed in 2021.1 | CE00013462 |