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5. Deleting a migration

Once a migrated customer is up and running with MYOB Advanced, you can delete their migration from the MYOB Adapt online portal. You can either:

  • Delete individual migrations.
  • Delete a customer, which deletes all of their migrations. Only delete a customer once you've completed all of their migrations – for example, from a desktop ERP product to MYOB Advanced Business, and from a desktop payroll product to MYOB Advanced Payroll.

When you delete a customer or a migration, their migration data is deleted from the MYOB servers at the end of the month.

Before deleting a migration, check if your customer wants an audit report. You can get audit reports from MYOB Adapt Desktop for any migration that hasn't been deleted.

Audit reports

An Adapt audit report shows which data was migrated from the source product into MYOB Advanced Payroll. It also shows the specific fields in MYOB Advanced where the data was migrated to. You can only export audit reports for one migration at a time. For example, if you want reports on entitlements and pay items, you need to export them separately.

Export an audit report
  1. Log in to MYOB Adapt Desktop.
  2. In the progress table on the left, click the migration item you want a report for.
  3. In the Item Data tab for that migration item, from the Show checkbox, select Data + Advanced Values.
  4. On the toolbar click the Excel icon and choose Export Excel.

Deleting migration data

Delete a migration
  1. Log in to the MYOB Adapt online portal.
  2. On the Customers page, click the customer whose migration you want to delete. The Edit Customer page opens.
  3. In the Migration section, click the Delete icon () in one of the rows.
  4. In the warning pop-up, click OK. This deletes the migration from the online portal. At the end of the month, the migration data will be deleted from the MYOB servers.

    Although the warning says that the current customer will be deleted, only the migration you've chosen will be deleted. The data for their other migrations won't be deleted.

Delete a customer
  1. Log in to the MYOB Adapt online portal.
  2. On the Customers page, click the Delete icon () for the customer you want to delete.
  3. In the warning pop-up, click OK. This deletes the customer and all of their migrations from the online portal. At the end of the month, the migration data will be deleted from the MYOB servers.

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