Public holidays and anniversary dates
New Zealand celebrates both public holidays and regional anniversary days. Public holidays are recognised nation-wide, and regional anniversary days only apply in their region.
All employees have entitlements to public holidays and anniversary days beginning from their first day of employment. The Easter, Anzac Day, Waitangi Day, and Christmas and New Years public holidays have special rules regarding those entitlements.
To find the dates for each of these holidays, check the Public Holiday Calendar in Ace Payroll by pressing F7 and then clicking Public Holidays.
You can also check the dates on the Public holidays and anniversary dates page of the New Zealand Government’s website.
Anniversary days
Auckland anniversary day
Canterbury (South) anniversary day
Canterbury anniversary day
Chatham Islands anniversary day
Hawke's Bay anniversary day
Marlborough anniversary day
Nelson anniversary day
Northland anniversary day
Otago anniversary day
Southland anniversary day
Taranaki anniversary day
Wellington anniversary day
Westland anniversary day
Anniversary days have no special rules and are covered by general public holiday entitlements.