To set up holiday pay for a casual employee, you need to adjust their LeaveDetails to accurately reflect their accrued holiday hours/day and hours/week.
To set up holiday pay for casual employees
Go to the Maintenance command centre and click Maintain Employees.
Click Select Employee.
Select the applicable employee and click OK.
Click the Employment Details tab.
Enter the casual employee's Normal rate per hour. If the rate includes holiday pay then you will need to work out the rate less 8%, as holiday pay must be shown separately.
Click the Leave Details tab then the Annual Leave & Holiday Pay tab.
Set the Normal days/week and Normal hours/day to 0.00. This will set the Normal hours per week to 0.00.
Click the Other Leave tab.
Set all boxes to 0.00.
If you'd like to pay your casual employee's holiday pay "as they go", set your employee's leave details as described above, then do the following:
To set up holiday pay "as they go"
Go to the employee's Pay Defaults/Totals tab.
Enter a quantity of 1.00 for Holiday Pay (HP). The holiday pay will then be paid out each pay.
Leave the Type as Variable. The holiday pay will then be calculated and paid out each pay.
If holiday pay is to be paid out "as they go", it is recommended that this is clearly stated in the employee's Individual Employment Agreement.
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