It is vital to have payroll disaster recovery plan in case a server or workstation with MYOB Payroll installed goes down.
Disaster recovery and business continuity planning are integral parts of the overall risk management for an organization. In the event of a disaster, the continued operations of your company depend on the ability to replicate your IT systems and data.
MYOB Payroll is a desktop application—by default, the data is stored in a local Windows folder or a networked Windows folder, depending on the configuration.
It is possible to use MYOB Payroll on a Windows Terminal Server hosted in the cloud. This could be one of the best possible ways to plan for disaster recovery and business continuity.
It is recommended that you do regularly backups and save the backups to an external drive (such as a USB drive), network storage devices or portable hard disks. It is always a best practice to keep multiple copies of the backups in each location if your business is in multiple regions. Backups should be kept onsite and offsite.