Error: "Exception code = C0000005" after installing a Payroll update
Your operating system needs certain fonts installed for it to run correctly. Missing or corrupt fonts can prevent payroll reports form printing correctly, and cause errors such as C0000094 or C0000005.
This issue can easily be resolved by installing these fonts or downloading the latest printer drivers for your printer.
Before you begin
Restart your computer, then open Payroll and repeat the process that gave you the error. If no error occurs, you don't need to do anything further.
Installing fonts
Follow the instructions below to install the required fonts on your system.
Windows 7 and later
Download the fonts
Right-click the attachment belowand choose to save the file to your Desktop.
Double-click the downloaded file to open it. Inside the window you will see a Fonts folder.
Click the Fonts folder and drag it to your Desktop.
Install the fonts
Double-click the Fonts folder on your Desktop.
To select all fonts in the folder, either press the Control and A keys simultaneously, or go to the Organize menu and choose Select All.
Right-click the selected files and choose Install. Select Yes when asked if you want to overwrite any fonts that currently exist. This will ensure all the required fonts are installed.
Restart your computer.
The fonts are now installed and your reports should print correctly. If the error still occurs it may mean that your printer does not have the latest printer drivers installed. Download and install the latest printer drivers for your printer.
Windows XP and Vista
Download the fonts
Right-click the attachment below, and save the file to your Desktop.
Double-click the downloaded zip file. The file will open in your file compression utility (such as WinZip).
Click and drag the Fonts folder to your Desktop.
Install the fonts
Double-click the Fonts folder on your Desktop.
To select all fonts in the folder, either press the Control and A keys simultaneously, or go to the Edit menu and choose Select All.
Go to the Edit menu and choose Copy. This will copy all the fonts from the folder.
Close the folder.
From the Start menu open the Control Panel then double-click Fonts. The Fonts window is displayed.
Go to the Edit menu and choose Paste. Select Yes when asked if you want to overwrite any fonts that currently exist. This will ensure the missing fonts are added, and corrupt fonts are replaced.
Restart your computer.
The fonts are now installed and your reports should print correctly. If the error still occurs it may mean that your printer does not have the latest printer drivers installed. Download and install the latest printer drivers for your printer.
JavaScript errors detected
Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.
If this problem persists, please contact our support.