This error is caused by a corrupt PDF driver in your Payroll files. To fix the error, you'll need to complete the following tasks:
1. Remove the MYOB AO PDF Generator
Access the list of printers installed on your computer:
If you're using
Do this
Windows 10
Click the Windows Start button and type printers then click Printers & scanners in the list of results.
Windows 8
Right-click your start button and choose Control Panel, then click Devices and Printers.
Windows 7
Click the Windows Start button and choose Devices and Printers.
Remove the MYOB AO PDF Generator.
In Windows 10: In the list of installed printers, click MYOB AO PDF Generator and choose Remove device.
In Windows 7 or 8: In the list of installed printers, right-click MYOB AO PDF Generator and choose Delete.
Click Yes to the confirmation message.
2. Update the driver
Right-click the driver installation file (AmyPDFReinstall.exe) and choose to save it to your Payroll folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\MYOB\Payroll).
Simultaneously press the Windows and E keys on your keyboard (the Windows key is between the Ctrl and Alt keys). Your computer's folders and files are displayed.
Open your Payroll folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\MYOB\Payroll).
Double-click the downloaded file (AmyPDFReinstall.EXE). The driver will be installed.
When complete, click OK. You can now open MYOB Payroll.
JavaScript errors detected
Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.
If this problem persists, please contact our support.