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Error: "55/Memory file is invalid"


This error is caused by a corrupt Backup.wtl file in the data folder for the Payroll file you have open at the time.

To fix this error you'll need to delete this file from the applicable Payroll data folder. Don't worry - this file will get recreated the next time you create a backup in Payroll.



To delete the Backup.wtl file
  1. Close on the error message.
  2. Close Payroll.
  3. Simultaneously press the Windows and E keys on your keyboard (the Windows key is between the Ctrl and Alt keys). The Computer or Windows Explorer or File Explorer window appears.
  4. Open the Payroll folder in the following location: C:\Users\Public\Data\MYOB\Payroll
  5. Double-click the Payroll folder to display its contents.
  6. Double-click the Payroll data folder associated with the Payroll file you were using when the error occurred, e.g. Payroll 1, Payroll 2, etc.

    If you have multiple company files, you may not know the name of the Payroll data folder for a particular file.
    To find the name of the data folder for your company: In Payroll, click the File menu and select Open, then choose your company from the drop-down menu. The folder name is displayed on the Payroll folder line.

  7. Right-click the Backup.wtl file and choose Delete.
  8. Click Yes to the confirmation message.

The error is resolved and you can reopen Payroll. The pr_Conns file will be recreated next time you create a backup in Payroll.

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