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Error: "1550/.DBC internal consistency error"


After installing Payroll, the following error may be displayed when you attempt to open the software:


MYOB are currently investigating this issue. In the meantime, use the following workaround.

This resolution requires your most recent Payroll backup file, as well as the latest Payroll installation file.
1. Uninstall Payroll
  1. Close all programs on your computer including Payroll.
  2. Disable any anti-virus software.
  3. Open the list of installed programs on your computer. If you have:
    Windows 8: Right-click in the screen's bottom-left corner and choose Programs and Features.
    Windows 7/Vista: Click the Windows Start button and choose Control Panel then choose Programs and Features.
    Windows XP: Click the Windows Start button and choose Add/Remove Programs.
  4. From the list of installed programs, click MYOB Payroll then click Uninstall (or Change/Uninstall). Follow the prompts to uninstall Payroll.
2. Delete the Payroll installation folder
  1. Simultaneously press the Windows and E keys on your keyboard (the Windows key is between the Ctrl and Alt keys). The Computer or Explorer window appears.
  2. Navigate to the Payroll folder:
    If you are using a 32-bit version of Windows the file path is C :\Program Files\MYOB\Payroll
    If you are using a 64-bit version of Windows the file path is C:\Program Files (x86)\MYOB\Payroll

    Not sure if you're using 32- or 64 bit Windows? Simultaneously press the Windows and Pause keys on your keyboard. The displayed window includes information on whether the Windows version is 32- or 64-bit

  3. Right-click the Payroll folder and choose Delete, then click Yes to the confirmation message.
3. Delete the Payroll data folder (Windows Vista, 7 and 8 only)
  1. Simultaneously press the Windows and E keys on your keyboard (the Windows key is between the Ctrl and Alt keys). The Computer or Explorer window appears.
  2. Open the Payroll folder: C:\Users\Public\Data\MYOB\Payroll
  3. Right-click the Payroll folder and choose Delete, then click Yes to the confirmation message.
4. Reinstall Payroll as an administrator
  1. Right-click the Payroll installation file and choose Run as Administrator. The installation file is called MYOB_NZ_Payroll_20XX.exe (or similar).

    You can download the latest Payroll installation file from my.MYOB.


  2. Follow the prompts to reinstall Payroll.
  3. After Payroll is installed, restart your computer.
5. Restore your company file
  1. Open Payroll.

  2. Create a new company file and restore your backup.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.