If you have already rolled into the new year without following the above procedure, the only workaround is to:
- Restore the most recent backup prior to 1 April.
- Ensure the backup is finalised.
- Go to the Tools menu and choose Options.
- Click the Leave tab and remove the common anniversary date.
- Change the Current pay ended on or after the 1st of April. The payroll will prompt you to update your PAYE Period and roll into the new financial year. (Follow through this process).
- Go to the Tools menu and choose Options.
- Click the Leave tab, tick both boxes in the leave anniversary area and re-enter the common anniversary date.
- Click OK to the holiday message received and then OK to exit the options tab.
- Go to the Tools menu and now choose Holiday Anniversary and follow through the Holiday Anniversary update process.
You will now be able to process your pays in the new financial year following your normal procedure. Your holiday updates will have been carried out.