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PayGlobal login errors

PayGlobal Online Access Portal error: The user name or password that you entered is not valid. Try typing it again.

When logging into the PayGlobal Online Access Portal, if you forgot your password, ask an authorised contact at your company to submit an Access Portal password reset request via email to PayGlobal Support, stating the email address that you use. PayGlobal Support will then provide a temporary password and instructions on how to set a new permanent password to login.

PayGlobal Online Access Portal error: Unable to reach the Access Portal

When you open PayGlobal Online Access Portal on any web browser, if you get a similar error to the below that means your IP address has not been whitelisted yet. 

  1. Go to on any web browser.

  2. Take and save a screenshot of your IPv4 address.

  3. Ask an authorised contact at your company to email the screenshot to PayGlobal Support to whitelist your IP address.

Windows Security Credentials error: The logon attempt failed

You may get the Windows Security screen below when you login after you have reset your Access Portal password. 

  1. Click the More choices button.

  2. Select the Use a different account option.

  3. Enter your email address and current password for the Access Portal.

  4. Click the OK button.

 If your new permanent password to login to the PayGlobal Online Access Portal is not accepted in Windows Security, logout from Access Portal, login to the PayGlobal Online Access Portal from a different web browser or in incognito mode and try again.

RemoteApp stuck at preparing the destination computer in Windows 11

Update 13/02/2023 – Microsoft has released an update to resolve this issue, ask your IT professional to install it.

If you have updated your computer to Windows 11 22H2, the RemoteApp window may sit at "Preparing the destination computer..." stage and will not progress.

Currently PayGlobal is not supported in Windows 11. If your computer has already been updated to Windows 11 22H2, the RemoteApp issue above can be prevented by modifying your computer registry until Microsoft resolves the issue. The modification is strongly recommended to be done by an IT professional. For more information, see

PayGlobal Application Login screen not appearing

After you select a database in the database selection screen and click Go, the PayGlobal Application Login screen below may not appear.

  1. Leave the existing database selection screen open and move it to the side.
  2. Open another instance of the database selection screen on PayGlobal Online Access Portal.
  3. Once you have at least two database selection screens open, select the required database again and click Go.
  4. The PayGlobal Application Login screen should then appear. You can then close the additional database selection screens.

PayGlobal Application errors

After you select a database and enter your PayGlobal Application Login ID nad password, you may get errors:

  • Incorrect password please re-enter.
  • Sorry too many password fails please talk to your supervisor.

If you get any of the errors above, ask your database administrator to reset your PayGlobal Application password and fail count. For more information, see Resetting a Users PayGlobal Application Password.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.