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Emailing payslips

This information is for payroll staff that have access to the PayGlobal application and are familiar with using it.

The manual covers:

  • How to setup a division entity (DIM) to differentiate between employees receiving their payslip by print out or by email.
  • Updating the employee records with required fields.
  • Adding a new report to a report group.
  • Setting up the new payslip report.
To set up division entity (DIM)

You can use a DIM to differentiate between employees who will receive a printed payslip and those who will be emailed a payslip.

  1. Navigate to Administration > Modify Company Settings.
  2. Click Settings > Dims tab.
  3. Click Edit below.
  4. Type ‘Payslips’ into an unused Dim label field (e.g. Dim label 4).
  5. Click Save and Close below.

  6. Log out of PayGlobal and log back in.

  7. Navigate to Organisation > Divisions > Payslips entity.

  8. Add a code for EMAIL and another for PRINT.

To update employee records

Update each employee record which choice of whether to receive by EMAIL or PRINT DIM.

  1. Open each employee record to Payroll > Payroll > Payroll tab.
  2. Click Edit below.
  3. Set the Payslips field to EMAIL or PRINT.
  4. If setting an employee record to EMAIL, click Details > Contact tab and confirm an email address is setup.
  5. Click Save and Close.
To add a new email payslip report

You will need to setup a new report for emailing payslips.

  1. Navigate to Reports > Report Groups.
  2. Open your preferred report group (e.g. PGPRPRIM Primary Reports group).
  3. Click Edit below.
  4. Right-click and select Add record.
  5. Type 'PGPRPRIM003' in the Report Definition Code field. Then press tab and type 'PGPRPRIM003E' in the Report field. Press tab again.
  6. Click Save + Close.
To set up new email payslip report

This section covers setting up the report using Edit Report settings.

  1. Right-click on new report to Edit Report Settings.
  2. Click the Report Splitting tab.
  3. For the Entity name, select 1. Employee.
  4. For the Consolidate by option, select 0. Employee Code.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. Click the E-mail Options tab

  7. Select the E-mail checkbox.

  8. Select an option from the Format drop-down (e.g. PDFFile).

  9. Type Filename as ******-Payslip%YYYMMDD

    The Filename field and Field containing filename override field specify the filenames of the split payslip reports. For example, if you use the following settings, then each split report has the employee’s employeecode in the filename.

    Filename= ****-Payslip
    Field containing filename override= Employeecode
    When you run the report, the wildcards (****) are replaced with the individual employee codes.

    You can also type %YYYMMDD after the filename to include the date in the filename. For example, Filename= ****-Payslip%YYYMMDD.

  10. Select EmployeeCode for Field containing e-mail filename override.

  11. Ensure the Use Compression checkbox is NOT selected.

  12. Select Email or Work-Email for Field containing e-mail address.

    The following screenshot shows E-mail and Work-Email fields on the employee record. You can use one or the other.

  13. Click OK.
  14. Click onto Payslips tab and tick the EMAIL (DIM you created earlier).
  15. When you run this report, it will only run for employees with EMAIL selected.
    You may also choose to change the printed report to tick the PRINT option in this tab. The setup is now complete and the report is ready to run.

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