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Reporting in PayGlobal

PayGlobal comes with a set of standard and optional reporting solutions. These include:

  • Grid Reports
  • Standard Reports within PayGlobal
  • Customised Reports for PayGlobal
  • SSRS Reporting

Grid reports

Grid reporting enables you to generate quick reports; either on an ad-hoc basis or as a report that is run frequently.

A Grid report is a report generated from most areas of PayGlobal. This reporting option lets you export or print specific data based on the Grid layout created.

A Grid report also enables you to sort and group data, and which then can generate a report based on what is showing on the screen.

The difference between a Grid report and a Standard report is that you can determine exactly what information is shown, and how it is to be sorted. Standard reports are run from the Report Group entity and have less flexibility in changing the report layout.

Type of information that can be generated in a Grid report:

  • Static, non-calculated data against any listing within PayGlobal
  • All fields, including Client user-defined fields, can be selected from the Grid when that particular listing is highlighted in PayGlobal.

Predetermined layouts can be created and saved against each listing to make it easier for users to recreate extracts or reports.

Standard reports and report groups

PayGlobal has a large collection of standard reports that have been specifically developed to accommodate industry or company standards. PayGlobal standard reports comply with Government legislation and are updated by PayGlobal when a new version is implemented.

Standard reports fall into categories or groups such as:

ModuleReport group
  • Audit Reports
  • System Reports
  • Employee Reports
  • Cost Centre Reports
  • General Ledger Reports
  • Leave Reports
  • Master File Reports
  • Miscellaneous Reports
  • Primary Reports
  • Superannuation Reports
  • Transaction Reports
  • Transaction History Reports
Human Resources
  • Human Resources Reports
  • Taxation Reports
T&A / Rostering
  • Time and Attendance and Rostering Reports

Report Groups are a way of categorizing specific reports for a specific use, i.e. grouping period end payroll report, grouping HR reports etc
PayGlobal comes with a set number of report groups already set up which have their own categories, however, it may be that your organisation has internal companies; therefore, you will need to set up your report groups to reflect each situation required with the reports required for each category.

Customised Reports for PayGlobal

If a reporting need is not covered by a Standard PayGlobal Report, then a PayGlobal Customised Designer report can be created.

PayGlobal Customised Designer reports are created especially for the needs of your organisation. They can be based on a PayGlobal Standard Report with some minor modifications or created from the ground up.

Extra development costs may be incurred in the development of a designer report.

Once a designer report is created, tested and put into production any changes may attract additional charges.

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