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Tasklet – Mobile warehouse management for Greentree

Tasklet is a warehouse management system in use around the world with over 1500 customers worldwide. Tasklet connects into Greentree allowing exchange of information in real time, while still having the ability to work offline.

Tasklet consists of a number of apps, some of the popular ones include;

  • Sales order picking

  • Receipt in both purchase orders and shipment

  • Transfer inventory around their warehouse - adhoc or planned, and other warehouses around the country

  • Look up what should be in a location, or where items should be in the warehouse.

  • Stocktake

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Tasklet works with serial lot tracking and warehouse Bin Management.

Add to this the ability to capture new barcodes for a product, print product labels and conduct stock counts Tasklet really does offer efficiency gains in your warehouse.

Sales Order Picking

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Location transfers

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Tasklet is also highly configurable and customizable, and example of this was the collaboration between AppsForGreentree and Tasklet to integrate with the Inventory Transfers Workbench and Location Transfer apps. These apps streamline the process of sending goods from one warehouse to another. Tasklet was able to create an integration which allowed these transfers to be processed within Tasklet providing a quick turn around for sending and receiving.

If you are looking for improvements in your warehouse, reduced rework costs and the associated loss of faith with your customers then please feel free to contact us to discuss where Tasklet would help your business.

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