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Knowledge Base

Most are in PDF format.

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General System Preferences - Email Logging

This article demonstrates how to turn on Email traffic logging (for diagnostic purposes) when troubleshooting email issues in Greentree. Prior to 2022.1.0, the logging output was displayed as a Preview window, but from 2022.1.0 this has changed.

KB 1377 | 30 May 2022

eDoc Expense Receipt - Splitting costs

This article demonstrates how eDoc Expense Receipt costs can be coded to the same GL Account and assigned to different Transaction Analysis codes, Sub codes, or narrations.

KB 1376 | 17 May 2022

Windows Designer Assignment Tab

Window Designer is a feature of Greentree which allows users to make simple modifications aka customisations to forms. This article explains the features of the Window Designer Assignment tab and what its role is within Window Designer.

KB 1375 | 6 Apr 2022

Accounts Receivable - Bad Debtors

This item shows the impact of changing the Payment Terms on a Customer to “Bad Debtor”. It can be used to prevent users from entering further transactions for a Customer, or the collection can be used to generate reports from eg. promotional information for users who are not Bad Debtors.

KB 1370 | 25 Mar 2022

Accessing User Privileges Using Alert Collections

The following steps though an example of how User Privilege information from User Preferences, can be accessed using Approvals and Alerts and an Explorer query

KB 1359 | 16 Mar 2022

Inventory - Generated Supplier Details are Active

The example below demonstrates the impact of having IN Module Control | Defaults Tab -“Generated supplier details are active” = True vs False. New supplier costs generated while this setting is True, will become Active, otherwise they will become Inactive. The default Cost for Suppliers on Purchase Orders and AP Invoices will be based on Active records only.

KB 1364 | 16 Mar 2022

Fixed Assets: Depreciation based upon Asset Life

This article demonstrates fixed asset depreciation calculations based on remaining useful life.

KB 1365 | 16 Mar 2022

AP Payment Selection - Overall Credit Balance

Where a Supplier has an overall Credit Balance that consists of Invoices that they wish to include in a Payment run, the Supplier will not be automatically selected during Payment Selection. This item explains with examples, the 'Include zero and credit balance suppliers', ‘Balance’ and ‘Invoice’ options.

KB 1360 | 16 Mar 2022

Query Designer - Query Viewer

The Query Viewer is to determine how to display your query results. You can also use this form to determine how to group and, where necessary, total the results.

KB 1366 | 16 Mar 2022

AR invoice Default Location

When entering the first line in IN Transaction Entry, AR Invoice Entry or AP Invoice Entry, a hierarchy is used when defaulting the location for the first line. This article takes you through an example of this.

KB 1361 | 16 Mar 2022

eDoc AP Invoice - Tax Only Lines

This item explains how to enter a TX (Tax only) line onto an AP Invoice generated from an eDoc AP Invoice. The Total Tax value entered onto the eDoc AP Invoice becomes the Tax amount on the AP Invoice.

KB 1362 | 16 Mar 2022

Tax Posting Period

Where there is some change to period end dates within a calendar year, changes can only be made where each period of the year has ‘In Use’ set to No. In the case of Tax Posting Periods, the last year is normally considered to be in use, even when setting the last open period prior to this. The following example shows how to make period end date changes in these scenarios.

KB 1367 | 15 Mar 2022

NZ Payroll - Affect of 'Leave in Weeks' on Leave Request Entry

This item demonstrates the impact of the Leave in Weeks option for New Zealand, has on Leave Request Entry. The Working Calendar is disabled where this is set, meaning that the user needs to specify the Qty. In Windows client it is possible to select Hours, Days or Weeks, but in Browser Client, the Hours must be entered into the Override field, and the system will calculate the...

KB 1363 | 15 Mar 2022

Module Suite and User Allocations

This item demonstrates how to use Query Designer to identify the Users allocated to a Module or a Module Suite. An example of where this can be used, is if you are applying a Registration package which is turning off a Module or Suite eg. HR. The Registration pack will fail with error “The license count for the Human Resources module suite cannot be reduced to 0 as there...

KB 1368 | 15 Mar 2022

Workflow - Posting Date Filter

In some instances, transactions that you expect to appear on the Workflow panel may not appear due to a Posting Date filter being applied in the background. In the example below, we see the why AP Invoices are not displaying in a Panel designed to show AP Invoices on Hold.

KB 1369 | 15 Mar 2022

MYOB Greentree STP Phase 2 Transition - Australian Payroll Only

 KB 1353 | 18 Nov 2021

Query Builder

The Query Designer enables you to graphically build and format database queries without scripting. You can drag and drop properties (which correspond to fields in the database) and parameters into a query. This article explains the functions of the Query Builder.

KB 1348 | 17 Nov 2021

eDocs Supplier email validation

Supplier email addresses may be validated for eDocs eDoc AP Invoices. (A similar function is available for eDoc SO Orders).There are two settings to be aware of: - eDocs Type Maintenance has a setting named 'Turn on Supplier email validation' - eDoc Preferences has a setting named ‘Allowed to validate supplier email addresses’

KB 1349 | 17 Nov 2021

Split Packing Slip

Lines on a packing slip lines may be assigned to different pickers, and lines may be partly picked. This article provides an example of packing slip lines being assigned selected pickers. Furthermore, a line is partly picked resulting in a backorder quantity on the corresponding sales order line.

KB 1347 | 16 Nov 2021

Workflow Saved Clever Table Settings

In Desktop Designer, changes made to Rules in the Table Layout will not update dynamically to users who have Saved clever table settings. Users may need to re-load the desk or reset to defaults for Rule changes to be effective. The example below of a Packing Slip Workflow panel, demonstrates the impact adding and removing rules.

KB 1346 | 16 Nov 2021

eDocs - Managing eDocs script log

eDoc script logs should be managed so that only the most recent Script Run logs are retained. Failure to do this can cause errors when loading the eDoc Workflow desk. This document explains how to manually delete these logs or to have these maintained automatically by the system.

KB 1345 | 15 Nov 2021

GF Translations Introduction

Translations is a sub-module of Global Finance. The translation is the process by which we value the amounts/balances in one currency to an equal value in another currency. It enables the general ledger of a company to be reported in a different currency, using a user-specified exchange rate or a combination of rates.

KB 1344 | 15 Nov 2021

IN Change Inventory Code Script

The Change Inventory Code script can be run to change one or more inventory item codes to different codes. This article demonstrates how this is done.

KB 1343 | 15 Nov 2021

Payroll - Process Accruals Log File

When processing accruals, it is possible to output the accruals to a log file. This item demonstrates how the Log file path determines where to output the file to.

KB 1342 | 15 Nov 2021

Print & Task Queue - Dependencies

This article illustrates how to set a task that is sent via the P&TQ to be dependent on another task completing before the task can commence.

KB 1341 | 15 Nov 2021

Backups - Additional Directories

Some files are intentionally excluded from being backed up as part of an Online or Quiesced backup. The example below demonstrates how to store files that are not included as part of the standard backup eg. Menudef.txt, in a separate folder, and back that folder up as part of the standard backup.

KB 1340 | 15 Nov 2021

eDocs - Scraping BSB and Account as Separate Fields

Many Australian Suppliers now display the BSB and Account Number in different fields or different lines on their Invoices. From 2020.5.0, it is now possible to train eDocs to scrape these fields separately. MYOB Greentree Support will need to make a change to the Field setup in Xtracta to allow for this so please raise a Support case if this is required. Below is an example of how to...

KB 1339 | 15 Nov 2021

Report Writer - Transaction Tree Posting Levels

The following item demonstrates how Transaction Tree Posting levels are stored in the database and how to product a report showing the Posting Levels for Transaction Tree/Transaction Tree branches. The gtr file is attached below the article.

KB 1338 | 15 Nov 2021

A&A Tracking Changes to Employee Bank Account

The following article provides an example of how to set up Approval Alert rules to track when changes are made to an Employee’s Bank Account and to notify/email a specific user of this change. The process can be used in other areas within HR to capture changes that are made.

KB 1337 | 15 Nov 2021

Query Designer - Date Parameters

The following item describes how to build a Query with Date parameters, using View Builder and Query Builder.

KB 1327 | 1 Feb 2021

Inventory Advanced Search

An advanced search feature is available to use within many of MYOB Greentree modules. This document demonstrates the Inventory Advanced Searching functionality.

KB 1326 | 1 Feb 2021

DIM - Importing Masterfile Trees

The following item demonstrates how to import or update Masterfile Trees via Data Import Manager. The example below is for Supplier but the same applies to all Masterfile trees.

KB 1325 | 1 Feb 2021

Advanced Transaction Tree Search

If a site is using Transaction Analysis, it is possible from within the GL Account Maintenance and GL Account Enquiry screens to create and save an Advanced Tree Search. The result of a search is then output in the form of a table.

KB 1324 | 1 Feb 2021

Transaction Tree Assignment - Tax Exclusive vs Inclusive

The following item demonstrates how Financial and Non-financial transactions are displayed in Transaction Tree Assignment. The Financial transactions show as Tax exclusive, whereas the non-Financial Transactions are Tax inclusive. Where transactions are being exported to the clipboard or excel, a filter can be entered so that only the Financial or non-Financial transactions are...

KB 1323 | 1 Feb 2021

Approvals & Alerts and Workflow Team Notifications

The following item demonstrates how Notifications are recorded and can be viewed when the User receiving the notification has security set to “Read Team Records” for Notifications under Workflow Preferences | Privileges tab.

KB 1322 | 1 Feb 2021

Using Jade Query to update User Defined Fields

Follow the steps below to update a value to a User Defined Field for all or a range of fields.

KB 1320 | 30 Nov 2020

Report Writer – Available and Mandatory Transaction Trees

The following item demonstrates GL Account Transaction Trees flagged as Available and Mandatory and how to create a Report Writer Report to list these. An example gtr file is also attached.

KB 1319 | 30 Nov 2020

IN - Inventory Archiving

It is possible to archive Inventory Items so they are excluded from Inventory Item drop down lists, standard Greentree Reports and searches. This article lists the rules for archiving and shows how archiving works.

KB 1318 | 30 Nov 2020

eDocs multiple PDFs on an email

Where emails with multiple pdf attachments are imported into eDocs, a separate eDoc may be created for each pdf. This article demonstrates how to do this.

KB 1317 | 30 Nov 2020

eDocs AP Invoice Recently Used - IN Price

eDoc AP Invoices may have a Recently Used tab, where rows can be selected. This document shows how the Price is set on the row where the Type is IN.

KB 1316 | 30 Nov 2020

DIM Advanced Pricing

The following article gives an example of how to setup IN Advanced Pricing import for a Customer Tree/Stock Item Tree via the Data Import Manager.

KB 1315 | 30 Nov 2020

WebView - Download outstanding invoices for selected suppliers

Follow the steps below to create a WebView page displaying suppliers, with a drilldown to outstanding invoices, which may then be downloaded.

KB 1321 | 30 Nov 2020

Workflow - Managing eDoc Script Run logs

The detail below describes how the Workflow Desktop can be used to view the eDoc script run logs and how to restrict the number of log files that are retained.

KB 1314 | 21 Oct 2020

eDocs - Workflow Desk - Viewing Supplier

eDocs uses workflow desk(s) extensively for visibility and management. The name of suppliers for eDoc AP Invoices may be shown on desks, though get methods rather than mapping methods should be used, since pack point 4@3, L304765 (eDoc enable STARTTLS SSL protocol).

KB 1313 | 14 Oct 2020

eDocs - Debugging 1090 Scraping errors

Where an eDoc has been sent for scraping (status is Being Scraped or similar) and does not come back (status remains as Being Scraped or similar after running the script, rather than changing to Ready for Coding or similar), and the Source Script Run Log shows a 1090 error, the cause of the error may be determined from the call stack thereof.

KB 1312 | 14 Oct 2020

eDocs - Multiple Page Status

Where multipage documents are imported and eDocs created to hold them, there may be a preliminary process required. This example uses the Multiple Page field on the Type Maintenance record for AP Invoice, to require approval prior to scraping occurring.

KB 1311 | 14 Oct 2020

eDocs - Allow Process

There is the facility in eDocs to allow further processing if required. The following example demonstrates this via an A&A rule and BPM Process, which add an approval code onto an eDoc, and upon approval create an AP Invoice.

KB 1310 | 14 Oct 2020

Cross Functional: Expand and Collapse Transactions

It is possible in Masterfile and enquiry forms in Greentree, to expand or collapse child lines either on one transaction or in bulk. Forms include Supplier Maintenance, Customer Maintenance, Job Maintenance, Fixed Asset Maintenance, Bank Account Maintenance and Purchase Order and Sales Order Enquiry.

KB 1309 | 14 Oct 2020

eTimesheets - check rules

This article shows how to determine, where multi-level approvals are used, which rule(s) have been triggered by an eTimesheet. This can be useful, for example, to check the rule(s) used where several have been set up for different scenarios.

KB 1308 | 14 Oct 2020

AR Viewing Applied Transactions via Inspector

It is not always possible to see all transactions applied to an Unapplied transaction in Customer Maintenance, Transaction Enquiry. The example below steps through how to identify all transactions applied to Unapplied transactions, using Greentree’s Inspection Tool.

KB 1307 | 14 Oct 2020

Enterprise Search Stop Words and Indexing Analysis

Stop words are a list of words that has a high occurrence during a search. The stop words are ignored for indexing and searching. This article covers Stop Words, Index Analysis and Tuning

KB 1306 | 14 Oct 2020

Logical Certify and Repair - GUI Mode

A Logical Certify checks for errors in system logic, and creates repair files which correct the problem in the majority of cases. If an error is reported that indicates there may be a problem with your system logic, MYOB Greentree Support may ask you to run a logical certify and repair across your database. This article explains how to run a Logical Certify and Repair in GUI mode.

KB 1305 | 14 Oct 2020

Saved Selections - Reports by User

It is possible to view a user’s Saved Selections by logging in as that user, via Inspection Tool, or by designing a report in Report Writer.

KB 1304 | 14 Oct 2020

Spell Checking within Greentree

Greentree’s Spell Checker uses a dictionary based upon Country. Additionally, custom or 3rd party dictionaries, and user dictionaries can be used. Checking is available on all fields that contain text eg. field values, narrations, notes, instant alerts, UDFs etc. The item below shows the setup required, and some examples.

KB 1303 | 14 Oct 2020

SO Carriers and Consignment Notes

Greentree allows Carrier details and their Consignment numbers to be recorded onto Packing Slips. Where entered, these details can be added to Packing Slips and other Report Writer reports, and A&A rules can be established to email details of the Carrier and the Consignment note number directly to the customer. This item steps through this.

KB 1302 | 14 Oct 2020

JC WIP Detailed Report - Remove blank lines on Multi Customer Jobs

Where there are Multiple Customers on a Job and all costs for a detail line have been invoiced, the JC WIP Detail Report includes these invoiced lines but with no value. The following item steps through changes that can be made in Report Writer, to prevent the blank value lines from appearing.

KB 1290 | 14 Oct 2020

Runtime Variables - Hard Coded Reports

The below example explains how to create a Runtime Variable for a hard coded report.

KB 1301 | 14 Oct 2020

Payroll - (Aus) SGC Lower Threshold

The article below shows the setup for SGC Min/Max checking and what happens when an employee’s combined earnings for the month are over the Lower Threshold, but for the first two weeks are under.

KB 1297 | 19 Aug 2020

Prompt Payment Discounts

Following is an example of setting up a payment term, and having the discount apply or not apply, depending upon the timing of the payment.

KB 1296 | 19 Aug 2020

HR - Check Active Employees

This article explains how to check when the active employee count in HR is close to the license limit.

KB 1295 | 19 Aug 2020

eDocs - Splitting Documents

This document illustrates how to split a multiple page eDoc into individual pages for scraping.

KB 1294 | 19 Aug 2020

Approvals & Alerts - Instant Alerts

An example of how to setup a Rule in Approvals and Alerts to have Customer Information appear as an Instant Alert during AR Receipt entry. The alert will appear when the Customer is selected, before the form is saved.

KB 1293 | 19 Aug 2020

Connection Manager 64-bit Thin

The following article displays how to modify settings in Connection Manager Administration to enable 64-bit thin client.

KB 1292 | 11 Aug 2020

Triggering Instant Alerts

There are two ways to create an Instant Alert. One way is to select the Instant Alert icon in the top right corner of the form. Another way is via Workflow | Approvals and Alerts – Instant Alert. This article explains a situation where the form driven Instant Alert does not trigger for a specific Job in Job Maintenance.

KB 1291 | 4 Aug 2020

MYOB Greentree Jade 2018 Upgrade Instructions 

KB 1289 | 31 Jul 2020

eDocs - User Requisition Types

eDoc Requisition Types can be set against individual Suppliers, or can be based on the Requisition Types of the User who is entering the eDoc. The following example using eDoc AP Invoices, shows how to set up User Requisition Types for coding eDoc AP Invoices.

KB 1274 | 30 Jul 2020

Change General Ledger Structure

The Change General Ledger Structure settings allow for adding or removing segments and/or spaces within segments. This document outlines the recommended steps to Change General Ledger Structure.

KB 1273 | 30 Jul 2020

GL Trees - Maintain Period Summaries

In GL Tree Maintenance, it is possible to set Trees to be Mandatory for all GL Accounts, to set a tree branch as the default, and to optionally maintain Period Summaries for the Tree.The following article steps through each of these options and demonstrates what to do if you wish to remove a tree branch from a Tree that is a mandatory tree.

KB 1272 | 30 Jul 2020

IN Location Transfer - Receipt Transfer

This is a short Q&A article that explains how to activate the Receipt Transfer button used in the process of SCM Inventory Sourcing.

KB 1271 | 30 Jul 2020

Workflow Desktop - Financial Totals

In Workflow desktop it is possible to include a panel showing Financial Totals. The attached document shows how to set this up and the calculations involved.

KB 1270 | 30 Jul 2020

Job Stream Maintenance

Job Streaming provides the functionality to group reports together, where report parameters have been previously defined and saved, and submit them to the print & task queue in a single command. This document takes you through the process of creating a Job Stream.

KB 1269 | 30 Jul 2020

Approvals & Alerts - Attribute Change Value

This document is a short Q&A that explains why the 'When an attribute changes value' condition may not fire, and how to resolve this.

KB 1268 | 30 Jul 2020

Webview - IIS Setup

The attached document takes you through the steps required to complete the Webview IIS setup.

KB 1267 | 30 Jul 2020

Greentree Desktop - Leave in Weeks Setup Guide

NZ Payroll: This document explains how to set up Greentree Desktop to track an employee's leave in weeks.

KB 1263 | 21 Jul 2020

Deleting a User and Approvals

When deleting a User an error may appear “You cannot delete this user as they have approvals”. This article explains the reason why the user cannot be deleted.

KB 1252 | 6 Jul 2020

Workflow 3D Desktop Image

This article explains how to display pdf images in the Workflow Desktop 3D Panel.

KB 1251 | 6 Jul 2020

CM Banked vs Non-Banked Credit Card

When a receipt is created via Cash Management, Accounts Receivable or SO Advanced Receipt Entry, the Credit Card Receipt type options are Banked Credit Card or Non-Banked Credit Card. The following explains the difference between these, how to create a Non-Banked Credit Card and how to setup FREE for the two types of Credit Cards.

KB 1250 | 6 Jul 2020

Approvals & Alerts - Run collection members through rules

This document demonstrates how to set up A&A rules using an Action of ‘Run collection members through rules. The A&A Rule in the example below, triggers when a Foreign Currency Exchange Rate is changed from Multiply to Divide.

KB 1249 | 6 Jul 2020

Autoscan with multiple Companies

This document illustrates how to set up Autoscan for a second company.

KB 1248 | 6 Jul 2020

eDoc AP Invoice Tax Adjustments

As eDocs does not have a TX line to be added as a separate line type in eDoc AP Invoice entry, this document explains how to treat any differences or roundings in the tax amount.

KB 1247 | 1 Jul 2020

Foreign Currency - Average Exchange Rate

It is possible to use Date based or Not Date based Exchange Rates. This document explains with examples, the impact of these on the “Average Rate”.

KB 1245 | 1 Jul 2020

Save File Queue

This document discusses the Processing System Status and Setup setting 'Save file queue'.

KB 1243 | 1 Jul 2020

eDocs Licence Counts

This document discusses the eDoc System Limit and Current Count settings in eDocs Module Control.

KB 1242 | 1 Jul 2020

eDocs Supplier Type PO Change Ref Options

The PO Ref Change Option in eDocs determines what action is to occur if the PO Ref on an eDoc AP Invoice header is changed. This document provides examples for each of the three options i.e. “Filter Only”, “Select Only” and “Select and Filter”.

KB 1241 | 1 Jul 2020

eDocs - Supplier Type Auto-match Receipt Line if exists

How to automatically match AP Invoices to PO Reciepts during the eDoc AP Invoice creation process.

KB 1240 | 1 Jul 2020

GL Validations

Demonstration of how to use the GL Validation Matrix in MYOB Greentree.

KB 1238 | 1 Jul 2020

Renumber GL Accounts

Demonstrates the Renumber GL Accounts script

KB 1237 | 1 Jul 2020

Webstore Activity Log

This article details the location and purpose of the Webstore Activity Log

KB 1222 | 15 May 2020

Utilities - jverinfo

This document demonstrates how to run jverinfo.exe and review the output.

KB 1228 | 15 May 2020

Using Dynamic Fields in eDocs

There may be times when a field is not available where you would like it to be. In such cases, dynamic fields may be helpful. When set up, dynamic fields appear as regular fields, though they are read-only. This document illustrates how to use dynamic fields in eDocs.

KB 1224 | 15 May 2020

Transaction Enquiry - Parent_Child Accounts

This document demonstrates how to show Parent or Child account transactions.

KB 1226 | 15 May 2020

Quad Accounting

Quad Accounting is used where there are a number of smaller entities that do not require the setup of a full company but who have separate reporting requirements. This document illustrates how to set up Quad Accounting in MYOB Greentree.

KB 1221 | 15 May 2020

PO Shipments and Currency Rates

Where there are multiple Purchase Orders with differing Currency Rates on a Shipment, it is possible to change the rate on the shipment to use the Currency Rate on the Shipment rather than the Rate from the Purchase Order. This document steps through how to do this

KB 1220 | 15 May 2020

Inventory - Prepare Stocktake / Enter Counts

The IN Prepare Stocktake / Enter Counts form contains a ‘Counts not entered’ setting. By default, this is unticked. This example illustrates the impact of this setting when in IN Stocktake Count Entry.

KB 1225 | 15 May 2020

eDocs - Merging documents

This document explains how to merge documents in eDocs.

KB 1218 | 15 May 2020

Customising a list in Salesforce

This document explains how to customise a list in Salesforce for a specific purpose eg. create a list showing what will be in a specific release

KB 1223 | 15 May 2020

Browser Timesheet Licence Count

This document explains how the Browser Timesheet Licence count is calculated and provides a report listing the Employees and Users included in the count shown in the User Preference | Access | Suite.

KB 1227 | 15 May 2020

Payroll - Deduct from Accrual Transaction Types

This document provides setup, and an example of Accrual Tran Type(s) deducted from another Accrual Tran Type eg. Accrual Tran Types ‘Sick Leave’ and ‘Carers Leave’ are deducted from Accrual Tran Type ‘Personal Leave’. This is useful where individual Tran Types are used on Leave Requests and shown on transaction based reports, but are consolidated into a parent Tran Type for...

KB 1215 | 14 Nov 2019

Accounts Payable Advanced Invoicing

The advanced invoicing feature allows for increased flexibility around how to invoice purchase orders. It is enabled in PO Module Control, and then per supplier. However, there may be situations where this feature should subsequently be disabled for some supplier(s). Where the feature should be disabled in PO Module Control, it must first be disabled for all suppliers.

KB 1208 | 16 Jul 2019

Report Writer - Address Block

This document provides examples of how the Address option settings in Country Maintenance impact the output when printing the Address using the Address Block.

KB 1205 | 25 Jun 2019

Mobile Timesheets

A Consultants Guide on the set-up an processing of Mobile Timesheets

KB 1200 | 11 Feb 2019

Approvals & Alerts - Sending Attachments

A How To guide on setting up and A&A to send an attachment

KB 1195 | 22 Jan 2019

Inventory - Indent Items

A How To guide on Indent Items

KB 1196 | 22 Jan 2019

Job Cost - Issuing Stock at Cost and Invoice at Sell

A How To Guide for Job Cost on issuing stock at cost and invoicing at a sell price.

KB 1197 | 22 Jan 2019

Report Writer - Printing Trees & Branches

A How to guide on printing Trees and Branches on Reports

KB 1198 | 22 Jan 2019

SCM - Inventory Sourcing

A How To Guide on the set-up and processing of SCM Inventory Sourcing

KB 1199 | 22 Jan 2019

Supported Platforms - Updated Jan 2019

This is an updated version of the document in Campus, not a new document

KB 1191 | 10 Jan 2019

Transaction Analysis/Trees Restructuring

A How To guide on how to restructure the Transaction Analysis/Trees while maintaining previous/historic postings

KB 1188 | 10 Jan 2019

Transactions - Determining what Tax Period a Transaction is posted to

A How To guide on determining what Tax Period a Transaction is posted

KB 1187 | 10 Jan 2019

Fixed Assets - Using Sub Codes for Assets with Varied Life Spans

A How To guide for using Sub Codes on Fixed Assets

KB 1186 | 10 Jan 2019

eApprovals - Displaying Additional Columns

A How To guide on adding additional columns in eApprovals

KB 1185 | 10 Jan 2019

Cash Management - How To process Unmatched Items

A How To Guide on the options on processing Unmatched Items in Cash Management

KB 1184 | 10 Jan 2019

Approvals & Alerts using Key Dates from the HR Employee

Using the Key Dates set-up on an HR Employee, create A&A rules to provide reminders/emails within given time frames.

KB 1183 | 10 Jan 2019

HR Mobile Version 1.1

HR mobile Consultants Guide V1.1 Updated November 2018

KB 1181 | 26 Nov 2018

Set up and Maintain Post Codes

A How To Guide on setting up and maintaining Post Codes

KB 1175 | 19 Nov 2018

Sales Order Entry Credit Checking on Customers

A How To Guide on setting up Credit checking on Customers for Sales Order Entry

KB 1176 | 19 Nov 2018

Payroll Analysis Report

A How To Guide to set-up and use the Payroll Analysis Report. This useful report allows user/super user to create there own Payroll reports without the need to create them in Report Writer.

KB 1177 | 19 Nov 2018

Fixed Assets - Reversal of Depreciation - Disposal Flags

A How To Guide for how each of the Disposal Flags works for reversing on Depreciation on Disposal of an Asset.

KB 1178 | 19 Nov 2018

BPM - Create a Fixed Asset from a Job

A How to Guide on how to create a Fixed Asset from a Job

KB 1179 | 19 Nov 2018

Approvals and Alerts - Tracking Changes to Employee Bank Accounts

A How To Guide on how to use A&A to tracks changes, send emails and notifications on changes to Employee Bank Accounts

KB 1180 | 19 Nov 2018

AR Customer Refunds

A How-To process for using the Customer Refunds process in Greentree

KB 1168 | 9 Nov 2018

Alerts & Approvals - Email a Supplier send Expected PO Details

A How-To guide for setting up an A&A rule for an email to go to a Supplier reminding them of PO's expected in the next X days

KB 1169 | 9 Nov 2018

Autoscan - How to Set-up a Test Scan

A How-To guide for setting up a Test Scan in Autoscan

KB 1170 | 9 Nov 2018

Job Cost - Importing Work Centre plans

A How-To Guide on Importing JC Work Centre Plans

KB 1171 | 9 Nov 2018

Report Writer - Displaying Approvals on Form

A How-Yo Guide for displaying approvals

KB 1172 | 9 Nov 2018

WBM - Using the Bin Capacity Report

A How To Guide for the using the Bin Capacity Report when using WBM

KB 1173 | 9 Nov 2018

Workflow Approvals - Using Delegation

A How to Guide for setting up delegations in Workflow Approvals

KB 1174 | 9 Nov 2018

Qlik Sense Integration

How to add Qlik Sense into a Greentree WF Desk from version 2018.3.0

KB 1166 | 2 Nov 2018

Enterprise Search Overview Indexing and Reindexing 1 of 3

Enterprise Search adding to Knowledgebase a previous article posted on the GetSmart Blog giving an overview and Intro to Indexing and Reindexing

KB 1160 | 16 Oct 2018

Enterprise Search Default Indexes 2 of 3

Enterprise Search adding to Knowledgebase a previous article posted on the GetSmart Blog giving an Overview to Default Indexes

KB 1161 | 16 Oct 2018

Enterprise Search Stop Words 3 of 3

Enterprise Search adding to Knowledgebase a previous article posted on the GetSmart Blog giving an Overview to Stop Words and Tuning.

KB 1162 | 16 Oct 2018

Windows Client and Browser Licensing (Campus)

Windows Client and Browser Licensing

KB 1126 | 16 Oct 2018

MYOB Greentree Support Handbook

This handbook is effective from March 2018 and should be used as a Guide for working with MYOB Greentree Support. Includes an outline of procedures for working with Support and Salesforce.

KB 1146 | 23 Mar 2018

Quote Email Template Set-up (Campus)

Quote Email Template Set-up

KB 1145 | 23 Mar 2018

eXchange EDI Setup (Campus)

eXchange EDI Setup

KB 1144 | 23 Mar 2018

Data Dictionary (Campus)

Data Dictionary

KB 1142 | 23 Mar 2018

Browser Client Installation Guide (Campus)

Browser Client Installation Guide

KB 1141 | 23 Mar 2018

Jade ini File References (Campus)

Jade ini File References

KB 1140 | 23 Mar 2018

Greentree and Firewalls (Campus)

Greentree and Firewalls

KB 1139 | 23 Mar 2018

Packman 4.30 (Campus)

Packman 4.30

KB 1137 | 22 Mar 2018

Database Administration (Campus)

Database Administration

KB 1136 | 22 Mar 2018

Performance (Campus)


KB 1107 | 22 Mar 2018

Jade 6.3 Environment Guide (Campus)

Jade 6.3 Environment Guide

KB 1135 | 22 Mar 2018

Peer Schema and Print & Task Manager Redesign (Campus)

Peer Schema and Print & Task Manager Redesign

KB 1133 | 22 Mar 2018

Jade 7 Environment Guide (Campus)

Jade 7 Environment Guide

KB 1132 | 22 Mar 2018

Check for Duplicate Keys (Campus)

Check for Duplicate Keys

KB 1131 | 22 Mar 2018

Technical Guide (Campus)

Technical Guide

KB 1130 | 22 Mar 2018

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