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Checking balances and transactions for GL group accounts

Use the Group button in GL Account Maintenance or Enquiry to see balances and transactions for a group of accounts. A group is made up of accounts that have one or more matching segments.

In this example, the chart has three accounts where at least one segment is matching.

GL group accounts 1.png

Checking balances

  1. On the Balances tab, enter wildcards * in the segments that are not the same.

  2. Select the Calendar year you want to report on.

  3. Click Group. This displays balances for the total of all accounts matching the details entered for the selected year.

    GL group accounts 2.png

Checking transactions

Having grouped some accounts, on the Transactions tab you can see all the transactions for those accounts for a selected period or periods

To have the transactions displayed matching your selection criteria, click Apply. For example, this screenshot shows there are transactions for accounts 10.10.1000 and 20.10.1000.

GL group accounts 3.png

Often, auditors request all transactions for all accounts for the year they are auditing. Providing this is quick and easy:

  1. On the Transactions tab, enter wildcards * in all segments of the GL account.

  2. Click Group.

    GL group accounts 4.png
  3. Right-click the table and choose Send …to clipboard.

  4. Paste the transactions into Microsoft Excel.



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