2024.2 release notes
With the 2024.2 release, we’ve simplified how you manage Job Cost activity code groups, introduced a system script for finding incorrectly formatted email addresses, and streamlined the process for entering purchase order receipts.
We’ve also updated a few forms to include more useful information and addressed a range of issues identified in previous versions.
Upgrade requirements
For 2024.2 systems that use WebView, new VRD files are mandatory.
Zip up the current contents of the WebView directory which contains the cgi-bin and vrd folders used by the production system, retain them in a secure location.
Extract the Webview2024.2.7z file to a natural location. It will contain new vrd and cgi-bin directories.
Copy the newly extracted vrd directory to the WebView directory of your production system, replacing existing folder and files with the same name.
Do not override the files in the WebView cgi-bin directory – these contain vital configuration files.
New features
Choosing which activity groups are available for Job Cost activity codes
For administrators creating activity code groups, it’s now easier to add the right activity codes to an activity code group. Instead of wading through potentially hundreds of activity codes, you can select from a list of codes that are available specifically for that group.
Making an activity code available for a group
On the Main tab of the JC Activity Code Maintenance form, select the new Available for Activity Groups checkbox. This makes the new Activity Groups tab available. If you don’t select the checkbox, you can’t add the code to any groups.

On the Activity Groups tab, select the required groups for this activity code.

Updated activity code group maintenance form
As part of this change, the JC Activity Code Group Maintenance form now only shows codes that have been made available for a group. We’ve also made the screen look and work like other maintenance forms.

Easily finding email addresses that use the wrong format
Earlier in 2024, we improved how Greentree validates that email addresses are correct.
To support that improvement, we’ve added a new system script, Email addresses - validate. This script creates a CSV file that highlights email addresses in Greentree that don’t follow the required format.
Administrators can set the required format in the Regular expression field on the Email tab of the General System Preferences form.
Inventory – Always using supplier lead time when reordering
You can now choose how lead time is selected for basic reordering. On the Options tab of the IN Module Control form, there are two options:
Use the greater of Supplier Details and Reorder Detail Lead Time
Always use lead time from Supplier Details.

Entering a purchase order automatically adds supplier details
We’ve streamlined the process for selecting purchase orders and suppliers on the PO Receipt Entry form.
If you know the purchase order number you need, enter it in the new PO No. field. This automatically enters the supplier details for that purchase order and takes you to the Select Order tab where the purchase order is automatically selected.

If you start by entering the supplier’s details, then the PO No. field lets you choose a purchase order for that supplier. Selecting a purchase order takes you to the Select Order tab where the purchase order is automatically selected.

Other improvements
On the HR Employee Maintenance form, the First Name field now lists employees alphabetically by first name and surname. If two employees have the same first name and surname, they’re sorted by code.
We’ve added a WIP Amount column to the View Jobs form.
We’ve added a Source Narration column to the JC Sales Split form. This gives you an easy way to split costs based on a timesheet narration.
Security improvement – Advanced Password Management length and complexity settings now apply to Webstore Customer credentials and WebView credentials for customers, salespeople, suppliers and temporary users.
We’ve made behind-the-scenes changes to help keep reports accurate and consistent.
To control which users have access to Query Designer Extract Management, administrators can now select or deselect Extract Management from the Menu Security tab of the User Preferences form.
On the Bulk Convert HR Employees form, we’ve added the option to select a range of employees and an option to exclude inactive employees.
Resolved issues
Greentree Desktop
Issue IDs | Description |
00013237 | The IN Reorder Report was showing the lead time as the higher of supplier details or reorder detail lead time. This has been resolved. For more information, see the “Inventory – Always using supplier lead time when reordering” section above. |
00013462 | When running the System Menu Security Report system script as XML or PDF files, a 1025 error would occur: “Already in transaction state -”. This has been resolved. You now have to preview the report in Greentree, then you can choose to save the preview as an XML or PDF file. |
00007491 | Creating or deleting users could take a long time. Sometimes an error could occur: “There was a problem creating this user. Please delete the user and recreate. Deadlock.” This has been resolved. |
00010339 | On the FA Module Control form, an error could occur: “An error has occurred (14008) Invalid property value .” This occurred if the selected analysis group didn’t have a description on the FA Analysis Group Maintenance form. This has been resolved. To prevent the issue from occurring again, you can no longer create an analysis group without a description or delete a description from an existing analysis group. |
N/A | There were issues with ensuring that long first names, surnames and usual names were the same between linked HR Employees, JC Employees and CRM Contacts. These have been resolved. |
00013381 | If you changed the tax percentage on a GL standing transaction line, processing the transaction reverted the percentage back to the rate specified in the tax code. To address the issue, you can no longer edit the Tax % field on transaction lines. |
00013628 | Scheduled emails were being sent at the wrong time. This has been resolved. |
00006560 | When viewing general ledger accounts for a different company to the current company, the HR Employee Maintenance form would incorrectly display employees from the second company. Trying to load an employee from the second company caused a 14008 error, “Invalid property value”. This has been resolved. |
N/A | Errors could occur when importing a Query Designer full extract if dynamic properties with the same name already existed in the system. This has been resolved. |
00013511 | When emailing payslips, a 100000 error could occur: “Exception of type ‘System.OutOfMemoryException’ was thrown.” This has been resolved. |
N/A | When running a data view for data like exchange rates and delivery addresses, no results were shown. This has been resolved. |
00013562 | In reports, the search feature wasn’t working properly. This has been resolved. |
N/A | The Employee Leave Balances form wouldn’t display properly if you opened it on a second computer monitor. This has been resolved. |
00013676 | When running the Protected Earnings Report for unpaid pay, you’d get an error: “An error has occurred (1090) Attempted access via null object reference.” This has been resolved. |
N/A | When entering a non-stock line for a quote, no default cost value was automatically applied to the line. The Hold Cost option also wasn’t working as it should when revising quotes. These issues have been resolved. |
00013363 | When printing the AR Sales Analysis by Customer report, an error could occur: “An error has occurred (4033) Result of expression overflows Decimal precision.” This has been resolved. |
00013471 | If an ETP code was updated after a final pay, the original code was being sent to the ATO instead of the updated code. This has been resolved. |
00013448 | When modifying a requisition, the Requisition Entry form incorrectly allowed line quantities to be zero. This has been resolved. |
C331000 | On the IN Transaction Entry form, the Serial/Lot button was unavailable when selecting the first line in a previously saved transaction from a closed period. This has been resolved. |
00013668 | When searching in a report, the Find function was only showing results that appeared in later pages and lines, not in earlier ones. This has been resolved. |
00013407 | For New Zealand companies, updating an employees standard hours per pay could cause an error: “An error has occurred (1090) Attempted access via null object reference.” This has been resolved. |
00013696 | The Expected payment date setting (which determines which tax scales are applied to the PAYE calculation) only worked in Australian companies. This has been resolved. Now, the setting also works for New Zealand companies. There are two variations available for setting the expected payment date. |
Issue IDs | Description |
N/A | On the eDoc Expense Receipt form, if you didn’t set a supplier and you changed the expense type, you could get an error: “An error has occurred (1090) Attempted access via null object reference.” This has been resolved. |
00013474 | When a Purchase Order (PO) line was matched to a scraped line with zero quantity, the sell rate was not being calculated. This has been resolved. |