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Running leave reports for a historic date

MYOB Exo Payroll has reports that show the employee's current leave entitlements. The Leave Balances report will give the current balance and value of the different leave types.

MYOB Exo Payroll is not designed to store historical leave balances. This means that when the Leave Balances report is run, the balance amounts are pulled from the employees current balance which is stored in Employee Maintenance.

Any report that includes leave balances, such as Payslips, when run for a historical date will reflect the current leave balance stored in Employee Maintenance.

If the reports are to be run as of a certain date then a restore of a backup of the company data will need to be done. The backup being restored must be from the desired period that the reports are to be run for. To restore the historical data, the backup can be restored into the current company folder or to a new company folder.

To restore data using the current company

You can also read how to back up data and restore data.

  1. Do a Backup of the current company data; note the time this backup was created as this data will need to be restored in the last step.
  2. Restore the required backup from the correct period. To make sure the data restored is from the correct period: Go to the Pay menu, choose Current Pay and verify the dates.
  3. Run the Leave Balances report or any other desired report for the intended employees.
  4. When the reports have been completed, Restore the backup of your current data created in Step One.
To restore data using a separate company install
  1. Add a New company from the Login screen
  2. Restore the required backup from the correct period. To make sure the data restored is from the correct period: Go to the Pay menu, choose Current Pay and verify the dates.
  3. Run the Leave Balances report or any other desired report for the intended employees.
  4. When the reports have been completed, Delete the new company created in Step One. (It is advised to delete this extra company because it will affect the Registration details used during the Registration process each year).

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You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.

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