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Known issue (resolved): Standard pay values appearing in reports when a report is run by physical date (Australia)

The following issue has been identified and subsequently replicated by MYOB Support in AU Exo Payroll version 2012.01.


When an Employees Standard pay superannuation records are updated and the Standard pay is not saved a physical pay date is recorded in the tables for that employee's standard pay line. As a result, any reports run by physical pay date are including the employees standard pay amounts in the report which is incorrect and will affect report balances.

The effects of having a physical pay date in the standard pay may include:

  • PAYG for BAS report and Payroll Tax reports not balancing with the Trial Balance Report.
  • Terminated employees showing in reports run by physical pay date.
To replicate the issue
  1. Go into an employee's Standard pay in Employee Maintenance.
  2. Choose Superannuation.
  3. Open a Superannuation item and either edit it in anyway or delete a superannuation and add a new superannuation item.
  4. Choose to save the changes made.
  5. Choose to save the Superannuation's screen.
  6. Choose to Exit out of the standard pay screen and not the Save option.



  • Go into the affected employees and choose to 'Save' the Standard pay, this will remove the date from the payroll tables.
  • Contact your support provider to remove the physical dates from the payroll tables for all employees affected.
If you click the Save button in the Standard pay screen instead of choosing the Exit button the physical pay date will not be written to the payroll tables.


Currently escalated to Development via Problem Ticket # 12181459720. Issue resolved in release version 2012.02.

Need more help? You can open the online help by pressing F1 on your keyboard while in your software.

You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.

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