Known issue (resolved): Employment termination payment report showing incorrect information for some employees (Australia)
The following issue has been identified but not replicated by MYOB Support in the Australian release of Exo Employer Services version 2013.01.
Support have confirmed that the Employment Termination Payment report (ETP) may have incorrect data if the termination data has been corrupted. This issue has not been replicated by support but may affect sites that have ETP termination records.
To verify if this issue is affecting your company, check that the figures showing for each employee in the ETP FY 2012/13 Update utility match the figures showing for each employee in the Employment Termination Payment report.
To resolve this issue please contact your designated Exo Employer Services Support Partner. The MYOB Business Partner may need to login remotely to fix the data corruption.
For MYOB Certified consultants
To resolve this issue the terminat table key field will need to be adjusted and the nextkey table updated.
Service Management Record 11577998696 has been created for this issue and has been resolved in the 2013.02 service pack release.
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