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Known issue 2018.03: RDO units not posting as expected from Time and Attendance to EXO Payroll

The following issue has been identified and subsequently replicated by MYOB Exo Employer Services Support in Exo Time and Attendance version 2018.03 for Australia.


Support has confirmed that when posting 'RDO' exception details from Exo Time and Attendance, the field and format posted differs from what users might expect.

Adding "Rostered Day Off taken" via Time and Attendance presents user with three quantity fields. The only field that Posts to Payroll is “EXO Time and Attendance Hours to Count”, using the format Hours.Minutes. 


System can be used to Post successfully, provided user is aware of how the fields work. The amount of RDO to pay is entered via the RDO Exception “Generate Units” button (with default values set via the Maintenance / Exceptions screen). Three fields are available:

  • Payroll Units to Pay
  • Payroll Units to Reduce Entitlement
  • Exo Time and Attendance Hours to Count

In the 2018.03 version - on Posting to Exo Payroll:

  • The first two fields are ignored.
  • “Exo Time and Attendance Hours to Count” units are transferred to the current pay RDO “Hours to Reduce” field.
  • This reduces the employee’s entitlement and generates a corresponding “RDO Entitlement” wage line that pays the amount taken.
  • The units format can sometimes cause confusion. Using example of an employee taking 7h 36m, this should appear in Payroll as 7.60 hours (i.e. decimal format), but must be entered as 7.36 in “Exo Time and Attendance Hours to Count” (ie Hours.Minutes format).


This issue has been progressed through to Product Management via parent ticket 165752168258 for resolution in a future

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