Known issue 2017.03: Salary or wage amount missing from pay following switch from salary to wage remuneration (New Zealand)
The following issue has been identified and subsequently replicated by MYOB Exo Employer Services Support in the New Zealand release of Exo Payroll 2017.03.
Support has confirmed that if an employee is changed from Salary to Wage (or back) while a pay is open, and that pay is then "updated" without viewing or editing, this can result in a zero salary amount, without altering "PAYE" and "Paid Direct Credit" figures (so leaving Net Pay as a negative figure).
After changing someone from Salary to Wage (or back) a message is displayed explaining that standard pay and current pay salary (or wages) will be deleted. If the standard and current pay for the employee is then opened to check or edit Wage or Salary details, there will be no issue.
This issue has been progressed through to Product Management via parent ticket 144876881014.
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