Known issue 2017.03: Error when running a report with manually entered cost centres longer than 10 digits (New Zealand)
The following issue has been identified and replicated by MYOB Exo Support in the New Zealand release of Exo Payroll and Exo Time and Attendance version 2017.03.
Support have confirmed that if a Cost Centre code that is longer than 10 digits is manually entered in the 'From' and 'To' fields in the Selection Ranges section of the reports then errors occur when running the reports.
Cost Centres that are 10 digits or less in length can be manually entered in the 'From' and 'To' fields in the Selection Ranges section and the reports run ok.
Click on the ellipse button (...) then select the Cost Centres and the reports work fine, even if the Cost Centres are over 10 digits in length.
This issue has been progressed to Product Development under Service Request 143635657858 for resolution in a future release.
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