Known issue 2016.01: Moving through employees in the pay list (New Zealand)
The following issue has been identified and replicated by MYOB Support in the New Zealand release of Exo Employer Services version 2016.01.
When moving through employees using the 'Next' followed by the 'Find' option the software is not following the expected path.
If selecting employee 1 from the pay list and then clicking 'Next' to go to employee 2 and so on there is no problem.
If however 'Find' is used while on employee 2 screen to open employee 20 screen and next is selected, the screen will display the next employee in the list after employee 2 instead of moving on from employee 20.
There is no current workaround.
This issue has been progressed to Product Development under Service Request 130350207640 for resolution in a future release.
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