Known issue 2015.03: RDO units change after being imported from MyStaffInfo (Australia)
The following issue has been identified and subsequently replicated by MYOB Exo Employer Services Support in the Australian release of Exo Payroll 2015.03.
Support has confirmed that when "Rostered Day Off" hours to pay are entered over two or more days in MyStaffInfo, Exo Payroll can sometimes re-calculate and pay a greater number of hours than intended.
Following import from MSI, RDOs entered "per day" appear as separate "RDO Entitlement" wage lines in Exo Payroll . Accessing and "Saving" the Leave Management screen can cause these wage line hours to re-calculate. The same situation applies to importing from a "Timetran" file that has multiple lines for RDO.
There is no issue when RDOs for one pay period are entered as one item.
"RDO Entitlement" wage lines can be amended via the Leave Management screen. Simply delete whatever figure exists, save, and then re-key and save the required number of hours for the pay period.
This issue has been progressed through to Product Management via parent ticket 131013905994 for resolution in a future release.
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